We can only fire people we hired. Joe was put over us by our wall street overlords.ConservativeWave » 03 Jul 2022, 10:23 pm » wrote: ↑ Oil & Gas Industry, responding to a tweet that oil & Gas industry should just LOWER the price of gas... TO WHICH the Oil & Gas Industry responded:
"Working on it Mr. President. In the meantime - have a Happy 4th and please make sure the WH intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester...," !
THIS President is a NINCOMPOOP !!
HE EXPECTS the Industry to take the BLAME... in place of a U.S. President who:
1) Promised he would DESTROY the Oil & Gas Industry prior to the 2020 election.. THEN
2) Cancelled the Keystone Pipeline after being elected...
3) RE-INSTATED thousands of previously Trump cancelled EPA Regulations (NOW determined to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court) !! and
HE TRIED to blame Putin... THAT FAILED !! THEN, HE TRIED to blame EUROPE... THAT FAILED !! NOW, he's TRYING to blame the Oil and Gas Industry... WHEN it was HIS FAULT ALL ALONG !!
GET RID of this IDIOT Son of a BITCH !!
NOW !!
https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/u- ... ump-prices
I WILL say this... the RADICAL Liberal, Marxist Socialists are 1000 times WORSE than I ever dreamed they were.. I DO BELIEVE... that TODAY they have it in their minds to TAKE OVER the U.S. government... and TURN it into a Marxist Socialist, TOTALITARIAN, Police State... that THEY control !!Cannonpointer » 03 Jul 2022, 10:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Wely can only fire people we hired. Joe was put over us by our wall street overlords.
I warned you republicans ten years ago you were dancing with the devil. Now ya know.
THAT is ALL Bull ****... you are talking about a few "Million" dollars, in and INDUSTRY that is produces TRILLIONS of dollars in product... of which America was a PLAYER until Joe Biden:supraTruth » 04 Jul 2022, 2:48 am » wrote: ↑ meanwhile OIL CEOs RAKING IN MORE THAN $15 MILLION/yr. are STILL in the same tax bracket as an upper class family in New York or California only earning $600K!
Darren Woods made $15,639,061 in total compensation as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Exxon Mobil Corp in 2020. $1,615,000 was received as Total Cash, $8,434,725 was received as Equity and $5,589,336 was received as Pension and other forms of compensation.
https://www.erieri.com › executive
Darren Woods Salary Infomation 2020 - ERI Economic Research ...
ME TOO! you said a mouthful of truth there.ConservativeWave » 04 Jul 2022, 12:43 am » wrote: ↑ I WILL say this... the RADICAL Liberal, Marxist Socialists are 1000 times WORSE than I ever dreamed they were.. I DO BELIEVE... that TODAY they have it in their minds to TAKE OVER the U.S. government... and TURN it into a Marxist Socialist, TOTALITARIAN, Police State... that THEY control !!
Judging by EVERYTHING they have shown us... their LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, ABUSE of POWER, and ATTEMPTS to CONTROL the MINDS of the SMALL minded MINIONS of NEEDY Democrats...
ConservativeWave » 03 Jul 2022, 10:23 pm » wrote: ↑ Oil & Gas Industry, responding to a tweet that oil & Gas industry should just LOWER the price of gas... TO WHICH the Oil & Gas Industry responded:
"Working on it Mr. President. In the meantime - have a Happy 4th and please make sure the WH intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester...," !
THIS President is a NINCOMPOOP !!
HE EXPECTS the Industry to take the BLAME... in place of a U.S. President who:
1) Promised he would DESTROY the Oil & Gas Industry prior to the 2020 election.. THEN
2) Cancelled the Keystone Pipeline after being elected...
3) RE-INSTATED thousands of previously Trump cancelled EPA Regulations (NOW determined to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court) !! and
HE TRIED to blame Putin... THAT FAILED !! THEN, HE TRIED to blame EUROPE... THAT FAILED !! NOW, he's TRYING to blame the Oil and Gas Industry... WHEN it was HIS FAULT ALL ALONG !!
