All about rational self-interest

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By Xavier_Onassis
21 Jun 2022 11:30 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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21 Jun 2022 11:30 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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21 Jun 2022 11:37 am
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Unions will eventually lead us to a workerless society. Without workers, there will be no unions.  Without unions, there will be less corruption and more freedom. 
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21 Jun 2022 12:03 pm
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How the Unions Killed Detroit
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31st Arrival
21 Jun 2022 1:35 pm
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha rational means abbreviate the whole into fractionalized compartmentalism isolating things by topic and category of intellectual preference to each individual group think manifesting social minds within their own species.
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21 Jun 2022 1:54 pm
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 11:37 am » wrote: Unions will eventually lead us to a workerless society. Without workers, there will be no unions.  Without unions, there will be less corruption and more freedom.
Aren't you the non union employer who  claims he has a fist full of retired non union employees  he pays out full /lucrative pensions to out of the goodness of his heart...?

Of course .....we see this happen every day.... Image  

Unions set the prevailing wages, benefits  and working standards for SCABBY **** like you to follow.

You can't point to one single advance in Worker's Rights that was fought for by a bunch of cutt throat SCABS willing to under cut each other and live like migrant gypsys driving from one Boom Town to the next just to survive..
The Labor Unions are in the pocket of the NWO...but they are the best that the skilled, licensed  tradesmen have got to keep pace with the salaries and pensions of the rest of the upper middle class.
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21 Jun 2022 2:02 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jun 2022, 1:54 pm » wrote: Aren't you the non union employer

Yes, and I've never had employees who are part of a Union.  If employees thought they had be be a part of a union, I'd simply shut the whole thing down, liquidate and that would be the end of that.
You can't point to one single advance in Worker's Rights that was fought for by a bunch of cutt throat SCABS willing to under cut each other and live like migrant gypsys driving from one Boom Town to the next just to survive..
I would love, just for once in my life, to be a working scab.  I would prance across that picket line (armed to the teeth of course) and would work for minimum wage.  I'd work my guts out too just to show managers what they should be expecting from their regular union employees, just as a big F-U to Unions.  Heck, I'd round up some others, pay them cash on the side, and we would walk across together wearing white t-shirts with nothing but a stiff middle finger pointing straight up on the back. 

Oh, how I'd love to do this just for the experience!!!
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21 Jun 2022 2:07 pm
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 2:02 pm » wrote: Yes, and I've never had employees who are part of a Union.  If employees thought they had be be a part of a union, I'd simply shut the whole thing down, liquidate and that would be the end of that.

I would love, just for once in my life, to be a working scab.  I would prance across that picket line (armed to the teeth of course) and would work for minimum wage.  I'd work my guts out too just to show managers what they should be expecting from their regular union employees, just as a big F-U to Unions.  Heck, I'd round up some others, pay them cash on the side, and we would walk across together wearing white t-shirts with nothing but a stiff middle finger pointing straight up on the back. 

Oh, how I'd love to do this just for the experience!!!
Nobody but you believes your BS Story about how you pay several full pensions out of pocket to your retired non union workers.
If the Project Managers of the BIGGEST MOST COMPLEX AND CHALLENGING PROJECTS want to get them done right the first time and on time...they will go 100% UNION LABOR more times than not.
The Insurance Underwriters will also tell you that the safety records of the UNION JOB SITES is head and shoulders above the rest.
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Annoyed Liberall
21 Jun 2022 2:12 pm
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Hot Little Twist
Hot Little Twist
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 2:02 pm » wrote: Yes, and I've never had employees who are part of a Union.  If employees thought they had be be a part of a union, I'd simply shut the whole thing down, liquidate and that would be the end of that.

I would love, just for once in my life, to be a working scab.  I would prance across that picket line (armed to the teeth of course) and would work for minimum wage.  I'd work my guts out too just to show managers what they should be expecting from their regular union employees, just as a big F-U to Unions.  Heck, I'd round up some others, pay them cash on the side, and we would walk across together wearing white t-shirts with nothing but a stiff middle finger pointing straight up on the back. 

Oh, how I'd love to do this just for the experience!!!
What is your line of work?
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31st Arrival
21 Jun 2022 2:19 pm
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Annoyed Liberall » 21 Jun 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: What is your line of work?
Same as yours, sustaining doubt between generations living here now. It is a 24/7 career only people ignoring real can have to save their version of humanity is larger than genetically timed apart now.
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21 Jun 2022 2:25 pm
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 2:02 pm » wrote: Yes, and I've never had employees who are part of a Union.  If employees thought they had be be a part of a union, I'd simply shut the whole thing down, liquidate and that would be the end of that.

