Socialism by functionality is in direct proportion to scale and biological similarity

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21 Jun 2022 9:45 pm
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Think of a nuclear family living in a household, the parents work, the kids go to school and do chores.  Is this a micro example of functional socialism?  Yes it is, as the bills paid benefit the family equally (they all share a roof).

now think of an Amish village.  There is chores done every day, the womenfolk raise the children, cook, sew, etc. the men build barns churn butter and work the farmland.  Both the hardships and the benefits are shared equally among the whole tribe, who live in harmony, most of them related by blood.  These communities are basically just extended families living close knit, remember that - it is key to understanding the upcoming revelation.

Now think of a huge diverse country such as the U.S.  Do we have universal health care, no.  Do we have any sense of shared burdens and blessings?  Not when a handful of people own hundreds of mansions while millions, including children, starve in the streets.

The functional examples of socialism I gave had small scale and genetic similarity i.e. homogeneity.  On large scales, with great diversity, socialism can NEVER work.

So stop with the Medicare for all, it will never happen in this country.  Stop thinking that fair wages or prosperity for workers can ever happen in a globalist economy that by its nature, caters to a vast and hopelessly diverse community, the whole world.

Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.

globalism gone berserk, with forced diversity creates failure and misery.  This is why every problem has gotten worse over the past few decades in the US suicides, homelessness, decreasing life expectancy, bankruptcies, etc…
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21 Jun 2022 10:10 pm
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But the gubmint has proven to be unfit abusive parents who can't manage money.
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31st Arrival
22 Jun 2022 6:03 am
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: Think of a nuclear family living in a household, the parents work, the kids go to school and do chores.  Is this a micro example of functional socialism?  Yes it is, as the bills paid benefit the family equally (they all share a roof).

now think of an Amish village.  There is chores done every day, the womenfolk raise the children, cook, sew, etc. the men build barns churn butter and work the farmland.  Both the hardships and the benefits are shared equally among the whole tribe, who live in harmony, most of them related by blood.  These communities are basically just extended families living close knit, remember that - it is key to understanding the upcoming revelation.

Now think of a huge diverse country such as the U.S.  Do we have universal health care, no.  Do we have any sense of shared burdens and blessings?  Not when a handful of people own hundreds of mansions while millions, including children, starve in the streets.

The functional examples of socialism I gave had small scale and genetic similarity i.e. homogeneity.  On large scales, with great diversity, socialism can NEVER work.

So stop with the Medicare for all, it will never happen in this country.  Stop thinking that fair wages or prosperity for workers can ever happen in a globalist economy that by its nature, caters to a vast and hopelessly diverse community, the whole world.

Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.

globalism gone berserk, with forced diversity creates failure and misery.  This is why every problem has gotten worse over the past few decades in the US suicides, homelessness, decreasing life expectancy, bankruptcies, etc…
Intellectual minds destroy the life they don't want to be trying to save the ideas of who they should have been since conceived.
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22 Jun 2022 6:33 am
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: Think of a nuclear family living in a household, the parents work, the kids go to school and do chores.  Is this a micro example of functional socialism?  Yes it is, as the bills paid benefit the family equally (they all share a roof).

now think of an Amish village.  There is chores done every day, the womenfolk raise the children, cook, sew, etc. the men build barns churn butter and work the farmland.  Both the hardships and the benefits are shared equally among the whole tribe, who live in harmony, most of them related by blood.  These communities are basically just extended families living close knit, remember that - it is key to understanding the upcoming revelation.

Now think of a huge diverse country such as the U.S.  Do we have universal health care, no.  Do we have any sense of shared burdens and blessings?  Not when a handful of people own hundreds of mansions while millions, including children, starve in the streets.

The functional examples of socialism I gave had small scale and genetic similarity i.e. homogeneity.  On large scales, with great diversity, socialism can NEVER work.

So stop with the Medicare for all, it will never happen in this country.  Stop thinking that fair wages or prosperity for workers can ever happen in a globalist economy that by its nature, caters to a vast and hopelessly diverse community, the whole world.

Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.

globalism gone berserk, with forced diversity creates failure and misery.  This is why every problem has gotten worse over the past few decades in the US suicides, homelessness, decreasing life expectancy, bankruptcies, etc…
yes. this is basically the economic side of fascism. 

there is also a spiritual side...which i feel is fundamentally pagan. It is a celebration of nature. Nature made us what we are and we should not revolt against nature.

you cannot have a purpose to life without seeing yourself as part of something greater than yourself. I am a white man, and i am part of white civilization which is infinitely greater than me. Nature made me, nature made white is our duty to survive.
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31st Arrival
22 Jun 2022 6:48 am
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Warcok » 21 Jun 2022, 10:10 pm » wrote: But the gubmint has proven to be unfit abusive parents who can't manage money.
Social mind of character wannabe give up their own use of their brain to become trained intellects wishing biological time away cradle to grave.
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22 Jun 2022 9:05 am
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: Think of a nuclear family living in a household, the parents work, the kids go to school and do chores.  Is this a micro example of functional socialism?  Yes it is, as the bills paid benefit the family equally (they all share a roof).

now think of an Amish village.  There is chores done every day, the womenfolk raise the children, cook, sew, etc. the men build barns churn butter and work the farmland.  Both the hardships and the benefits are shared equally among the whole tribe, who live in harmony, most of them related by blood.  These communities are basically just extended families living close knit, remember that - it is key to understanding the upcoming revelation.

Now think of a huge diverse country such as the U.S.  Do we have universal health care, no.  Do we have any sense of shared burdens and blessings?  Not when a handful of people own hundreds of mansions while millions, including children, starve in the streets.

The functional examples of socialism I gave had small scale and genetic similarity i.e. homogeneity.  On large scales, with great diversity, socialism can NEVER work.

So stop with the Medicare for all, it will never happen in this country.  Stop thinking that fair wages or prosperity for workers can ever happen in a globalist economy that by its nature, caters to a vast and hopelessly diverse community, the whole world.

Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.

globalism gone berserk, with forced diversity creates failure and misery.  This is why every problem has gotten worse over the past few decades in the US suicides, homelessness, decreasing life expectancy, bankruptcies, etc…
Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.
Sure....if you insist so.

Do you consider this "Reason"?

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22 Jun 2022 9:07 am
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Blackvegetable » 22 Jun 2022, 9:05 am » wrote: Sure....if you insist so.

Do you consider this "Reason"?

yes, we do. shut up, jew.
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22 Jun 2022 9:59 am
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I followed this train of thought along just fine until I reached the "Starving Poor" part.
We don't have an epidemic of that...I don't think.
Seeing fat people, smoking cigarettes, waiting for the doors to open at the County Welfare Office...or sitting on camp stools and holding cardboard signs at intersections is a pretty common sight. ... od-stamps/
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31st Arrival
22 Jun 2022 10:15 am
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FOS » 22 Jun 2022, 9:07 am » wrote: yes, we do. shut up, jew.
what "we" you are a simple "me" trying to attach yourself to a mob mentality.

said this before in this thread, needs repeated to you since you won't read anything I post.

Intellectual minds destroy the life they don't want to be trying to save the ideas of who they should have been since conceived.
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22 Jun 2022 4:51 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Jun 2022, 9:59 am » wrote: I followed this train of thought along just fine until I reached the "Starving Poor" part.
We don't have an epidemic of that...I don't think.
Seeing fat people, smoking cigarettes, waiting for the doors to open at the County Welfare Office...or sitting on camp stools and holding cardboard signs at intersections is a pretty common sight. ... od-stamps/

So you believe that blessings and burdens are shared universally, on the whole as a country as much as they are within a Amish farming comunity?
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22 Jun 2022 7:13 pm
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SJConspirator » 22 Jun 2022, 4:51 pm » wrote: So you believe that blessings and burdens are shared universally, on the whole as a country as much as they are within a Amish farming comunity?
Well not when you put it THAT way..! :wave:  
I just do not have warm and fuzzy feelings for those who made lazy, self indulgent / low impulse control choices in life that they figured our society would pick up the tab for.
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22 Jun 2022 8:07 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Jun 2022, 7:13 pm » wrote: Well not when you put it THAT way..! Image  
I just do not have warm and fuzzy feelings for those who made lazy, self indulgent / low impulse control choices in life that they figured our society would pick up the tab for.

me neither, I was using a bit of hyperbole to make a point.  The larger issue is people who seem confused about socialism, I was pointing out where it works and where it doesn’t.
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31st Arrival
23 Jun 2022 5:19 am
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SJConspirator » 22 Jun 2022, 8:07 pm » wrote: me neither, I was using a bit of hyperbole to make a point.  The larger issue is people who seem confused about socialism, I was pointing out where it works and where it doesn’t.
First time I read the title of this thread, my brain considered it mimicking my posts. Then changing the vernacular so you were saying same thing I was for 16 years as if you were the first to bring up series parallel evolving occupying space inhabiting the same moment all 5 generations present since inception of homo sapien displacements arrived ancestrally changing population same as every other species has.

Debunk humanity's exceptionalism mentality practiced since recorded history typecasting people by race, creed, color, national origin, gender identity, and all the labels came from typecasting behavior cradle to grave.

