Is time moving faster or slower?

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By Monderegal
28 Jun 2022 10:09 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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28 Jun 2022 10:09 am
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Just something off topic from politics I just want to offer an observation. Is it just me or does time move faster in our connected world? I'm forty now but it always seemed that time moved a lot slower when I was a child. We used to drive to the beach as a family in the summer and the seven hour trip seemed to take an eternity. As I get older, the trip that long seems to be a lot faster in my perception. Therefore, I have come to the belief that time seems to move faster as I get older. Is it because my brain is fuller with the knowledge of the world?
I also think that technology might also play a role in my perception of time. It seems that with more distractions, time is moving faster because I never seem to slow down. Perhaps the adage "time flies when you are having fun" is part of the reason for the faster clock in my mind. I seem to always be on the move and perhaps that contributes to my perception that time is moving faster. Any insights?
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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28 Jun 2022 10:18 am
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Stephen King describes this as My Pretty Pony time. Our perception of time varies pretty dramatically, hours of fun flashing by in an instant. Moments of pain dragging out unbearably. Perception of time is an interesting part of the human condition.
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sooted up Cyndi
28 Jun 2022 10:28 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Monderegal » 28 Jun 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: Just something off topic from politics I just want to offer an observation. Is it just me or does time move faster in our connected world? I'm forty now but it always seemed that time moved a lot slower when I was a child. We used to drive to the beach as a family in the summer and the seven hour trip seemed to take an eternity. As I get older, the trip that long seems to be a lot faster in my perception. Therefore, I have come to the belief that time seems to move faster as I get older. Is it because my brain is fuller with the knowledge of the world?
I also think that technology might also play a role in my perception of time. It seems that with more distractions, time is moving faster because I never seem to slow down. Perhaps the adage "time flies when you are having fun" is part of the reason for the faster clock in my mind. I seem to always be on the move and perhaps that contributes to my perception that time is moving faster. Any insights?
Your still young. Wait until you get a bit older. it moves even faster. i think. :wave:  
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 11:14 am
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Monderegal » 28 Jun 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: Just something off topic from politics I just want to offer an observation. Is it just me or does time move faster in our connected world? I'm forty now but it always seemed that time moved a lot slower when I was a child. We used to drive to the beach as a family in the summer and the seven hour trip seemed to take an eternity. As I get older, the trip that long seems to be a lot faster in my perception. Therefore, I have come to the belief that time seems to move faster as I get older. Is it because my brain is fuller with the knowledge of the world?
I also think that technology might also play a role in my perception of time. It seems that with more distractions, time is moving faster because I never seem to slow down. Perhaps the adage "time flies when you are having fun" is part of the reason for the faster clock in my mind. I seem to always be on the move and perhaps that contributes to my perception that time is moving faster. Any insights?
Time is stationary, everything evolving forward never stays same results occupying time inhabiting space, exactly as happening here now.
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28 Jun 2022 12:07 pm
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Time moves at the same pace, but we perceive it differently as we age. It's still a mystery, and there are many theories why that is. Some have to do with our physiology when young and when old, some have to do with our activities and memories.

Here is a decent article with a few theories: ... -with-age/
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28 Jun 2022 12:12 pm
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Monderegal » 28 Jun 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: Just something off topic from politics I just want to offer an observation. Is it just me or does time move faster in our connected world? I'm forty now but it always seemed that time moved a lot slower when I was a child. We used to drive to the beach as a family in the summer and the seven hour trip seemed to take an eternity. As I get older, the trip that long seems to be a lot faster in my perception. Therefore, I have come to the belief that time seems to move faster as I get older. Is it because my brain is fuller with the knowledge of the world?
I also think that technology might also play a role in my perception of time. It seems that with more distractions, time is moving faster because I never seem to slow down. Perhaps the adage "time flies when you are having fun" is part of the reason for the faster clock in my mind. I seem to always be on the move and perhaps that contributes to my perception that time is moving faster. Any insights?

Time is directly proportional to distance....TIME IS MEASURED BY MOVEMENT
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28 Jun 2022 12:24 pm
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TB7 » 28 Jun 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: Time is directly proportional to distance....TIME IS MEASURED BY MOVEMENT

If the clock is alone, and there is nobody there to watch it, does it still tick?  :rofl:  
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Southern Adolf
28 Jun 2022 12:44 pm
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I agree with the person who discussed perception. When you're 10 years old, one year is 10% of your life. So a year in school can drag. When you're 100, a year is 1%. A very substantial difference.

And then, of course, there's the saying about time flying when having fun. Compare a inmate's day to spending time at an amusement park all day.
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28 Jun 2022 12:50 pm
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I wish omh could explain it to us, but he's a retard
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 1:51 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jun 2022, 12:07 pm » wrote: Time moves at the same pace, but we perceive it differently as we age. It's still a mystery, and there are many theories why that is. Some have to do with our physiology when young and when old, some have to do with our activities and memories.