I would love, just for once in my life, to be a working scab.  I would prance across that picket line (armed to the teeth of course) and would work for minimum wage.  I'd work my guts out too just to show managers what they should be expecting from their regular union employees, just as a big F-U to Unions.  Heck, I'd round up some others, pay them cash on the side, and we would walk across together wearing white t-shirts with nothing but a stiff middle finger pointing straight up on the back. 

Oh, how I'd love to do this just for the experience!!!
I'll just let this pile of crap and imaginary nonsense you barfed up speak for itself....
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nuckin futz
21 Jun 2022 2:26 pm
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AnnoyedLiberall » 21 Jun 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: What is your line of work?
He is a RWNJ AGITATOR on a political forum that few ever read!
Doesn't own any company, doesn't even have a job!
:lol:   :lol:   :lol:  Image
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21 Jun 2022 2:51 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jun 2022, 2:07 pm » wrote: Nobody but you believes your BS Story about how you pay several full pensions out of pocket to your retired non union workers.
What the F- are you talking about?  I don't pay any pensions.  I don't have anything to do with retired non-union workers.
If the Project Managers of the BIGGEST MOST COMPLEX AND CHALLENGING PROJECTS want to get them done right the first time and on time...they will go 100% UNION LABOR more times than not.
I could care less.
The Insurance Underwriters will also tell you that the safety records of the UNION JOB SITES is head and shoulders above the rest.
Whoopty Doo!
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21 Jun 2022 2:52 pm
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AnnoyedLiberall » 21 Jun 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: What is your line of work?
This is a political biting-bitch-fest forum.  I don't talk about family or work.
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21 Jun 2022 2:54 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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What about limits on how much can be returned to the good of society at large? Wouldn't rational self interest do wonders in many parts of the world that depend on their governments for every whim and desire? I'm not completely against the notion of rational self interest in the fact that it builds better lives when the gains are shared by society.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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Annoyed Liberall
21 Jun 2022 3:04 pm
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Hot Little Twist
Hot Little Twist
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 2:52 pm » wrote: This is a political biting-bitch-fest forum.  I don't talk about family or work.
Well, you must have at one point.
GB knew you had employees that were not union, and you just said you would gladly cross a picket line.
I am just wondering what trade you are in.
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21 Jun 2022 3:06 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jun 2022, 2:25 pm » wrote: I'll just let this pile of crap and imaginary nonsense you barfed up speak for itself....
Bad-*** Scab 'll kick your Union-Communist asses

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21 Jun 2022 3:12 pm
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 3:06 pm » wrote: Bad-*** Scab 'll kick your Union-Communist asses
You are making my case for me... :rolleyes:  
They can't ship buildings, bridges, houses and Power Plants over seas....[double face palm]
Union busting is NWO / Communist Agenda....New Union-Busting Tracker Debuts Online | Jew World Order

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21 Jun 2022 3:14 pm
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The OP is quite funny.. unrealistic but funny.
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21 Jun 2022 3:20 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jun 2022, 3:12 pm » wrote: You are making my case for me... Image  
They can't ship buildings, bridges, houses and Power Plants over seas....[double face palm]
Union busting is NWO / Communist Agenda....New Union-Busting Tracker Debuts Online | Jew World Order
Union=Communist.  YOU are the NWO communist union pussies.  Stay in New Jersey with your communist whores and greasy WOP mafia bosses.  No one wants your stank down here!
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21 Jun 2022 3:23 pm
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Skans » 21 Jun 2022, 3:20 pm » wrote: Union=Communist.  YOU are the NWO communist union pussies.  Stay in New Jersey with your communist whores and greasy WOP mafia bosses.  No one wants your stank down here!

Union busting is NWO / Communist Agenda....New Union-Busting Tracker Debuts Online | Jew World Order

"May Day was first celebrated as an international day of labor in New York in the 1880s. Hitler made it an official paid holiday, not just a negotiated day off, on May 1, 1933 --  and used it to rally for his regime and industrialization. William Shirer (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich), who was there, called it "an elaborate piece of trickery."

The next day, on May 2, 1933, unions were dissolved, their assets were confiscated, their offices were occupied and their leaders were arrested. Hitler then outlawed strikes, abolished collective bargaining and established the German Labor Front, a corrupt party organization.

"It wasn't even a sham labor union," Ledford said.

In Russia, he noted, "Stalin didn't have to eliminate unions -- Lenin already had." And Stalin's first Five-Year Plan converted labor groups into oppressive mechanisms for increasing worker productivity.

Mubarak does not belong in the same category as Hitler and Stalin. But his government did routinely suppress worker protests by force. The government-run Egyptian Trade Union Federation was given a monopoly on labor organization in 1957 by the Trade Union Act, which prohibits union freedoms.

Brown’s statement about tyrants and unions may have been distracting and ill-advised given the current standoffs, but it also is historically accurate.

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