This moron actually believes people should be thankful for his "leadership", and it's only his message that's confusing people, even as the inflation rate hits another high last month of 8.6%. And the kicker that most people don't even realize is the fact that such a number DOESN'T EVEN INCLUDE THE RISING PRICES OF BOTH FOOD AND GAS, which of course are the items hit by the highest inflation. Food inflation went up over 10%, and energy went up a whopping 34%. We're beginning to see a pattern forming now where people who have to travel the national average of 32 miles per day to and from work or more are starting to realize that their job can often barely cover that new gas cost, and it's even worse when there are road and bridge tolls, car maintenance and auto insurance costs are added in. How much higher do gas prices have to rise before your wages are unable to even cover those costs alone and people realize they're left with pennies an hour after covering only their gas and food bill? How soon before people realize there's nothing left to pay their rent or mortgage, their phone bills, electric bills, prescription drugs, clothes for themselves and their kids, and of course, all the new taxes and healthcare costs that Biden has brought us?Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 7:23 am » wrote: ↑ Is he losing it?
President Joe Biden became irate during a Tuesday speech to the AFL-CIO, the largest confederation of union organizations in the United States.The passionate speech saw the embattled President list off his preferred excuses for the range of crises facing the nation under his administration, angrily denying responsibility for the dismal state of the American economy.
The president demanded his critics be silenced, claiming that criticism of reckless spending under his leadership amounted to ‘”lies.”
“We’re changing people’s lives!” insisted the 79-year-old.
That might be true, but those lives are not changing for the better; Biden’s presidency has resulted in the most severe decline in middle-class quality of life in decades.
Should Biden be removed from office?
Yes: 99% (2227 Votes)
No: 1% (23 Votes)
Biden repeated his signature “Putin price hike” excuse for the dismal state of the American energy market in the speech, declining to take responsibility for failing to deter Russia’s war on Ukraine or for devastating the production capacity of the American natural gas industry.
The stock market crashed yet again on Monday, erasing all of the gains made in the duration of Biden’s presidency, according to CNN.Inexplicably, Biden claimed that Americans have more savings than ever before under his tenure, ignoring the reality that a crumbling economy has devastated the 401k and investment savings of the average American.
In a speech colored with dishonesty, the President even claimed that America has been spared the worst of global inflation, even as the inflation rate in the United States outpaces other western developed countries.
That is because Trump mental issues was his ability to predict EXACTLY what would happen under a brandead biden marxist regime, ******...ScottMon » 15 Jun 2022, 7:42 am » wrote: ↑ I think its hilarious that Biden's mental issues are a problem but not Trumps.
THANK YOU! I've been asking around if folks have seen that NUT!!!!Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 8:15 am » wrote: ↑ That is because Trump mental issues was his ability to predict EXACTLY what would happen under a brandead biden marxist regime, ******...
Just shut up and listen...
Morning Glory!!!sootedupCyndi » 15 Jun 2022, 8:30 am » wrote: ↑ THANK YOU! I've been asking around if folks have seen that NUT!!!!
NUT NUT NUT. Look at him.
Yea.. When other leaders aren't laughing at him behind his back. I've seen of the looks they give him, at those meetings..Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 8:55 am » wrote: ↑ Morning Glory!!!![]()
Braindead, perverted, corrupt biden prertends no one can tell he is a braindead, perverted, corrupt biden...
LOL!Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 8:15 am » wrote: ↑ That is because Trump mental issues was his ability to predict EXACTLY what would happen under a brandead biden marxist regime, ******...
Just shut up and listen...
Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 7:23 am » wrote: ↑ Watch as Biden Shakes and Screams During AFL-CIO Speech
By Richard Moorhead June 14, 2022 at 3:32pm
Is he losing it?
President Joe Biden became irate during a Tuesday speech to the AFL-CIO, the largest confederation of union organizations in the United States.The passionate speech saw the embattled President list off his preferred excuses for the range of crises facing the nation under his administration, angrily denying responsibility for the dismal state of the American economy.
The president demanded his critics be silenced, claiming that criticism of reckless spending under his leadership amounted to ‘”lies.”
“We’re changing people’s lives!” insisted the 79-year-old.
That might be true, but those lives are not changing for the better; Biden’s presidency has resulted in the most severe decline in middle-class quality of life in decades.
Should Biden be removed from office?
Yes: 99% (2227 Votes)
No: 1% (23 Votes)
Biden repeated his signature “Putin price hike” excuse for the dismal state of the American energy market in the speech, declining to take responsibility for failing to deter Russia’s war on Ukraine or for devastating the production capacity of the American natural gas industry.
The stock market crashed yet again on Monday, erasing all of the gains made in the duration of Biden’s presidency, according to CNN.Inexplicably, Biden claimed that Americans have more savings than ever before under his tenure, ignoring the reality that a crumbling economy has devastated the 401k and investment savings of the average American.
In a speech colored with dishonesty, the President even claimed that America has been spared the worst of global inflation, even as the inflation rate in the United States outpaces other western developed countries.
According to Trending Economics, the current inflation rate in the entire European Economic Area is 8.1 percent. The most recent queried inflation rate in the United States is even higher at a whopping 8.6 percent.
But don’t expect a left-wing ‘fact checker’ service to call out Biden for saying something that is simply untrue. ... e797b6f715
I see the nasty little rat is still clinging top the many titted empress and her DNC LIES about Trump/Putin. **** idiot!!!
Yes. It's hilarious.ScottMon » 15 Jun 2022, 7:42 am » wrote: ↑ I think its hilarious that Biden's mental issues are a problem but not Trumps.
Buffalo » 15 Jun 2022, 8:15 am » wrote: ↑ That is because Trump mental issues was his ability to predict EXACTLY what would happen under a brandead biden marxist regime, ******...
Just shut up and listen...
Buffalo » 18 Jun 2022, 8:36 am » wrote: ↑ I read something interesting this morning, And Just Like That. . .. . .Democrats brought back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 depression, the 1968 race riots and the 1975 gas shortage All At The Same Time!
I'm surprised they didnt throw him under the bus already.roadkill » 18 Jun 2022, 8:40 am » wrote: ↑ The dems are the ones now that want Biden to go...he's killing their party.
sootedupCyndi » 18 Jun 2022, 8:43 am » wrote: ↑ I'm surprised they didnt throw him under the bus already.
You saw that insane looking **** in buffalos thread..
Pretend he gets ill and resign him away..
My God, then we would have to deal with the sloopy ho!!! November elections can't get here soon enough. Hopefully braindead biden will be muzzled and hamstrung by a repub House and Senate...sootedupCyndi » 18 Jun 2022, 8:43 am » wrote: ↑ I'm surprised they didnt throw him under the bus already.
You saw that insane looking **** in buffalos thread..
Pretend he gets ill and resign him away..
yea BUT? It's gonna be years coming out of the damage already done.Buffalo » 18 Jun 2022, 8:52 am » wrote: ↑ My God, then we would have to deal with the sloopy ho!!! November elections can't get here soon enough. Hopefully braindead biden will be muzzled and hamstrung by a repub House and Senate...