GET RID of this IDIOT Son of a BITCH !!
NOW !!
https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/u- ... ump-prices
Where do you get this ****?4) ENDED HUNDREDS of PERMITS with Oil Companies to DRILL and EXPLORE on PUBLIC LAND..
OH!! RADICAL News outlets.. like ABC News, Yahoo News, and Oil & Gas Industry News outlets...
ConservativeWave » 04 Jul 2022, 12:43 am » wrote: ↑ I WILL say this... the RADICAL Liberal, Marxist Socialists are 1000 times WORSE than I ever dreamed they were.. I DO BELIEVE... that TODAY they have it in their minds to TAKE OVER the U.S. government... and TURN it into a Marxist Socialist, TOTALITARIAN, Police State... that THEY control !!
Judging by EVERYTHING they have shown us... their LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, ABUSE of POWER, and ATTEMPTS to CONTROL the MINDS of the SMALL minded MINIONS of NEEDY Democrats...
You struggle with the meaning of words.ConservativeWave » 04 Jul 2022, 8:18 am » wrote: ↑ OH!! RADICAL News outlets.. like ABC News, Yahoo News, and Oil & Gas Industry News outlets...![]()
YOU don't educate yourself very much, on the issues YOU CLAIM to be an expert on... DO YOU ?
https://news.yahoo.com/drilling-permits ... 03008.html https://oilprice.com
How did the number of permits ISSUED in 2021 compare to the number issued in 2020?4) ENDED HUNDREDS of PERMITS with Oil Companies to DRILL and EXPLORE on PUBLIC LAND..
And socialist dopes (take a bow here) think people like you should control what the officers of a private company must do with THEIR MONEY, and believe your beloved government should limit that, don't you?supraTruth » 04 Jul 2022, 2:48 am » wrote: ↑ meanwhile OIL CEOs RAKING IN MORE THAN $15 MILLION/yr. are STILL in the same tax bracket as an upper class family in New York or California only earning $600K!
Darren Woods made $15,639,061 in total compensation as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Exxon Mobil Corp in 2020. $1,615,000 was received as Total Cash, $8,434,725 was received as Equity and $5,589,336 was received as Pension and other forms of compensation.
https://www.erieri.com › executive
Darren Woods Salary Infomation 2020 - ERI Economic Research ...
THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH THEIR $ AFTER THEY PAY FAIR PROGRESSIVE MARGINAL GRADUATED TAXATION LIKE THE REST OF US 99%, U ******* RNC TOOL.Zeets2 » 04 Jul 2022, 9:58 am » wrote: ↑ And socialist dopes (take a bow here) think people like you should control what the officers of a private company must do with THEIR MONEY, and believe your beloved government should limit that, don't you?
You'll simply NEVER learn, will you?
RECORD PROFITS FOR THE GREEDY BASS TURDS & RNC PISS ANTS LIKE U WANT AMERICANS TO IGNORE IT.ConservativeWave » 04 Jul 2022, 6:54 am » wrote: ↑ THAT is ALL Bull ****... you are talking about a few "Million" dollars, in and INDUSTRY that is produces TRILLIONS of dollars in product... of which America was a PLAYER until Joe Biden:
1) Promised he would DESTROY the Oil & Gas Industry prior to the 2020 election..
2) THEN... He Cancelled the Keystone Pipeline after being elected...
3) THEN... He RE-INSTATED thousands of previously Trump cancelled EPA Regulations (NOW determined to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court) !! and
THAT is what SQUEEZED production, REDUCED access to energy in America and WORLD WIDE, to a point where Wind and Solar sources could NEVER REPLACE or COMPENSATE... AND, DUE to the laws of "Economics" ( Econ 101... which neither Joe Biden, his INTERNS, NOR the Democrat Party seem to understand very well)... SCARCITY has cause PRICES to SKYROCKET !!
Finally... it seems that when Democrats and RINO's are FACED with economic backlashes that THEY cause... THEY, are NOT very good at TRUTHFULLY explaining the causes of their ACTIONS... in 2008, Liberal inspired policies caused Oil prices to spike... THAT was immediately blamed on "The GREEDY Oil Companies"... it was JUST as WRONG THEN, as it is TODAY !!
