Recently I lashed out at some 'conservatives' which some may consider to be inappropriate.
No, i believe it is totally appropriate. Because i mainly blame these guys for the collapse of the USA.
it isnt actually that difficult to find people speaking quite honestly about taboo issues, and citing reliable sources.
this guy is an economics professor at a prestigious english university...and i suppose that the only reason he can speak on such issues and keep his job is because he in fact is not white.
regardless, if you have any intellectual curiosity at all, you can find such stuff. It isnt much more difficult than finding obscure **** about muskets in the 18th century. You may not find this on tucker carlson...but you are the ones whotry to take pride in not being lazy ****. You have no excuse for never taking a bit of extra effort.
but the story of america's decline is one of **** cowards...who COULD have known better....who SHOULD have known better, constantly being obsequious to idiotic brainwashed liberals, especially if they are female.
'please dont call me racist look ill agree to whatever program we need to uplift the black community...let us just also invade the enemies of israel!'
that is all you ever do. All you have ever done. Constantly conceding ground to the insane asylum because of your cowardice...your ridiculous fear of being called racist, homophobic, and most of all...the dreaded anti semite.
you cowards deserve the future you have created. I dont. **** you for this.