Rich Lowery says, "Don't indictTrump."...really Rich?

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By Ike Bana
1 Jul 2022 9:11 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Ike Bana
1 Jul 2022 9:11 am
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If you believe that an indictment of the most likely candidate to run against Joe Biden in 2024 by the president’s own Justice Department would be considered anything but a politicized travesty by about half of the country, you haven’t been paying attention.
Don't Indict Trump

Really Rich?  Thats it?  That's your argument?You right wingjob ****.  We already know the country is half full of assholes.  If you have an actual argument Rich, provide it.

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1 Jul 2022 9:27 am
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Trump is clearly as guilty as can be. what's more, he is planning to repeat his crimes again. He will run again, LOSE by a large margin and have his loss turned into a bogus victory by collaborations with corrupt state legislators and officials.

Indictment, trial, conviction and PRISON are the way we can save our democracy.

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1 Jul 2022 9:28 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Jul 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: Trump is clearly as guilty as can be. what's more, he is planning to repeat his crimes again. He will run again, LOSE by a large margin and have his loss turned into a bogus victory by collaborations with corrupt state legislators and officials.

Indictment, trial, conviction and PRISON for Trump and his henchmen are the way we can save our democracy.

Why should Rich Lowry be listened to? 

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1 Jul 2022 10:06 am
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IkeBana » 01 Jul 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: Don't Indict Trump

Really Rich?  Thats it?  That's your argument?You right wingjob ****.  We already know the country is half full of assholes.  If you have an actual argument Rich, provide it.
I don't think Rich posts here so your outrage is pointless.... but just for fun, what is your argument for indicting Trump.. and what do you want to indict him for?


In memory of Pumpkins

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1 Jul 2022 10:08 am
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It looks like Rick Lowry of National Review offered the White House his services in doing some positive P.R. on behalf of Rove protege Tim Griffin, who the administration had sought to sought to muscle into the U.S. attorney job in Arkansas as a replacement for the fired Bud Cummins.

In a January 2007 email, White House political director Sara Taylor wrote:

Prior is going after Griffin. He's made this his cause.... We need to find some folks to defend Tim and his credentials, not to mention our policy.
Your thoughts? Rich Lowry offered to help Tim.

The best part? Taylor went on to ask: "Anyone better?"

Shame on the Bush administration: This is no way to treat the help ... ny-respect
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1 Jul 2022 10:15 am
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IkeBana » 01 Jul 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: Don't Indict Trump

Really Rich?  Thats it?  That's your argument?You right wingjob ****.  We already know the country is half full of assholes.  If you have an actual argument Rich, provide it.
Please explain this obsession with Donald Trump for the rest of us sane people. I’d really like to understand it. Thanks. 
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1 Jul 2022 10:25 am
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IkeBana » 01 Jul 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: Don't Indict Trump

Really Rich?  Thats it?  That's your argument?You right wingjob ****.  We already know the country is half full of assholes.  If you have an actual argument Rich, provide it. ... stigation/
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

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An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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1 Jul 2022 11:09 am
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Independent » 01 Jul 2022, 10:15 am » wrote: Please explain this obsession with Donald Trump for the rest of us sane people. I’d really like to understand it. Thanks.
Hold on, Fluffy.

Have you thrown yourself off the Hellbound Train?
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1 Jul 2022 11:10 am
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1 Jul 2022 11:18 am
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Blackvegetable » 01 Jul 2022, 11:10 am » wrote: Because he finally complied with a court order.

F'n A.

Shar shar, fruity. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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1 Jul 2022 12:20 pm
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I remember liberals screaming so loudly I thought their heads would explode at the thought of Trump asking someone to investigate his political opponent.
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1 Jul 2022 12:25 pm
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ConsRule » 01 Jul 2022, 12:20 pm » wrote: I remember liberals screaming so loudly I thought their heads would explode at the thought of Trump asking someone to investigate his political opponent.
You have a faulty memory.
Trump asked the RUSSIANS to investigate Hillary's e-mails.
He was accused, rightfully of both being silly and treasonous. No heads came close to exploding.
There was nothing useful to anyone in Hillary's e mails
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1 Jul 2022 12:28 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Jul 2022, 12:25 pm » wrote: You have a faulty memory.
Trump asked the RUSSIANS to investigate Hillary's e-mails.
He was accused, rightfully of both being silly and treasonous. No heads came close to exploding.
There was nothing useful to anyone in Hillary's e mails
Your memory is faulty...and it goes well with your incomparable stupidity.