NOT Putin, NOT the Oil Industry, and NOT Europe... JOE BIDEN and the DEMOCRAT PARTY did that !!
Oh, so it's THEIR fault that the DEMOCRATS who FULLY CONTROL CONGRESS have not changed the tax laws to the kind that would satisfy YOU?supraTruth » 04 Jul 2022, 1:02 pm » wrote: ↑ THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH THEIR $ AFTER THEY PAY FAIR PROGRESSIVE MARGINAL GRADUATED TAXATION LIKE THE REST OF US 99%, U ******* RNC TOOL.
NEVER HEARD OF MOSCOW MITCH'S SENATE FILIBUSTERS, DID U, ZIT FACE?Zeets2 » 04 Jul 2022, 1:13 pm » wrote: ↑ Oh, so it's THEIR fault that the DEMOCRATS who FULLY CONTROL CONGRESS have not changed the tax laws to the kind that would satisfy YOU?
Well, who the **** died and made YOU king? If the Congressmen THAT YOU VOTED FOR don't do what you want, WHY WOULD YOU KEEP VOTING FOR THEM, YOU MORON?
NOPE, IT WAS THE AMERICAN VOTERS, PUD.Cannonpointer » 03 Jul 2022, 10:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Wely can only fire people we hired. Joe was put over us by our wall street overlords.
I warned you republicans ten years ago you were dancing with the devil. Now ya know.
Oh, so what happened to your great leftist idea to CHANGE that filibuster rule, SINCE YOUR DEMOCRATS CONTROL THE SENATE? Or is it that your radical leftist theories are too idiotic and extreme to get all your Democrat Senators to agree? I suppose THAT'S the fault of the Republican leadership too? Or is it the fault of those corporate CEOs that you ALSO think should adhere to your "ingenious" socialist plan?supraTruth » 04 Jul 2022, 1:19 pm » wrote: ↑ NEVER HEARD OF MOSCOW MITCH'S SENATE FILIBUSTERS, DID U, ZIT FACE?
YOU struggle with the MEANING of FACTS ! Did YOU READ what the media ANNOUNCED about Oil and Gas Permits that Biden CANCELLED when he was elected... AFTER announcing to the world he would DESTROY Oil and Gas Production in the United States... HE CANCELLED the permits and REINSTATED EPA Regulations that Donald Trump had cancelled, and which LEAD to America becoming ENERGY INDEPENDENT under HIS Watch... Joe Biden's actions had EXACTLY the OPPOSITE effect... WHICH was the plan. Joe Biden can TRY to blame WHOEVER he wants... Americans KNOW what he DID and WHY... and WHAT the effect has become!Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: ↑ You struggle with the meaning of words.
How did the number of permits ISSUED in 2021 compare to the number issued in 2020?
POST THE NUMBERS, ASSHOLE.ConservativeWave » 04 Jul 2022, 6:56 pm » wrote: ↑ YOU struggle with the MEANING of FACTS ! Did YOU READ what the media ANNOUNCED about Oil and Gas Permits that Biden CANCELLED when he was elected... AFTER announcing to the world he would DESTROY Oil and Gas Production in the United States... HE CANCELLED the permits and REINSTATED EPA Regulations that Donald Trump had cancelled, and which LEAD to America becoming ENERGY INDEPENDENT under HIS Watch... Joe Biden's actions had EXACTLY the OPPOSITE effect... WHICH was the plan. Joe Biden can TRY to blame WHOEVER he wants... Americans KNOW what he DID and WHY... and WHAT the effect has become!
As far as the "NUMBER" of permits goes... the NUMBER of permits is IRRELEVANT... YOU can have a MILLION permits, but IF the NEW permits don't AUTHORIZE and ENABLE Oil Companies to DRILL and PRODUCE OIL... the actual "NUMBER" is COMPLETE BULL **** !!
**** !! ...and SO is your Post !