Drunk Paul Pelosi Slamed Into A Jeep While Drunk...

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By Skans
28 Jun 2022 10:00 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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29 Jun 2022 12:23 pm
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impartialobserver » 29 Jun 2022, 12:19 pm » wrote: And you think that this preferential treatment towards those who have money is going to stop? I agree that they should pay the price just like anyone else... just not sure how you would go about changing this.
It needs to change!  Perhaps change the laws to make it clear that if anyone, because of their political, social or economic status attempt to seek preferential treatment from officers, the cop and the rich dude will both be additionally punished.  Make it the same as bribery laws.
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29 Jun 2022 12:25 pm
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impartialobserver » 29 Jun 2022, 10:54 am » wrote: No way.... someone drove while drunk. This has never happened before.
Look at you defending your Overlord's "WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW" behavior.
Will you get a "DOGGY TREAT"...?
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29 Jun 2022 12:27 pm
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Skans » 29 Jun 2022, 12:23 pm » wrote: It needs to change!  Perhaps change the laws to make it clear that if anyone, because of their political, social or economic status attempt to seek preferential treatment from officers, the cop and the rich dude will both be additionally punished.  Make it the same as bribery laws.

How would you word this law so that there was zero chance for an officer to conveniently say, "Sir, I am going to cite you for inattentive driving.. so get on home" instead of "Sir, you need to take this breathalyzer. Please step out of the vehicle" and so on? Or them hiring high paid lawyers who exploit every loophole in existing law? 
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29 Jun 2022 12:28 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 29 Jun 2022, 12:25 pm » wrote: Look at you defending your Overlord's "WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW" behavior.
Will you get a "DOGGY TREAT"...?
The OP is acting like what Paul Pelosi did was shocking, never seen before, etc. Folks drive drunk all the time.. whether you like to admit it or not. 

As for Nancy Pelosi, the citizens of CA would be so much better served if she just retired and went away. Her sanctimonious, knee-jerk ways were old decades ago. Every time there is a national news story, she chimes in with a bunch of holier than thou garbage. 
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29 Jun 2022 12:30 pm
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impartialobserver » 29 Jun 2022, 12:28 pm » wrote: The OP is acting like what Paul Pelosi did was shocking, never seen before, etc. Folks drive drunk all the time.. whether you like to admit it or not.
Look at you defending your Overlord's "WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW" behavior.
Will you get a "DOGGY TREAT"..?
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29 Jun 2022 12:31 pm
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impartialobserver » 29 Jun 2022, 12:27 pm » wrote: How would you word this law so that there was zero chance for an officer to conveniently say, "Sir, I am going to cite you for inattentive driving.. so get on home" instead of "Sir, you need to take this breathalyzer. Please step out of the vehicle" and so on? Or them hiring high paid lawyers who exploit every loophole in existing law?
Much of what they do is recorded now anyway.  So, if there is any mention of the person's status or fame, like "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" - that would cause an extra penalty and, the cop could get in trouble if its found preferential treatment was given.  Just like taking a bribe, I really see no difference.  Now, would some cops still take a bribe?  Probably, but they ain't as likely to accept a bribe if there weren't tough laws against bribery. 
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29 Jun 2022 12:34 pm
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Skans » 29 Jun 2022, 12:31 pm » wrote: Much of what they do is recorded now anyway.  So, if there is any mention of the person's status or fame, like "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" - that would cause an extra penalty and, the cop could get in trouble if its found preferential treatment was given.  Just like taking a bribe, I really see no difference.  Now, would some cops still take a bribe?  Probably, but they ain't as likely to accept a bribe if there weren't tough laws against bribery.
And cops also are given discretion as to when they record the incident. So then it would seem as if they would have to consent to have their every action recorded. Every second that they are on shift, they would need to be recorded. Consequently, there would have to be quite the crew that downloaded, organized, and watched all of these videos. 

He was arrested and probably fined. Can you disclose what he has gotten away with? 

On another note, I have been in that same area before, Oakville CA. $25 tasting fees, $50 minimum for a bottle, etc. It always amazes how people spend such obscene amounts of money on wine. 
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sooted up Cyndi
29 Jun 2022 1:41 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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BlueDevil » 29 Jun 2022, 1:14 pm » wrote: I’m looking forward to hearing her talk about white privilege after he husband gets off with a slap on the wrist.
DEVIL? is anyone really sure? it was him? Or was it nancy? we cant believe anything we see these days :ninja:  
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29 Jun 2022 7:30 pm
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Skans » 29 Jun 2022, 7:16 am » wrote: Oh, I think I'm going to delete this - not a good idea to have this **** out there on the internet!
You're right. Some uppity plate-lipped yard boy or hook-nosed yahoodi will try to get us in trouble. 

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29 Jun 2022 8:14 pm
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Skans » 29 Jun 2022, 12:23 pm » wrote: It needs to change!  Perhaps change the laws to make it clear that if anyone, because of their political, social or economic status attempt to seek preferential treatment from officers, the cop and the rich dude will both be additionally punished.  Make it the same as bribery laws.

You Mean mandatory?
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30 Jun 2022 7:57 am
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impartialobserver » 29 Jun 2022, 12:34 pm » wrote: And cops also are given discretion as to when they record the incident. So then it would seem as if they would have to consent to have their every action recorded. Every second that they are on shift, they would need to be recorded. Consequently, there would have to be quite the crew that downloaded, organized, and watched all of these videos. 

He was arrested and probably fined. Can you disclose what he has gotten away with? 

On another note, I have been in that same area before, Oakville CA. $25 tasting fees, $50 minimum for a bottle, etc. It always amazes how people spend such obscene amounts of money on wine.
I don't have the perfect "law" to stop people getting preferential treatment.  I just know that its wrong and some effort should go into stopping it.

As for wine. I personally cannot taste the supposed betterment in a $50+ bottle of wine and a good $20 bottle of wine. There are several wines that I really like in the $20 - $40 range which are consistently good.  Now, those compared to $10/bottle convenience store wine - yeah, I can taste the difference.
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30 Jun 2022 9:06 am
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Ok... damn... lol... as the title says...


In memory of Pumpkins

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