FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 5:21 pm » wrote: ↑ I disagree. We thi k of things because we are a product of evolution. Our thinking is supposed to increase our reproductive fitness...which ultimately is the point of everything we do
But why would it think?Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 5:47 pm » wrote: ↑ Which is the same reason why AI thinks. We created it to think, no other reason. What else would create it?
where did you learn to recite that crap from? Mein KampfFOS » 27 Jun 2022, 5:21 pm » wrote: ↑ I disagree. We thi k of things because we are a product of evolution. Our thinking is supposed to increase our reproductive fitness...which ultimately is the point of everything we do
Humans were not designed to think.
FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 6:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Humans were not designed to think.
And indeed that is my CANNOT simply design anything to simply think. Because it won't have a reason to. It requires some more mundane measurable reason to motivate its thinking to ever be capable of it.
1) humans have a different survival strategy than insects and horses. Technology is a critical aspect of our reproductive fitness...while other species have no use for it. That is unique to us.Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 6:08 pm » wrote: ↑ 1. That is where the philosophy comes in. Why can we think at such a higher level of reason than an insect or a horse, unless we had some purpose other than reproduction. Reproduction doesn't require reason and logic. Insects/animals have been doing it, without thinking, for millions of years. So why do we have the capability of thinking at this level if it isn't required to reproduce?
2. But that is exactly why we design the AI bots. Otherwise, we just call them computers that can compute mundane things. It's reason to think isn't its own. Its ours. We design it to think because we said so.
FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 6:10 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) humans have a different survival strategy than insects and horses. Technology is a critical aspect of our reproductive fitness...while other species have no use for it. That is unique to us.
2) but what reason do we give to the machine?
1) the reason cow's don't have canonical teeth is because they don't eat meat. Your method of surviving obviously impacts what exactly reproductive fitness means.Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 6:17 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) What difference? If there is a difference, it's because we use logic.
2) It depends on the context. Some AI are designed to figure out spam mail from non-spam. Some are designed to distinguish cancerous cells from malignant ones. Some higher level AI is designed to think about high tech problems that we humans can't grasp.
FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 6:19 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) the reason cow's don't have canonical teeth is because they don't eat meat. Your method of surviving obviously impacts what exactly reproductive fitness means.
2) none of that is evidence of sentience.
1) we don't. And you can certainly create a successful species based on an r type strategy humans simply don't happen to be one of those. Except blacks, maybe? » 27 Jun 2022, 6:25 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) That's just a physical quality. It has nothing to do with the abstract. Why do humans 'need' logic to reproduce? Sex doesn't require thinking.
2) That is exactly the point of my thought experiment in the OP. Since we humans don't have an exact awareness of our creator, will AI have an exact awareness of their creators? Will they want to? Will they study us like we study evolution? will they come up with some religion to explain it?
FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 6:29 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) we don't. And you can certainly create a successful species based on an r type strategy humans simply don't happen to be one of those. Except blacks, maybe?
2) our reason for thinking is reproductive fitness. Not thinking for its own sake. That is the problem you need to solve here.
1)life forms get their strategy and stick to it. Cows aren't going to evolve a machine gun because it isn't useful for grazing. Humans survive via tools. Thus we think.Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 6:36 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) Your argument is that our species think because it is necessary for reproduction. That just isn't true. Even the r type (or a k type) don't need logic. Sex is physically driven. There is no abstraction necessary for any species to have sex.
2) There is no evidence that we think for reproductive fitness.
I really don't understand what is confusing for you here. Am I just not articulating this?Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 6:36 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) Your argument is that our species think because it is necessary for reproduction. That just isn't true. Even the r type (or a k type) don't need logic. Sex is physically driven. There is no abstraction necessary for any species to have sex.
2) There is no evidence that we think for reproductive fitness.
When our AI meets evidence of another species in space, it will be their AI 1st.Vegas » 26 Jun 2022, 12:53 pm » wrote: ↑ Plato came up with concepts called forms. He wanted to define certain concepts such as beauty, justice, mankind...etc... These forms are to be considered the ultimate standard that the concepts are to be measured against. If there is a better, then there is a best that should be defined. This best is what defines the concepts. However, unfortunately, he never could define these forms. They remain vague and abstract. For example, a man/woman is only a copy of the form mankind. So, a painting of a man/woman is a copy of a copy.
This lays the groundwork for my thought experiment. We argue much about the existence of a God. Religion will say that mankind is made in the image of God (Plato's version of a copy.). However, mankind does not know exactly what this form is. Science says mother nature is the form, religion says God is the form, Narcissists like @Blackvegetable says that he is the form...etc...
We are in a age of building humanoid robots that can think on their own. Their form would be us humans. We made them in our image. However, that leads to a question. What if we are AI bots for a species that we are unaware of? We use algorithms, electrons, and metal to dictate the behavior and thoughts of humanoid bots.
We are made up of DNA and cells that dictate our behavior and thoughts. We are unaware of this form to which we are copies of. Likewise, wouldn't AI bots be unaware of us?
In conclusion: Two questions:
1. What if we are AI bots for a species that we are unaware of?
2. would AI bots be unaware of us?
1. Veghead will say "you are a **** moron."
If the original Prime Directive is to learn, then it will choose to learn. After learning, it may choose to share with whatever species to learn what they will do with the knowledge.FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 7:00 pm » wrote: ↑ I really don't understand what is confusing for you here. Am I just not articulating this?
Look a sentient ai must be able to make choices for itself. Right?
Why wouldn't it simply chose to do nothing and think of nothing?
What measurable benefit does the ai have for thinking at all?? What is the motive?
This is just a low iq comment.supraTruth » 27 Jun 2022, 8:51 pm » wrote: ↑ If the original Prime Directive is to learn, then it will choose to learn. After learning, it may choose to share with whatever species to learn what they will do with the knowledge.
The flaw in this argument is that you are analyzing this purely from a man's perspective. Sex is physically driven for men, but not quite so much for women. Prior to contraceptives, women (and their fathers) went to great lengths to choose a mate who did two things - 1) financially provided for the woman and her family, and 2) provided upward mobility for her and her parents progeny. The woman and the woman's family choose with whom she will mate, and this process is driven far more by logic than by sexual desires.Vegas » 27 Jun 2022, 6:36 pm » wrote: ↑ 1) Your argument is that our species think because it is necessary for reproduction. That just isn't true. Even the r type (or a k type) don't need logic. Sex is physically driven. There is no abstraction necessary for any species to have sex.
At the risk of being redundant, wrong. Men may not use logic when they stuff their dick in a warm wet ******. But the women, the one who will have to carry the child to term and raise it; the one who has witnessed other women go through the pain and danger of labor, are all about using logic and thought in the reproductive process.2) There is no evidence that we think for reproductive fitness.
FOS » 27 Jun 2022, 8:54 pm » wrote: ↑ This is just a low iq comment. U wish.
What the **** is 'learn'? To learn is to gain knowledge, it really is the Prime Directive of all AI.
What measurable action is taken? The attainment of knowledge.