TB7 » 07 Jul 2022, 6:14 am » wrote: ↑ The drug smuggling trial involving two-time Olympic gold medalist and WNBA star Brittney Griner will resume Thursday amid claims by Russian officials that Griner may appeal her sentence or ask for clemency, a possible foreshadowing of what’s to come for the American basketball player.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry said during a news briefing Wednesday that Griner will have the ability to appeal her verdict once the ruling is in and disputed claims made by the U.S. that the Phoenix Mercury star was wrongfully detained Feb. 17.
The spokesperson added that there was "indisputable evidence" to support the government’s case and that "attempts to present her case as though the American woman was illegally detained do not stand up to criticism."
"The decision regarding Ms. Griner has likely been made, and she will almost certainly be convicted," former U.S. intel officer Rebekah Koffler told Fox News Digital. "Russian intelligence services have a very nuanced understanding of U.S. domestic politics, which they seek to exploit, as a matter of standard tradecraft.
Brittney Griner back in Russian court as fear of conviction looms | Fox News
she is as wrongfully detained as the Jan 6 protesters....
wonder if she is taking a knee there in the nice russia prison
TB7 » 07 Jul 2022, 6:42 am » wrote: ↑ wonder if she is taking a knee there in the nice russia prison
yes RK..... according to the demoKKKrats, she has been wrongfully charged.
TB7 » 07 Jul 2022, 6:56 am » wrote: ↑ yes RK..... according to the demoKKKrats, she has been wrongfully charged.
Xavier, that is a very exciting theory you have there. If I were you (and I ain't you) I would fly to Greece and then take a plan into Russia so that you can be her defense attorney. TELL THOSE RUSSIANS "LET MY PEOPLE GO". Let me know how this works out for you. and Ms. Griner.Xavier_Onassis » 07 Jul 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: ↑ she is as wrongfully detained as the Jan 6 protesters....\
What a totally idiotic thing to post!
The Jan 6 protesters were attempting to overthrow the US government.
They were doing so knowingly in front of dozens of cameras making videos of their crime.
This woman was not doing anything in public to make any sort of statement.
At most she was attempting to chill out in Russia in the same way she legally did so at home, which harmed no one in Russia.
The Russians have seized her as a political symbol to provoke disunity in the US among asshole racists like the right wing loons and goons in this forum and people concerned with fair treatment and human rights.
There is no good reason for the Russians not to just let her go.
She threatens no one and has harmed no one.
But the Jan 6th insurrectionists are traitors to their country.
It would be entirely futile for any US civilian to travel to Greece or anywhere to plead a case for her. The Russians are waging a propaganda war and they do not actually care whether this women used cannabis oil or not.Skans » 07 Jul 2022, 9:21 am » wrote: ↑ Xavier, that is a very exciting theory you have there. If I were you (and I ain't you) I would fly to Greece and then take a plan into Russia so that you can be her defense attorney. TELL THOSE RUSSIANS "LET MY PEOPLE GO". Let me know how this works out for you. and Ms. Griner.
Also entirely true.Squatchman » 07 Jul 2022, 9:23 am » wrote: ↑ But the Jan 6th insurrectionists are traitors to their country.
She isn't.
Americans aren't divided over Griner. Most of us could care less about her. Let the Russians have her. But, if you care about what happens to her, then you go and defend her. Otherwise, join the rest of us apathetic Americans and watch a "Friends" re-run to take your mind off of her troubles.Xavier_Onassis » 07 Jul 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑ It would be entirely futile for any US civilian to travel to Greece or anywhere to plead a case for her. The Russians are waging a propaganda war and they do not actually care whether this women used cannabis oil or not.
It is clear that the Russians are using this as way of dividing Americans. That is what Putin liked most about Trump: he divided, and therefore weakened Americans.
and exactly why she is in prison. she has no rights in Russia...let that sink in. her woke privileges don't apply in Russia. let that sink in. and last but not least, this is from her letter to joeySquatchman » 07 Jul 2022, 9:23 am » wrote: ↑ But the Jan 6th insurrectionists are traitors to their country.
She isn't.
BE REAL SADXavier_Onassis » 07 Jul 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑ It would be entirely futile for any US civilian to travel to Greece or anywhere to plead a case for her. The Russians are waging a propaganda war and they do not actually care whether this women used cannabis oil or not.
It is clear that the Russians are using this as way of dividing Americans. That is what Putin liked most about Trump: he divided, and therefore weakened Americans.