Species of the damned if you do and damned if one doesn't take sides ignoring now is eternity governed by those making up realities geographically ancestrally performed here.
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23 Jun 2022 5:49 am
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SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2022, 9:45 pm » wrote: Think of a nuclear family living in a household, the parents work, the kids go to school and do chores.  Is this a micro example of functional socialism?  Yes it is, as the bills paid benefit the family equally (they all share a roof).

now think of an Amish village.  There is chores done every day, the womenfolk raise the children, cook, sew, etc. the men build barns churn butter and work the farmland.  Both the hardships and the benefits are shared equally among the whole tribe, who live in harmony, most of them related by blood.  These communities are basically just extended families living close knit, remember that - it is key to understanding the upcoming revelation.

Now think of a huge diverse country such as the U.S.  Do we have universal health care, no.  Do we have any sense of shared burdens and blessings?  Not when a handful of people own hundreds of mansions while millions, including children, starve in the streets.

The functional examples of socialism I gave had small scale and genetic similarity i.e. homogeneity.  On large scales, with great diversity, socialism can NEVER work.

So stop with the Medicare for all, it will never happen in this country.  Stop thinking that fair wages or prosperity for workers can ever happen in a globalist economy that by its nature, caters to a vast and hopelessly diverse community, the whole world.

Nationalism and homogenous societies creates success, happiness, industry and prosperity.

globalism gone berserk, with forced diversity creates failure and misery.  This is why every problem has gotten worse over the past few decades in the US suicides, homelessness, decreasing life expectancy, bankruptcies, etc…
:rolleyes: should learn about how money is created and issued...maybe then you won't be such a  confused authoritardian, strawman grasper, puppet critic, trifler, etc..... word... ;)  
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23 Jun 2022 7:10 am
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peepee » 23 Jun 2022, 5:49 am » wrote: Image should learn about how money is created and issued...maybe then you won't be such a  confused authoritardian, strawman grasper, puppet critic, trifler, etc..... word... Image

Money is the result, not the causation.  You focus constantly on symptoms of social disease, while I focus on the cure 
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23 Jun 2022 7:28 am
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peepee » 23 Jun 2022, 5:49 am » wrote: Image should learn about how money is created and issued...maybe then you won't be such a  confused authoritardian, strawman grasper, puppet critic, trifler, etc..... word... Image

Socialism.               OK, let's try it.
WCAL.      West Coast Alliance.      Cali, OR, & WA.           
They run their own game & call their own shots.
Maybe they can show up us how socialism can work.
Only one caveat.     They must pay for their own dreams.....w/ their own dime.
No more Federal Funding.     WCAL must stand on their own & pull their
own weight.

Do you want to give it a go?
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31st Arrival
23 Jun 2022 9:00 am
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peepee » 23 Jun 2022, 5:49 am » wrote: :rolleyes: should learn about how money is created and issued...maybe then you won't be such a  confused authoritardian, strawman grasper, puppet critic, trifler, etc..... word... ;)  
Currency is a social prop for creating a public illusion societal evolution is greater than genetic continuation limited to only reproductions evolving here now.
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23 Jun 2022 3:21 pm
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SJConspirator » 23 Jun 2022, 7:10 am » wrote: Money is the result, not the causation.  You focus constantly on symptoms of social disease, while I focus on the cure
.....[man's] money is the result of [man's] law(s)... these law$ confer to a greatly-privileged cla$$ [who remain unaudited/shrouded in secrecy because of brain-laundered triflers like you] virtual control over just about everything including the lame $hit rattling around in your thick skull... get real, munchkin....word...  ;)    
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23 Jun 2022 11:42 pm
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peepee » 23 Jun 2022, 3:21 pm » wrote: .....[man's] money is the result of [man's] law(s)... these law$ confer to a greatly-privileged cla$$ [who remain unaudited/shrouded in secrecy because of brain-laundered triflers like you] virtual control over just about everything including the lame $hit rattling around in your thick skull... get real, munchkin....word...  Image

humans are subject to laws of biology, not laws of politicians.  Biology will dictate how humans organize their entire lives, including how they create and disperse money.  
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24 Jun 2022 6:51 am
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SJConspirator » 23 Jun 2022, 11:42 pm » wrote: humans are subject to laws of biology, not laws of politicians.....  Image
...apparently this ^^^ dense authoritardian doesn't understand that humans are subject to laws/lawmakers....[controlled by the monied cla$$] ...apparently this dense @sshole is not aware of the pri$on indu$trial complex which is full of 'subjects'....  Image  
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