Ever hear of Ukraine?
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1 Jul 2022 12:37 pm
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ConsRule » 01 Jul 2022, 12:20 pm » wrote: I remember liberals screaming so loudly I thought their heads would explode at the thought of Trump asking someone to investigate his political opponent.
Betting Zelensky regrets not investigating Joe and son. He would still have a country.
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Ike Bana
2 Jul 2022 5:40 am
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Jantje_Smit » 01 Jul 2022, 10:06 am » wrote: I don't think Rich posts here so your outrage is pointless.... but just for fun, what is your argument for indicting Trump.. and what do you want to indict him for?
What would I Indict him for, just for fun?  OK then...just for fun  if I could Indict Trump for anything it would be for depraved indifference in the deaths of a half million Americans who would be alive today had he done half of what Merkel did in Germany, or 10% of what the government of South Korea did the late winter of 2020...if this is a just for fun discussion.

I would also indict him for tax fraud and bank fraud for under reporting of income to the IRS, while at the same time, over reporting income to banks.  The former to evade federal income tax, the latter to get bank loans.  Just for fun.

OK...just for fun...when Trump called Raffensperger and told him to find 11,780 votes, he violated a Georgia criminal statute,  "criminal solicitation of election fraud."  So, if I was the Attorney General of the sovereign State Georgia, I would indict him for that...just for fun.

There's more fun to be had if you want it, just for fun.  Just let me know, you stoopid **** polack.
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Ike Bana
2 Jul 2022 5:45 am
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Neo » 01 Jul 2022, 12:37 pm » wrote: Betting Zelensky regrets not investigating Joe and son. He would still have a country.
Speaking of regret...reckon what Neo regrets because he only has half a brain?
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2 Jul 2022 5:45 am
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IkeBana » 02 Jul 2022, 5:40 am » wrote: What would I Indict him for, just for fun?  OK then...just for fun  if I could Indict Trump for anything it would be for depraved indifference in the deaths of a half million Americans who would be alive today had he done half of what Merkel did in Germany, or 10% of what the government of South Korea did the late winter of 2020...if this is a just for fun discussion.

I would also indict him for tax fraud and bank fraud for under reporting of income to the IRS, while at the same time, over reporting income to banks.  The former to evade federal income tax, the latter to get bank loans.  Just for fun.

OK...just for fun...when Trump called Raffensperger and told him to find 11,780 votes, he violated a Georgia criminal statute,  "criminal solicitation of election fraud."  So, if I was the Attorney General of the sovereign State Georgia, I would indict him for that...just for fun.

There's more fun to be had if you want it, just for fun.  Just let me know, you stoopid **** polack.
Lockdowns weren't effective, masks useless virtue signaling security theater. Trump asked that legitimate votes be found, not fake votes be created.
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2 Jul 2022 5:46 am
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IkeBana » 02 Jul 2022, 5:45 am » wrote: Speaking of regret...reckon what Neo regrets because he only has half a brain?
Regrets? I have a few, but then again too few to mention. 
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2 Jul 2022 5:57 am
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IkeBana » 02 Jul 2022, 5:40 am » wrote: What would I Indict him for, just for fun?  OK then...just for fun  if I could Indict Trump for anything it would be for depraved indifference in the deaths of a half million Americans who would be alive today had he done half of what Merkel did in Germany, or 10% of what the government of South Korea did the late winter of 2020...if this is a just for fun discussion.

I would also indict him for tax fraud and bank fraud for under reporting of income to the IRS, while at the same time, over reporting income to banks.  The former to evade federal income tax, the latter to get bank loans.  Just for fun.

OK...just for fun...when Trump called Raffensperger and told him to find 11,780 votes, he violated a Georgia criminal statute,  "criminal solicitation of election fraud."  So, if I was the Attorney General of the sovereign State Georgia, I would indict him for that...just for fun.

There's more fun to be had if you want it, just for fun.  Just let me know, you stoopid **** polack.
TDS doesn't count as an argument, you stoopid shrink.... but I appreciate the effort... it's fun to see you snowflakes fantasize about how you will get him now....

In memory of Pumpkins

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