The lists of Black Serial and Spree Killers used to be readily accessible...until Obongo / Holder came on board with their agenda to scrub the internet of THE TRUTH about Negro Crime.Cannonpointer » 25 May 2022, 9:43 pm » wrote: ↑ That's correct. The myth is that serial killers are overwhelmingly white. But blacks, who represent 14% of the population, make up 20% of serial killers.
They are also over represented in mass-killings - a different criminal demographic. They would be even MORE over-represented, if they were better shots. But they lways have to try that **** hollywood sideways crap, so most of thier intended mass homicides fail.
Here is an excerpt from a piece in Scientific American: ... t-excerpt/
Myth #2: All Serial Killers Are Caucasian.
Reality: Contrary to popular mythology, not all serial killers are white. Serial killers span all racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. The racial diversity of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population. There are well documented cases of African-American, Latino and Asian-American serial killers. African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total. Significantly, however, only white, and normally male, serial killers such as Ted Bundy become popular culture icons.
Here's a LOCAL news story about a black mass killer who targeted whites. It didn't get big play the national news because it didn't fit the narrative that whites are the problem when it comes to maass shootings: ... in-prison/
"didn't fit the narrative"Cannonpointer » 25 May 2022, 9:43 pm » wrote: ↑ That's correct. The myth is that serial killers are overwhelmingly white. But blacks, who represent 14% of the population, make up 20% of serial killers.
They are also over represented in mass-killings - a different criminal demographic. They would be even MORE over-represented, if they were better shots. But they lways have to try that **** hollywood sideways crap, so most of thier intended mass homicides fail.
Here is an excerpt from a piece in Scientific American: ... t-excerpt/
Myth #2: All Serial Killers Are Caucasian.
Reality: Contrary to popular mythology, not all serial killers are white. Serial killers span all racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. The racial diversity of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population. There are well documented cases of African-American, Latino and Asian-American serial killers. African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total. Significantly, however, only white, and normally male, serial killers such as Ted Bundy become popular culture icons.
Here's a LOCAL news story about a black mass killer who targeted whites. It didn't get big play the national news because it didn't fit the narrative that whites are the problem when it comes to maass shootings: ... in-prison/
The white ones tend to not get caught for longer periods.Cannonpointer » 25 May 2022, 9:43 pm » wrote: ↑ That's correct. The myth is that serial killers are overwhelmingly white. But blacks, who represent 14% of the population, make up 20% of serial killers.
They are also over represented in mass-killings - a different criminal demographic. They would be even MORE over-represented, if they were better shots. But they lways have to try that **** hollywood sideways crap, so most of thier intended mass homicides fail.
Here is an excerpt from a piece in Scientific American: ... t-excerpt/
Myth #2: All Serial Killers Are Caucasian.
Reality: Contrary to popular mythology, not all serial killers are white. Serial killers span all racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. The racial diversity of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population. There are well documented cases of African-American, Latino and Asian-American serial killers. African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total. Significantly, however, only white, and normally male, serial killers such as Ted Bundy become popular culture icons.
Here's a LOCAL news story about a black mass killer who targeted whites. It didn't get big play the national news because it didn't fit the narrative that whites are the problem when it comes to maass shootings: ... in-prison/
Yeah, they went to see the wizard.
They forgot to list; San ***!GHETTOBLASTER » 25 May 2022, 9:58 pm » wrote: ↑ They also "lead the league" in other categories too....
Countries ranked by People practicing open defecation (% of population) (
Whites are under-represented mathematically - but over-represented by the wall street media, fox inclusiverighteous » 26 May 2022, 8:06 am » wrote: ↑ Most Serial Killers Are Black - American Renaissance (
America had the largest number of serial killers in the decade of the 1980s. Whites were 83 percent of the population, yet were only 53 percent of mass murderers. Blacks were just 11 percent of the population, but were nearly 37 percent of serial killers.
In the first half of this decade, 60 percent of serial killers were black, while only 30 percent were white. Blacks have been the outright majority of serial killers since 1990.
Over 67 percent of the victims of serial killers have been white, and 37 percent have been white women. Blacks are disproportionately overrepresented at 24 percent of victims.
The stereotype of the white serial killer is false. So is that of the white mass shooter; whites are underrepresented among mass shooters, and have been for years.
The next big serial killer film will undoubtedly have a white villain. Hollywood loves fantasy and hates race realism. A black serial killer would be too real.