It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Judge Thomas

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16 Jun 2022 10:45 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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16 Jun 2022 10:45 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.

And let’s not forget: earlier this year, Justice Thomas failed to recuse himself from a case on this very subject. He was the only justice to vote against requiring that Trump White House records be turned over to the January 6 House Select Committee. Records that might have included texts from his wife.

Today would be a good day for Justice Thomas to announce that he’ll recuse himself from any more cases about the insurrection. Or we could bypass the honor system, pass my judicial ethics plan, and overhaul the broken recusal process.?
In case you haven’t been following the latest gory details about Ginni Thomas, here’s a quick run-down:
  • After the American people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Ginni Thomas was texting Donald Trump’s chief of staff with false theories about the election results and trying to give him pointers on how to pull off a coup.
  • She pressured 29 Arizona state lawmakers to overturn the state’s election results, defy the will of the voters, and hand their electoral votes to Trump.
  • And we JUST found out that she was emailing back and forth with one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman — who cooked up an unconstitutional scheme to try to get Mike Pence to single-handedly declare Trump the winner on January 6.
All this, and Justice Thomas still didn’t see fit to recuse himself — let alone disclose his connection to the issue at hand, or offer an explanation to the public for his decision.

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Can you go into detail about how she was going to make this happen...?
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16 Jun 2022 11:09 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.

And let’s not forget: earlier this year, Justice Thomas failed to recuse himself from a case on this very subject. He was the only justice to vote against requiring that Trump White House records be turned over to the January 6 House Select Committee. Records that might have included texts from his wife.

Today would be a good day for Justice Thomas to announce that he’ll recuse himself from any more cases about the insurrection. Or we could bypass the honor system, pass my judicial ethics plan, and overhaul the broken recusal process.?
In case you haven’t been following the latest gory details about Ginni Thomas, here’s a quick run-down:
  • After the American people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Ginni Thomas was texting Donald Trump’s chief of staff with false theories about the election results and trying to give him pointers on how to pull off a coup.
  • She pressured 29 Arizona state lawmakers to overturn the state’s election results, defy the will of the voters, and hand their electoral votes to Trump.
  • And we JUST found out that she was emailing back and forth with one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman — who cooked up an unconstitutional scheme to try to get Mike Pence to single-handedly declare Trump the winner on January 6.
All this, and Justice Thomas still didn’t see fit to recuse himself — let alone disclose his connection to the issue at hand, or offer an explanation to the public for his decision.

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I've got several Ginni Thomas stories among today's headlines (that I'm still compiling and will post later). But I agree. 

Fact is, even BEFORE the now obvious Ginni Thomas involvement in an attempted INSURRECTION, there were conflict of interest issues raised awhile back, when Thomas and Scalia were scampering off to right winged, Koch funded and Heritage Foundation think tanks. THAT should never have been.

Problem being there are no ethics guidelines for the one court where one would THINK ethics WOULD BE PARAMOUNT.  That needs to CHANGE.

'Layers of a rotten onion': Experts say Ginni Thomas​ looks like 'a full-fledged potential co-conspirator' -

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16 Jun 2022 11:14 pm
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Progressive upset that a black man succeeded in avoiding their attempted lynching. That is a butthurt that preparation H won't touch. 
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16 Jun 2022 11:15 pm
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B.See » 16 Jun 2022, 11:09 pm » wrote: I've got several Ginni Thomas stories among today's headlines (that I'm still compiling and will post later). But I agree. 

Fact is, even BEFORE the now obvious Ginni Thomas involvement in an attempted INSURRECTION, there were conflict of interest issues raised awhile back, when Thomas and Scalia were scampering off to right winged, Koch funded and Heritage Foundation think tanks. THAT should never have been.

Problem being there are no ethics guidelines for the one court where one would THINK ethics WOULD BE PARAMOUNT.  That needs to CHANGE.

'Layers of a rotten onion': Experts say Ginni Thomas​ looks like 'a full-fledged potential co-conspirator' -
Can you go into detail about how she was going to make this happen...?
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16 Jun 2022 11:17 pm
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Neo » 16 Jun 2022, 11:14 pm » wrote: Progressive upset that a black man succeeded in avoiding their attempted lynching. That is a butthurt that preparation H won't touch.

Nothing boils democrat blood like an uppity negro. 
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16 Jun 2022 11:21 pm
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Cannonpointer » 16 Jun 2022, 11:17 pm » wrote: Nothing boils democrat blood like an uppity negro.

