The [[[GLOBALIST SOCIAL ENGINEERS]]] HIGH FIVE EACH OTHER AND LAUGH whenever they see the product of their mind control campaigns [brainwashed Goyim like you] prove that their work is paying off....Monderegal » 11 Jun 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: ↑ According to Ian Bremmer 20.8% of gen Z identify as LGBT. Am I missing something here? Are kids bi now at a higher rate? Are that many kids forgoing marriage and the traditional family? LGBT equality is something I have evolved with as Obama said his beliefs were moving towards. I guess we all knew that we would become more accepting as we were exposed to the issue. But are we also encouraging the identification? Is it some sort of trend now? Tweet with statistics here. The number has increased from 2.6% for boomers to 4.2% for Gen X to 10.5% for millennials.
I was pro-gay rights (stopping short on the gay marriage and gay adoption issues) for decades - right up until the court shoved gay marrige down our throats, and I quickly recognized the que of pedos and gender-flouters lined up wearing their my-turn tees. Then I changed my tune - I recognized my error.Monderegal » 11 Jun 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: ↑ According to Ian Bremmer 20.8% of gen Z identify as LGBT. Am I missing something here? Are kids bi now at a higher rate? Are that many kids forgoing marriage and the traditional family? LGBT equality is something I have evolved with as Obama said his beliefs were moving towards. I guess we all knew that we would become more accepting as we were exposed to the issue. But are we also encouraging the identification? Is it some sort of trend now? Tweet with statistics here. The number has increased from 2.6% for boomers to 4.2% for Gen X to 10.5% for millennials.
Cannonpointer » 11 Jun 2022, 10:48 am » wrote: ↑ I was pro-gay rights (stopping short on the gay marriage and gay adoption issues) for decades - right up until the court shoved gay marrige down our throats, and I quickly recognized the que of pedos and gender-flouters lined up wearing their my-turn tees. Then I changed my tune - I recognized my error.
This was my error - an error common to liberals and conservatives, alike, in the United States: I was hyper-focused on INDIVIDUAL rights, to the exclusion of SOCIETAL rights and social responsibilities. Unless and until one recognizes that society AS society has some rights (or at least, interests - and the power to enforce those interests, even when they conflict with individual rights), one cannot fully comprehend the issues in play. And that was my failing, when I opposed enforcement of sodomy laws.
Consider eminent domain laws. They are uniformly enforced against the rights and interests of citizens. Yet the Founders saw the necessity of reserving to the government the power to enforce eminent domain. The same thing they were protecting (the vital interests of the collective over the rights of a few individuals) is what sodomy laws used to protect - and should again.
You obviously haven't been paying attention these past few years.....the 'identification' is very much being encouraged... and it is a trend.. a scary one... but then again, it is clown world....Monderegal » 11 Jun 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: ↑
....Am I missing something here? ....But are we also encouraging the identification? Is it some sort of trend now?...
JinnMartini » 11 Jun 2022, 11:11 am » wrote: ↑ +/- 1 am here.
Good night, morning, afternoon, evening . . . to everyone . . . wherever you might be !
OOOO. this drug put me in the ER. sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim or something very close.GHETTOBLASTER » 11 Jun 2022, 11:20 am » wrote: ↑ The anal reconstructive surgery business is booming..!
