Politics is not ethics.

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28 Jun 2022 3:14 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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28 Jun 2022 3:14 pm
28 Jun 2022 3:14 pm
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The way that the vast majority of people approach politics is...if not gossip about specific politicians...simply an opinion they have about what the government SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do...based on their own arbitrary ethics. 

And where do people pick up their ethics? Movies, mainly. Entertainment. Works of fiction. You can tell when an actor is giving you some ethical construct that you should internalize based on the soundtrack. 

Alternatively...you might get some of your ethics from schooling or some media echo chamber you dwell in.

Once upon a time I suppose people got their ethics from church. But that seems vanishing rare today. 

Anyway...point is...nobody has their own 'unique' sense of ethics. It is all group think and it is all arbitrary.

The only way 2 people can have a discussion or a debate about ethics is if they happen to agree on the ultimate goal of ethics (say...going to heaven or something)

Anyway...politics is not ethics.. 'the government should not take away our guns' is not a political comment...it is an ethical comment. 'Police should not randomly kill black people' is not a political comment...it is an ethical comment. 

Get the idea?

Politics is about power. It is about distinguishing friend and enemy. And it is about organizing society in an effective manner. 

Those are the sorts of discussions that are amazingly rare...even on a political forum
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31st Arrival
28 Jun 2022 4:48 pm
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wow, imagine that? politics is not ethics. not even a good deflection anymore FOS.
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28 Jun 2022 5:04 pm
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Politics is extension of war by other means
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28 Jun 2022 5:06 pm
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SJConspirator » 28 Jun 2022, 5:04 pm » wrote: Politics is extension of war by other means
Well exactly. A nazi political philosopher said the same. Politics exists whenever war is possible. 
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28 Jun 2022 5:06 pm
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FOS » 28 Jun 2022, 3:14 pm » wrote:

Once upon a time I suppose people got their ethics from church. But that seems vanishing rare today. 

Anyway...point is...nobody has their own 'unique' sense of ethics. It is all group think and it is all arbitrary.

The only way 2 people can have a discussion or a debate about ethics is if they happen to agree on the ultimate goal of ethics (say...going to heaven or something)

Those are the sorts of discussions that are amazingly rare...even on a political forum

why then, did all ancient religions on earth, independently of each other, come up with the same moral code as the foundation of their beliefs?  The golden rule was ubiquitous on the planet long before cultures had any contact with each other
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28 Jun 2022 5:22 pm
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SJConspirator » 28 Jun 2022, 5:06 pm » wrote: why then, did all ancient religions on earth, independently of each other, come up with the same moral code as the foundation of their beliefs?  The golden rule was ubiquitous on the planet long before cultures had any contact with each other
Eh...there were things that were similar but there were also things that were very different. 

It isn't difficult to explain why there were similarities. I believe that ethics comes from our genes...and it is a set of rules that...if followed by the common people...create a society that is capable of survival. 

There are also various rules followed by social groups of non human animals...and it is easy for scientists to conclude that it is evolved behavior because it benefits the survival of that species in some way.

But I guess because humans feel uncomfortable thinking of themselves as apes...we are supposed to think that our own ethics transcends biology somehow. I think that is silly. 

But anyway it is interesting to note when various people had different ethics. For example monogamy vs polygamy. Such differences create different types of societies eith different strategies for group survival
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28 Jun 2022 5:33 pm
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FOS » 28 Jun 2022, 5:22 pm » wrote: Eh...there were things that were similar but there were also things that were very different. 

It isn't difficult to explain why there were similarities. I believe that ethics comes from our genes...and it is a set of rules that...if followed by the common people...create a society that is capable of survival. 

There are also various rules followed by social groups of non human animals...and it is easy for scientists to conclude that it is evolved behavior because it benefits the survival of that species in some way.

But I guess because humans feel uncomfortable thinking of themselves aa apes...we are supposed to think that our own ethics transcends biology somehow. I think that is silly. 

But anyway it is interesting to note when various people had different ethics. For example monogamy vs polygamy. Such differences create different types of societies eith different strategies for group survival

Is genetic continuation the ultimate test of a race’s fitness?  If so, the blacks may be superior cuz their numbers keep growing while ours keep shrinking..
In the final analysis, it seems they may inherit the earth as we die out
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28 Jun 2022 7:53 pm
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SJConspirator » 28 Jun 2022, 5:33 pm » wrote: Is genetic continuation the ultimate test of a race’s fitness?  If so, the blacks may be superior cuz their numbers keep growing while ours keep shrinking..
In the final analysis, it seems they may inherit the earth as we die out
Blacks die when we do. Their survival is parasitic.
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31st Arrival
29 Jun 2022 5:11 am
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SJConspirator » 28 Jun 2022, 5:04 pm » wrote: Politics is extension of war by other means
you really have changed your vernacular. but you resist giving up your social identity and return to being just the average ancestor adapting to space occupying time now.

what does induced intellect in a brain to wage war on in real time? A brain's ability to navigate the kinetics as being eternally separated now. factual intellect isn't the same thing as genetic displacement.

Guess how that creates Bipolar dysfunction? the constant need for intellectual validation while having a solid sense of self awareness and proportionately alive. the ideas anything else is possible manic behavior to depression of standing against mob mentality.

The core reason an 18 year old goes crazy and walks into a elementary school and kills 21 people. Humanity drove him to do it. America was the first national ideology that tried to honor instinctive awareness and that got lost before the civil war.

that was best described in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address starting out with "4 score and 7 years ago........ America had reached its 5th generation arrived.

Patterns of human behavior, every super power lasts no more than 10 to 14 generations before it is completely re-interpreted into another global ideology.
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29 Jun 2022 7:32 am
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omh » 29 Jun 2022, 5:11 am » wrote: you really have changed your vernacular. but you resist giving up your social identity and return to being just the average ancestor adapting to space occupying time now.

what does induced intellect in a brain to wage war on in real time? A brain's ability to navigate the kinetics as being eternally separated now. factual intellect isn't the same thing as genetic displacement.

Guess how that creates Bipolar dysfunction? the constant need for intellectual validation while having a solid sense of self awareness and proportionately alive. the ideas anything else is possible manic behavior to depression of standing against mob mentality.

The core reason an 18 year old goes crazy and walks into a elementary school and kills 21 people. Humanity drove him to do it. America was the first national ideology that tried to honor instinctive awareness and that got lost before the civil war.

that was best described in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address starting out with "4 score and 7 years ago........ America had reached its 5th generation arrived.

Patterns of human behavior, every super power lasts no more than 10 to 14 generations before it is completely re-interpreted into another global ideology.

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31st Arrival
29 Jun 2022 7:35 am
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yes I scrubbed your reality, your persuasion of power, and left you unbelievable in the power of suggesting real isn't real and reality is all everyone needs to know about.

Deniers will never accept it.
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