You still perceive a strange phenomenon among the modern leftist...which is their performative horror at children being killed.
But if you think about it...what is that even based on? what within the heart of the leftist can possibly condemn the 'individual choice' of a human to kill children? why not let them live their truth? why do you care what they do in the privacy of their own classroom? how does it hurt you? Show me your scientific study that proves that something is bad about killing children!
indeed...i would imagine that in their secret heart...a leftist would admire a school shooter if that killer declared that he only killed children for the sake of sexual excitement. The only bad motive that there could be for murder is racism. Otherwise, it is simply a very late term abortion.
disliking racism, however, does seem to be the single last shred of objective morality that is left in the leftist brain.
but might object that the children did not consent to be involved in your sexual fantasy...but consent is a spectrum, isnt it? just like biological sex exists on a spectrum, just like there are no pure races on earth....consent can be mixed with hints of curiosity and excitement. The child, penetrated with the bullet, can feel an emotion similar in many ways to orgasmic sexual pleasure. and some part of the child, if the child chooses to give up on old fashioned patriarchal ideals like 'death is bad'....could indeed learn to enjoy her own death.
so overall...why should we be racist against the noble school shooter? why should police harrass a paerson for simply deciding to kill children? how is that equity?
I realize that a 'normal' person will find me line of reasoning quite dark and perhaps...satanic.
but i am merely using my experience with the psyche of the leftist to report what would be consistent in their weltanshuung. This literally is the world that they live in...and the mosre time goes on, the more these dark and insane attitudes will manifest.
They only object to school shootings today out of habit. it is based on no moral foundation and no philosophical axiom. as their habits become a more distant memory, they will be perfectly willing to build monuments celebrating the great school shooters...their sainthood will be elevated to the level of george floyd...merely because these heroes were hated by straight white men who cling to traditional concepts of morality.