Gay bowel syndrome - Conservapedia
Certain enteric ailments are particularly common among homosexual men. They are primarily infectious diseases and include not only such common venereal diseases as gonorrhea and syphilis but also infections not usually regarded as being sexually transmitted. Among the latter are shigellosis, salmonellosis, giardiasis, and amebiasis. Patients' symptoms are non-specific and seldom helpful in diagnosing particular diseases. The practitioner must be prepared to identify a number of infections with similar presentations that may occur singly or together in gay men. Gonorrhea is probably the most common bacterial infection in gay men. Carriage rates as high as 50% have been reported, and extra-genital carriage is common; this necessitates culturing the urethra, rectum, and pharynx. Procaine penicillin G is the treatment of choice for most patients; spectinomycin is probably the drug of choice in penicillin-sensitive patients. In contrast to other venereal diseases, syphilis may have a characteristic protoscopic presentation. Benzathine penicillin G is the treatment of choice for most patients. Lymphogranuloma venereum causes penile lesions and inguinal lymphadenitis in heterosexual men, whereas homosexual men are more prone to proctitis. The disease may mimic Crohn's disease. Recommended treatment includes tetracycline or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. Shigellosis usually presents as an acute diarrheal illness. Patients generally require only supportive treatment with fluids. Herpes simplex viral infection is difficult to diagnose and has several different presentations, including lumbosacral radiculomyelopathy. Symptomatic treatment with sitz baths, anesthetic ointment, and analgesics is recommended. Venereal warts are believed to be caused by the same virus that causes verrucous warts; they are usually found in the anal canal or around the anal orifice. They are commonly treated with 25% podophyllin solution. Parasitic infections include giardiasis, amebiasis, and pinworm infections. Metronidazole may be used in the treatment of symptomatic giardiasis and amebiasis, but it is not approved for the former indication; quinacrine is approved for giardiasis. Pinworm infestation may be treated with pyrantel pamoate or mebendazole. Cure of enteric diseases in homosexual men must be documented.
I NEVER was pro-gay !
and most of my adult life I figured it was nature's way of sterilizing fertile people from reproducing attracted to others having the same behavior. A brain can out navigate collective ideology all the time because the collective ideology only follows one track mantra, not adapts to evolving here now as one of a kind..Jinn Martini » 11 Jun 2022, 11:33 am » wrote: ↑ I NEVER was pro-gay !
I ALWAYS could have killed them all wherever I found them !
However there's a dark side to my life !
When I took the side of Palestinians, after what I now call the purification ritual of Sabra and Shatila., in Gaza !
I was wrong and took part to demonstrations in favor of those bastard terrorists !
The Israelis should have left no survivors !
Not that I like jews . . . . it's just fun when muzzies and jewzzies slaughter each other !
I ws all about individul rights - blinded by a tautology. Tranny Story Hour will wake a **** up from that, or nothing will - and they need to be harvested for useful organs and used for fuel.JinnMartini » 11 Jun 2022, 11:33 am » wrote: ↑ I NEVER was pro-gay !
I ALWAYS could have killed them all wherever I found them !
However there's a dark side to my life !
When I took the side of Palestinians, after what I now call the purification ritual of Sabra and Shatila., in Gaza !
I was wrong and took part to demonstrations in favor of those bastard terrorists !
The Israelis should have left no survivors !
Not that I like jews . . . . it's just fun when muzzies and jewzzies slaughter each other !
Monderegal » 11 Jun 2022, 11:12 am » wrote: ↑ Well I think you are right to distinguish between society and the individual. I also think sodomy laws probably are more individually oriented. The Supreme Court decisions dealing with gay rights are also somewhat convoluted given they are on the shaky legal ground of Roe v. Wade. Perhaps they also might be overturned too.
My wife and I are expecting another kid. That’s why I’ve been away. Both triple vaxxed and potent as ****.Cannonpointer » 11 Jun 2022, 11:52 am » wrote: ↑ Roe has not been overturned yet. They're just toying with us.
And Roe being overturned is a coverup, anyway. Abortion clinics are already about to be thing of the past due to obsolescence. Spike proteins from the jab have sterilized over half the population. Birth rates are going to plummet in coming years, and infant mortality is going to soar. Lab rattery is not without consequence.
Gay rights WILL be overturned - always are. Generally, the agent of overturn is lord of the flies type ****. Which is a cyclical reality: blood makes the grass grow.
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind. Can't you smell that smell?
Uh huh. An internet baby.Pastafarian » 11 Jun 2022, 12:08 pm » wrote: ↑ My wife and I are expecting another kid. That’s why I’ve been away. Both triple vaxxed and potent as ****.
Keep on your speculating. I’m sure you’ll get something right one day, ***.
You have not "been away"...Pastafarian » 11 Jun 2022, 12:08 pm » wrote: ↑ My wife and I are expecting another kid. That’s why I’ve been away. Both triple vaxxed and potent as ****.
Keep on your speculating. I’m sure you’ll get something right one day, ***.