Was it any coincidence that shortly after Bill Cosby became openly critical of the Black Gangsta Thug Cultcha a bunch of 70 year old rape victims "popped right out of the woodwork"...?
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16 Jun 2022 11:22 pm
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Nothing boils Democrats' blood like a HOUSE negro. The right called Obama an "uppity negro" and Democrats LOVED him.
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17 Jun 2022 12:57 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 16 Jun 2022, 10:45 pm » wrote: Can you go into detail about how she was going to make this happen...?
You're just a **** posting TROLL, so you don't get to ask me a fkng thing, bitch.
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17 Jun 2022 1:04 am
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B.See » 16 Jun 2022, 11:09 pm » wrote: I've got several Ginni Thomas stories among today's headlines (that I'm still compiling and will post later). But I agree. 

Fact is, even BEFORE the now obvious Ginni Thomas involvement in an attempted INSURRECTION, there were conflict of interest issues raised awhile back, when Thomas and Scalia were scampering off to right winged, Koch funded and Heritage Foundation think tanks. THAT should never have been.

Problem being there are no ethics guidelines for the one court where one would THINK ethics WOULD BE PARAMOUNT.  That needs to CHANGE.

'Layers of a rotten onion': Experts say Ginni Thomas​ looks like 'a full-fledged potential co-conspirator' -

Okay @razoo  I've got about fifty headlines from today alone, having to do with either the Jan 6 hearings, the insurrection and preliminary "tours" and/or Ginni Thomas. If you don't mind I'll post the latter here (plenty enough to go around):

Ginni Thomas emailed with ‘coup memo’ author John Eastman — and Jan. 6 committee has the receipts: report

'Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas' Petition Passes 230K Signatures

Jan. 6 committee finally zeroes in on Ginni Thomas — but will the Supreme Court? - Raw Story

Jan. 6 committee to seek Ginni Thomas testimony about efforts to overturn Trump's election loss

Clarence Thomas should resign over his wife’s efforts to overturn Trump loss, NJ lawmaker says - Raw Story

The Supreme Court is now in the middle of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Congress needs to respond

How Many Times Can Someone Pop Up in an Investigation Before They’re Asked in for Questioning? – Mother Jones

Ginni Thomas Subpoena Calls Grow Over John Eastman Jan. 6 Emails

Ginni Thomas’ involvement in January 6th shows we have a big problem with the Supreme Court | The Independent

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17 Jun 2022 1:35 am
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.

And let’s not forget: earlier this year, Justice Thomas failed to recuse himself from a case on this very subject. He was the only justice to vote against requiring that Trump White House records be turned over to the January 6 House Select Committee. Records that might have included texts from his wife.

Today would be a good day for Justice Thomas to announce that he’ll recuse himself from any more cases about the insurrection. Or we could bypass the honor system, pass my judicial ethics plan, and overhaul the broken recusal process.?
In case you haven’t been following the latest gory details about Ginni Thomas, here’s a quick run-down:
  • After the American people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Ginni Thomas was texting Donald Trump’s chief of staff with false theories about the election results and trying to give him pointers on how to pull off a coup.
  • She pressured 29 Arizona state lawmakers to overturn the state’s election results, defy the will of the voters, and hand their electoral votes to Trump.
  • And we JUST found out that she was emailing back and forth with one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman — who cooked up an unconstitutional scheme to try to get Mike Pence to single-handedly declare Trump the winner on January 6.
All this, and Justice Thomas still didn’t see fit to recuse himself — let alone disclose his connection to the issue at hand, or offer an explanation to the public for his decision.

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It feels like every day?

I haven’t heard a thing about this, ever.  

Stop with your news sources, they are driving you crazy. 
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17 Jun 2022 2:48 am
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election...
Eh, I thought that it was Trump who was behind the evil plot to overturn the election... but it was Ginni Thomas... damn, I didn't see that one coming...

So, does this mean you got her now?



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17 Jun 2022 9:19 am
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B.See » 17 Jun 2022, 12:57 am » wrote: You're just a **** posting TROLL, so you don't get to ask me a fkng thing, bitch.
So in others words you have no explanation for how she was going to "overturn" the election..especially no original thoughts for how that could be so... :rofl: 
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17 Jun 2022 12:05 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had lent her name and presence to a lecture series cosponsored by the liberal NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, an advocacy group that often argues before the high court in support of women's rights and abortion rights.

Ginsburg's involvement with the legal activist group, and recent outside activities by a conservative colleague, Justice Antonin Scalia, have touched off a debate over what kinds of extrajudicial appearances and contacts are appropriate for Supreme Court justices.  The code of conduct for the federal courts does not set clear rules for judges' involvement with advocacy groups. But it warns jurists to steer clear of outside legal activities that would "cast reasonable doubt on the capacity to decide impartially any issue that may come before" them.