Here is a decent article with a few theories: ... -with-age/
DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jun 2022, 12:24 pm » wrote:
TB7 » 28 Jun 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: Time is directly proportional to distance....TIME IS MEASURED BY MOVEMENT

If the clock is alone, and there is nobody there to watch it, does it still tick?  :rofl:  
if one is alone, are they evolving same as anything sustaining one's time living here now. inorganic evolves in shape and form by combined molecular content and erosion of combined results. That cycle exists prior to organic use of what eroded until decomposed back into molecular characteristics that started the chain reactions that obtained a universal balancing point nothing stays the same occupying time inhabiting the moment here as specifically displaced one of a kind series parallel compounding changes forward.
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28 Jun 2022 3:25 pm
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Actually according to the Bible God has put the Earth in a Time Bubble slowing down time on the Earth until we deal with the Devil who lives on the Earth.

The Earth is not is sync with the rest of the Universe.
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28 Jun 2022 3:32 pm
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Monderegal » 28 Jun 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: Just something off topic from politics I just want to offer an observation. Is it just me or does time move faster in our connected world? I'm forty now but it always seemed that time moved a lot slower when I was a child. We used to drive to the beach as a family in the summer and the seven hour trip seemed to take an eternity. As I get older, the trip that long seems to be a lot faster in my perception. Therefore, I have come to the belief that time seems to move faster as I get older. Is it because my brain is fuller with the knowledge of the world?
I also think that technology might also play a role in my perception of time. It seems that with more distractions, time is moving faster because I never seem to slow down. Perhaps the adage "time flies when you are having fun" is part of the reason for the faster clock in my mind. I seem to always be on the move and perhaps that contributes to my perception that time is moving faster. Any insights?

it isn't anything unique about today.. this is universal and has always been so.

Everyone knows the brain changes as you age. A young person is supposed to learn how to become a useful member of their civilization. So they have excellent memory. 

As you age you don't have so much to learn and your memory skills fade a lot. 

And I mean think about it...your experience of time will be much different if you forget everything.
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28 Jun 2022 3:58 pm
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FOS » 28 Jun 2022, 3:32 pm » wrote: it isn't anything unique about today.. this is universal and has always been so.

Everyone knows the brain changes as you age. A young person is supposed to learn how to become a useful member of their civilization. So they have excellent memory. 

As you age you don't have so much to learn and your memory skills fade a lot. 

And I mean think about it...your experience of time will be much different if you forget everything.
I wish I forgot much more. I'd be happier having the inability to compare the comparatively great society I once lived in with the **** hole America is today. 
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28 Jun 2022 4:00 pm
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 1:51 pm » wrote: if one is alone, are they evolving same as anything sustaining one's time living here now. inorganic evolves in shape and form by combined molecular content and erosion of combined results. That cycle exists prior to organic use of what eroded until decomposed back into molecular characteristics that started the chain reactions that obtained a universal balancing point nothing stays the same occupying time inhabiting the moment here as specifically displaced one of a kind series parallel compounding changes forward.

Would you mind translating that to English for me? 
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28 Jun 2022 4:01 pm
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SJConspirator » 28 Jun 2022, 12:50 pm » wrote: I wish omh could explain it to us, but he's a retard

He's like that old candy commercial.
"Sometimes you write like a nut, sometimes you don't."
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28 Jun 2022 4:03 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jun 2022, 3:58 pm » wrote: I wish I forgot much more. I'd be happier having the inability to compare the comparatively great society I once lived in with the **** hole America is today.
What's really depressing is watching TV and stuff from the 50s. Our high point was probably the 30s or something. It's unreal 5o see how **** we became in such a short time
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 4:10 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jun 2022, 4:00 pm » wrote: Would you mind translating that to English for me? 
it is instinctive english for those willing to accept life in plain sight, not intellectual planed english used in parables to confuse every generation evolving here now.

My use of English doesn't involve psychological class warfare to gain the advantage over people riddled with reasonable doubt loyal to those promising better tomorrows than the great great grandchildren arriving here now.
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28 Jun 2022 4:11 pm
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FOS » 28 Jun 2022, 4:03 pm » wrote: What's really depressing is watching TV and stuff from the 50s. Our high point was probably the 30s or something. It's unreal 5o see how **** we became in such a short time

Exactly. And older photos of hard working, family-oriented people with class and dignity. 
And the way the law was able to ambush and kill wanted criminals without warning and shoot fleeing felons in the back. I applaud that ****. Now, blue lips steal and kill without remorse, receive little punishment, and are placed back to the streets to continue what they do best.
We gotta fix that.
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28 Jun 2022 4:13 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 28 Jun 2022, 4:11 pm » wrote: Exactly. And older photos of hard working, family-oriented people with class and dignity. 
And the way the law was able to ambush and kill wanted criminals without warning and shoot fleeing felons in the back. I applaud that ****. Now, blue lips steal and kill without remorse, receive little punishment, and are placed back to the streets to continue what they do best.
We gotta fix that.

lol I the 30s you didn't even need the police to deal with criminals. Citizens would take care of it themselves.

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28 Jun 2022 4:13 pm
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omh » 28 Jun 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: it is instinctive english for those willing to accept life in plain sight, not intellectual planed english used in parables to confuse every generation evolving here now.

My use of English doesn't involve psychological class warfare to gain the advantage over people riddled with reasonable doubt loyal to those promising better tomorrows than the great great grandchildren arriving here now.

Knock it off, already!
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