Unions played a major part.TB7 » 21 Jun 2022, 12:03 pm » wrote: ↑ EDUCATE YOURSELF, OR YOU WILL WAKE UP TOMORROW JUST AS STUPID AS YOU ARE TODAY
How the Unions Killed Detroit
I have no problem at all with companies that choose to use Union labor. So long as it is the Company's choice and not forced upon them by Union organizers.Cannonpointer » 22 Jun 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: ↑ In the south, you pay more for union labor, because you don't have hiring halls. You pay traveler wages. But you PAY, because you HAVE to, because your non-union Cletes don't have the chops to build a Hyatt Resort or an international airport or a coliseum.
Trade unions are labor guilds - extremely useful to society, as most things that persist over time are. Midwits who hate on unions remind me of midwits who hate bureacracy. Name ONE empire that did not have a prodigious bureucracy, and I will eat my hat while kissing your ***.
Now, it is certainly true that unions generally turn down work that employs non-union workers at any level of the construction job. That is, iron workers won't take the work if the electrical is being done by bubbas. I'm sure they have their reasons for this - and I'm sure I could generate several that are perfectly justifiable. But whatever deal employers make in order to secure the services of guild members are THEIR business and none of yours. You need to mind YOURS - not theirs. What business is it of yours if businesses make this deal or that deal to secure services? No one OWES employers their labor - they have to bargain for it. Your sense of entitlement is astounding.
nice post....thanksDeezerShoove » 22 Jun 2022, 1:09 pm » wrote: ↑ Unions played a major part.
Quality ultimately slayed the beast. Or lack of quality.
Everything made in the US costs more. Union or not.
Customer loyalty was heavily damaged over the years and that easily killed sales of US brands.
When Japanese cars started posting cars with one million miles and better dealership relations with customers, the big switch gained even more steam while fumbling dealerships lost out.
Then when ANY automobile dealership gets their service bays so overwhelmed that they begin to lie or "forget",
that merely compounds the problem.
Perceived quality of the vehicle itself coupled with perceived quality of dealer service...
both ends of the transaction go to ****. People walk.
Being overpriced because of unions is not the entire story. Sure doesn't help, though.
Japanese dumping also exacerbated this.
Selling a Lexus at a loss for a while... that type of thing.
I just finished looking back into time with my posting history.Skans » 22 Jun 2022, 12:13 pm » wrote: ↑ Yeah, I knew no such post was in the archives BECAUSE I'VE ONLY BEEN HERE SINCE MARCH 2022! You freaking Communist idiot. Of course I knew I never said such a thing. But, if you think otherwise, it should be REALLY EASY for a tard to go back and look at 3-months of Skans' posts. WAITING...........
I assure you that I am not either of them. The only thing I posted here, not under "Skans", was something about education when I posted as a guest. That was one time, before I decided to register.GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Jun 2022, 1:17 pm » wrote: ↑ I just finished looking back into time with my posting history.
I had your anti union rhetoric confused with another anti union Forum Member's rhetoric from the past.
Actually I have you confused with 2 Anti Union Forum Members who both registered 13 June 2021...."Alzheimers" and "Out-Of-Office".
Sorry if you are neither of these other guys.....you sound so much like them that I could have sworn it was you who claimed that you have covered your non union employees pensions.
My pension remains at 90% funded.OUT_OF_OFFICE » 22 Jun 2022, 1:33 pm » wrote: ↑ It was me. I have one account and change my name frequently.
@GHETTO BLASTER when the "funded pension" goes "underfunded"
See my Handle.. I will be OUT_OF_OFFICE and will return on Friday as "the fear of something" LOL
OUT_OF_OFFICE » 22 Jun 2022, 2:01 pm » wrote: ↑ That is what they all say... Until.....
https://www.unionfacts.com/article/crim ... orruption/
Nearly fifty years after John F. Kennedy first condemned corrupt leadership in the American labor movement, it is still plagued by rampant corruption, embezzlement, racketeering and influence from numerous organized crime organizations. From penny-ante theft to multi-million dollar embezzlement schemes, labor leaders continue to violate the trust of the members they claim to represent.KEY FINDINGS:YOU LIKE UNIONS, I DON'T CARE FOR UNIONS.
- During fiscal years 2000–2019, OLMS investigations led to over $156.3 million dollars of restitution in over 2,100 criminal cases;
- OLMS investigations also led to 2,297 indictments and 2166 convictions;
- The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act’s (LMRDA) reliance on self-government, public disclosure, and ultimately deterrence has failed;
- The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) has investigated and prosecuted union leaders for embezzling more than $100 million in union dues since 2001;
- Investigations by the DOL’s Office of Inspector General, which investigates labor racketeering and organized crime’s influence within the labor movement, has resulted in more than $1 billion in fines, restitutions, and forfeitures;
- Fewer than 5 percent of unions audited by the DOL received unqualified passes.
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.OUT_OF_OFFICE » 22 Jun 2022, 2:11 pm » wrote: ↑ YOU LIVING IN THE PAST......
https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/union ... ercent.htm
OUT_OF_OFFICE » 22 Jun 2022, 2:13 pm » wrote: ↑ THIS ONE IS FOR @GHETTO BLASTER Union membership hits new low
https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watc ... s-new-low/
Just about 1 in 10 American workers belonged to a labor union last year as the long-term decline in union membership continued even through a pandemic that saw record worker actions and organizing drives.
OUT_OF_OFFICE » 22 Jun 2022, 2:17 pm » wrote: ↑ Are you saying that unless you join a Union you are a scab?
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.
Look at how you celebrate a return to the time when workers were at the complete mercy of their Overlords.