Annoyed Liberall » 13 Jun 2022, 2:54 pm » wrote: ↑
It would be fun to learn a little more about one another as people, and not just our political beliefs.
Let's all share some fun facts about ourselves.
1. I am related to the Kennedy's.
2. I can talk backwards.
3. I am a published author.
Feel free to ask me any questions.
Keep it nice please.
No dick swinging or name calling.
Doesn't surprise me about your list. I like being a social nobody special and yet made myself an exception to the social norm. I don't like getting off balance and most people think I do talk backwards using language for its original use, simple conversation between brains sharing space occupying time.
I get mad when people tell me I cannot understand molecular migration and yet I don't understand why everyone else says nobody can when adapting to the moment is a cycle displaced by molecular migration in a universal moment what does exist never stays what it was since its origin. First time I was introduced to the concept of thermodynamic laws I couldn't believe relative time logistics completely since that event. My brain wanders at the wonders of life and I discovered things that just keep me away from people always wishing life was more than all it ever was.
I don't fit in collective mentalities, yet I do recognize my equal position proportionately alive which means I am never alone being me, myself, and I. I get angry at people's behavior, their genetic displacement is just that, another lifetime occupying time inhabiting space, but I do detect every psychological use of language keeping everyone doubting why they exist in real time.
I watch and listen how people use the means to communicate in the art of subliminal persuasion. I even learned how to counter it when others are doing it.
why I get put on ignore. People that need to control won't tolerate anyone they cannot control with power of suggestion. makes me very unpopular, but since when are persons leading their own time popular among those role playing leaderships and fellowships to social ordered outcomes forward each generation here now.
Everything else about me is standard issue reproduction, flaws and all. I am boring to those trying to conquer kinetic natural balancing.
question, isn't this another water cooler thread? but I see how you are using it politically luring people into giving away information to be used against them later.
fun fact, the Deepwater Horizon event, I was E-mailing my congressman at the time and his staff member working the email responses gave me the e-mail address for sending suggestions to the cleanup event and I proposed a simple plumbing trick to repair the damage no media covered it being used after 64 days I sent in the e-mail 23 days later it was sealed using the idea I sent in. As the smartass I had became since 2006 I signed the e-mail Nostradamus's One Male.
Never a thankyou for the idea nobody else thought of using for the first 64 days.