Regarding Roe Vs Wade Constitutional Right = sign this petition

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By Taipan
26 Jun 2022 7:35 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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26 Jun 2022 7:35 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. We have to secure our rights now, especially as red states move swiftly to cut off access to abortion care for millions of people.

One of the small steps that President Biden and the White House can take is opening abortion clinics on federal lands, especially in states where access to care is limited by inhumane state laws. We are compiling a petition to the White House demanding they do this right away, and we’re asking for your signature.

Sign your name on our petition to the White House calling for the opening of abortion clinics on federal lands. 

Read the text below, and then add your name so we can demonstrate the depth of support behind this plan.
On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undermining a half century of precedent behind our fundamental rights to an abortion and bodily autonomy.

We have to take immediate, bold action to ensure people can get the care they need in the wake of this dangerous ruling. Today we are calling on President Biden and the White House to take executive action to open abortion clinics on federal lands. This small step could help expand access to life-saving abortion care for people in all 50 states.

Sign the petition →

We will be delivering this petition as soon as possible to the White House, and we believe that it will be most impactful if we can get tens of thousands to sign on. We hope you’ll be able to add your name today.In solidarity,Team AOC

DISREGARD any other matters in this petition drive...... only sign the petition as I did.

There are 24 Dems states.
They can have as much abortion as they wish.
Including unlimited, 9mo. abortions. (if they vote it in)
That is the democratic beauty of.............."Individual States Rights".
Every state gets what it wants.      
Everybody goes home happy at the end of the day.
trying to force your will on Texas & asinine foolish.
"One size shoe.....does not fit every foot".
Can we agree on that ?
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26 Jun 2022 8:44 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 8:36 am » wrote: All women no matter where they are deserve the right to choose = Big Government Should Not Be Making This Decision.

No one has the "right" to murder an unborn baby.
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sooted up Cyndi
26 Jun 2022 8:52 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. We have to secure our rights now, especially as red states move swiftly to cut off access to abortion care for millions of people.

One of the small steps that President Biden and the White House can take is opening abortion clinics on federal lands, especially in states where access to care is limited by inhumane state laws. We are compiling a petition to the White House demanding they do this right away, and we’re asking for your signature.

Sign your name on our petition to the White House calling for the opening of abortion clinics on federal lands. 

Read the text below, and then add your name so we can demonstrate the depth of support behind this plan.
On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undermining a half century of precedent behind our fundamental rights to an abortion and bodily autonomy.

We have to take immediate, bold action to ensure people can get the care they need in the wake of this dangerous ruling. Today we are calling on President Biden and the White House to take executive action to open abortion clinics on federal lands. This small step could help expand access to life-saving abortion care for people in all 50 states.

Sign the petition →

We will be delivering this petition as soon as possible to the White House, and we believe that it will be most impactful if we can get tens of thousands to sign on. We hope you’ll be able to add your name today.In solidarity,Team AOC

DISREGARD any other matters in this petition drive...... only sign the petition as I did.
How many signatures do you expect to get here? two. :lol:  
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26 Jun 2022 9:04 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 8:36 am » wrote: All women no matter where they are deserve the right to choose = Big Government Should Not Be Making This Decision.
All plantation owners, no matter where they are, deserve the right to own and discipline ******. Big government should not be making this decision. Don't like slavery? Don't own one. 
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26 Jun 2022 9:26 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 9:04 am » wrote: Then men should quit making babies with their sperm .......... without sperm there are no babies. And they should stay by the Mom if they have a problem with abortion.  No sperm No babies!!!!!
OK, let's agree to that!  And make it a requirement that a woman must reveal the correct name of the father in order to qualify for all welfare benefits.  If they can't or won't, they get nothing!  And if the father denies parentage, he can provide a DNA sample to prove it.  If he's been wrongly charged, the woman must then pay for that DNA test and she'll have the opportunity to name a second possibility, with the same requirements; No welfare until the CORRECT father is named, who would then be required to pay child support or face jail.


And by the way, the time for a woman to CHOOSE is BEFORE having sex, when she can CHOOSE to keep her legs closed!
So put the blame precisely where it belongs; ON BOTH!
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26 Jun 2022 9:29 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. 

Yeah, kill themselves and their children before Nov. to mitigate any further damages they've already caused. 

