Let's just note some obvious ****.
They worship a Jewish God.
The key issues today are racial. There is no affirmative action disempowering Christians. No...it is race.
Nobody gives a **** if Christian cops kill atheist criminals. No...it is white vs black.
The jews are both a raceamd a religion. But they clearly care more about being a race.
And is it really any wonder that if you worship a Jewish God you become a slave to the Jewish race. Is that really so mysterious.
The media just recently is hyping up this massive fear of 'Christian nationalism.' Which like everything the media does is fake and gay. Because Christianity is not nationalism and Christianity is not relevant to racial conflict...which is literally all that matters in the modern us.
I don't mean to dump on Christians. The instinct that makes the average white person is often connected to making them loyal to the white race.
But let's be honest. We once had our own gods. It is in the days of the week.
Sun day. Moon day. Tyrs day. Odins day. Thors day. Freya day. Saturn's day.
Were the gods of your ancestors demons? And do you then wonder why our race is being destroyed by jews?