Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 9:46 am » wrote: ↑
There were fewer
babies with no immunities when they weren't being locked down in a bubble, dumb ***. Being introduced to things from normal exposure helps the immune system develop. Being kept on lock down limits exposure, limiting immune system development.
Google, WTF is wrong with your brain, that his needs to be explained to you?
Gee fetal alcohol syndrome, drug usage, women being over 30 having their first child, humanity sacrifices those able to adapt leaving those protected to deliver next generation always following ideas now isn't eternity.
WTF is wrong with your brain navigating time only occupying space now?
Go play mems where I am banned from responding to being hash tagged every post between you and Jinn gloating your side won. I understand the kinetics to genetic displacement per lifetime ever occupied space reproductively here regardless its species or ancestral lineage.
now, I own NWO instinctively insideout of every reality ever governed people ancestrally present, past, current ancestral position, forward from here.
Genetic accountability doesn't need seeing is believing and all facts substantiate doubt forward academically, artistically, economically, politically, spiritually, socially, ancestrally..
see 7 degrees of separation, your intellect only uses 6.