Federal law says a judge or justice "shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."  Several legal experts say Ginsburg's ongoing affiliation with the legal activist group undercuts her appearance of impartiality. Ginsburg declined to comment and has refused to disqualify herself from any proceedings on the basis of her involvement in NOW or any other activist group.

Ginsburg's affiliation with the advocacy group raises issues similar to those prompted by Scalia's appearance last year before a group whose members oppose gay rights at the same time the court was weighing a landmark gay rights case.

Kathy Rodgers, president of the NOW legal defense fund, said Ginsburg's connection with the group should not raise questions about her impartiality as a Supreme Court justice.  "She is always very careful in her remarks," Rodgers said. However, Rodgers admitted that Justice Ginsburg is a welcome member and participant in NOW.  

Not only is Ginsburg a member, but she was a member of the board of the legal defense fund for a brief time in the 1970s, and also served on the group's advisory committee for judicial education. Still, Rodgers claimed there was no "alliance" between Ginsburg and the defense fund.  Rodgers said her group co-sponsored the Ginsburg lecture each year with the Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York.
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17 Jun 2022 12:54 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 16 Jun 2022, 10:45 pm » wrote: Can you go into detail about how she was going to make this happen...?

...if stephen breyer's wife had done what ginny t. was allegedly doing you trump/republican c@ck :o  suckers would be singing  :wah:   a whole different tune... word...  :rofl:   :die:   :wave:  
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17 Jun 2022 1:42 pm
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B.See » 17 Jun 2022, 12:57 am » wrote: You're just a **** posting TROLL, so you don't get to ask me a fkng thing, bitch.
YOU accuse me of **** Posting yet YOU are the **** PACKER  who can't go 24 hours without plunging your dick into another man's **** loaded bowel...!!!

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17 Jun 2022 2:01 pm
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razoo » 16 Jun 2022, 10:36 pm » wrote: Razoo,

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.

And let’s not forget: earlier this year, Justice Thomas failed to recuse himself from a case on this very subject. He was the only justice to vote against requiring that Trump White House records be turned over to the January 6 House Select Committee. Records that might have included texts from his wife.

Today would be a good day for Justice Thomas to announce that he’ll recuse himself from any more cases about the insurrection. Or we could bypass the honor system, pass my judicial ethics plan, and overhaul the broken recusal process.?
In case you haven’t been following the latest gory details about Ginni Thomas, here’s a quick run-down:
  • After the American people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Ginni Thomas was texting Donald Trump’s chief of staff with false theories about the election results and trying to give him pointers on how to pull off a coup.
  • She pressured 29 Arizona state lawmakers to overturn the state’s election results, defy the will of the voters, and hand their electoral votes to Trump.
  • And we JUST found out that she was emailing back and forth with one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman — who cooked up an unconstitutional scheme to try to get Mike Pence to single-handedly declare Trump the winner on January 6.
All this, and Justice Thomas still didn’t see fit to recuse himself — let alone disclose his connection to the issue at hand, or offer an explanation to the public for his decision.

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And for years we got blasted with the fake Russian collusion hoax.

Dry yer eyes ruse-oo and move on.
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17 Jun 2022 4:11 pm
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roadkill » 17 Jun 2022, 2:01 pm » wrote: And for years we got blasted with the fake Russian collusion hoax.

Dry yer eyes ruse-oo and move on.
For years we tried to be nice to these NWO brainwashed POS and explain the facts to them.
It's time now to give these truth hating traitors all the respect they have earned ...which is none....!!!!  :twisted:  
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sooted up Cyndi
17 Jun 2022 4:21 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 17 Jun 2022, 4:11 pm » wrote: For years we tried to be nice to these NWO brainwashed POS and explain the facts to them.
It's time now to give these truth hating traitors all the respect they have earned ...which is none....!!!!  Image

Dont worry about it.. shut down the grid and flatten the curve!! ;)  all will be well.
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17 Jun 2022 4:22 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 17 Jun 2022, 4:11 pm » wrote: For years we tried to be nice to these NWO brainwashed POS and explain the facts to them.
It's time now to give these truth hating traitors all the respect they have earned ...which is none....!!!!  Image

None it is.    :rofl:  
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Deezer Shoove
17 Jun 2022 4:23 pm
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B.See » 16 Jun 2022, 11:22 pm » wrote: Nothing boils Democrats' blood like a HOUSE negro. The right called Obama an "uppity negro" and Democrats LOVED him.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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