**** parasite of a party. Took a perfectly healthy host and had it on hospice in less than a year. 
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26 Jun 2022 10:33 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 9:04 am » wrote: Then men should quit making babies with their sperm .......... without sperm there are no babies. And they should stay by the Mom if they have a problem with abortion.  No sperm No babies!!!!!
Sans a criminal act…becoming pregnant is a choice.  See…women still have the right to choose.
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26 Jun 2022 11:22 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. We have to secure our rights now, especially as red states move swiftly to cut off access to abortion care for millions of people.

One of the small steps that President Biden and the White House can take is opening abortion clinics on federal lands, especially in states where access to care is limited by inhumane state laws. We are compiling a petition to the White House demanding they do this right away, and we’re asking for your signature.

Sign your name on our petition to the White House calling for the opening of abortion clinics on federal lands. 

Read the text below, and then add your name so we can demonstrate the depth of support behind this plan.
On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undermining a half century of precedent behind our fundamental rights to an abortion and bodily autonomy.

We have to take immediate, bold action to ensure people can get the care they need in the wake of this dangerous ruling. Today we are calling on President Biden and the White House to take executive action to open abortion clinics on federal lands. This small step could help expand access to life-saving abortion care for people in all 50 states.

Sign the petition →

We will be delivering this petition as soon as possible to the White House, and we believe that it will be most impactful if we can get tens of thousands to sign on. We hope you’ll be able to add your name today.In solidarity,Team AOC

DISREGARD any other matters in this petition drive...... only sign the petition as I did.
Just many children do you have..?
How many abortions have you been party to...?

 3/4 of all abortions are performed on "THE POOR / DISADVANTAGED". 
What they do not tell you is that this is LIB-PC-SPEAK for PEOPLE WITH SUB STANDARD IQ MAKE UP THE VAST MAJORITY OF ALL ABORTION RECIPIENTS...!!!    :clap:  

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26 Jun 2022 2:47 pm
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 2:11 pm » wrote: How can anyone murder an unborn baby? 

Please explain .....

An unborn baby is a living thing with a beating heart. If someone causes that heart to stop beating that someone has committed murder.
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26 Jun 2022 2:54 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. We have to secure our rights now, especially as red states move swiftly to cut off access to abortion care for millions of people.
Democrats are the ones saying your body my choice on medical experiments, fruitcake. 

It's a little late to reverse course - YOU believe you have the right to control my body, fruity. Argue with yourself. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Jun 2022 3:10 pm
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If I was to monkey stomp a birthing person in the gut, what would I be charged with if the thing in the stomach died?
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26 Jun 2022 3:29 pm
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 2:11 pm » wrote: How can anyone murder an unborn baby? 

Please explain ..... ... olice-say/

Man charged with double murder for killing pregnant woman, police say
Jackson has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder. One count is for Smith; the other is for her unborn baby she was carrying, police said.
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26 Jun 2022 5:47 pm
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 4:45 pm » wrote: Blah blah blah = DNA says it all which can be confirmed at birth who the weak man is that cannot keep a penis in  the pants. Who has not the back bone to say no and walk away.

No sperm No Baby = simple
Since the vast majority aborted are not white, it sounds to me like you're stating that they're mostly weak and irresponsible partners for women to choose to have sex with.

Far be it from ME to call you a racist!!!  I'll leave that to those of the same liberal persuasion as you!   :blush:  
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26 Jun 2022 7:55 pm
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I'd rather you signed your own _ _ _ _ _ warrant.
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27 Jun 2022 1:36 am
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razoo » 26 Jun 2022, 6:46 am » wrote:  Democrats can and must do more than wait for the next election. We have to secure our rights now, especially as red states move swiftly to cut off access to abortion care for millions of people.

One of the small steps that President Biden and the White House can take is opening abortion clinics on federal lands, especially in states where access to care is limited by inhumane state laws. We are compiling a petition to the White House demanding they do this right away, and we’re asking for your signature.

Sign your name on our petition to the White House calling for the opening of abortion clinics on federal lands. 

Read the text below, and then add your name so we can demonstrate the depth of support behind this plan.
On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undermining a half century of precedent behind our fundamental rights to an abortion and bodily autonomy.

We have to take immediate, bold action to ensure people can get the care they need in the wake of this dangerous ruling. Today we are calling on President Biden and the White House to take executive action to open abortion clinics on federal lands. This small step could help expand access to life-saving abortion care for people in all 50 states.

Sign the petition →

We will be delivering this petition as soon as possible to the White House, and we believe that it will be most impactful if we can get tens of thousands to sign on. We hope you’ll be able to add your name today.In solidarity,Team AOC

DISREGARD any other matters in this petition drive...... only sign the petition as I did.
  I already signed it somewhere else.
Looks like it's taking hold big time.
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