Biden reverses Trump policy on aid to Palestinians, fails to condemn terror wave against Israelis...

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15 Jul 2022 10:16 am
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ANOTHER Joe Biden BLUNDER in the making... ENDING a Successful strategy, JUST because Donald Trump initiated it... THIS TOO will BLOW UP in Joe Biden's FACE... JUST like the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Southern Border strategy, Gas Prices, Inflation, and ALL the rest !

"President Biden reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and announced plans to bolster U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian people, reversing multiple policies implemented by former President Trump."

 "After spending time with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, Biden met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other top Palestinian officials before visiting the Church of the Nativity, the place Christians cite as the birthplace of Jesus" ... -east-trip
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15 Jul 2022 10:21 am
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ConservativeWave » 15 Jul 2022, 10:16 am » wrote: ANOTHER Joe Biden BLUNDER in the making... ENDING a Successful strategy, JUST because Donald Trump initiated it... THIS TOO will BLOW UP in Joe Biden's FACE... JUST like the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Southern Border strategy, Gas Prices, Inflation, and ALL the rest !

"President Biden reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and announced plans to bolster U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian people, reversing multiple policies implemented by former President Trump."

 "After spending time with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, Biden met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other top Palestinian officials before visiting the Church of the Nativity, the place Christians cite as the birthplace of Jesus" ... -east-trip
I don't think the Jews will be contributing to Biden's campaign.  They are going to rally behind a different Dem candidate, and it ain't going to be Biden.
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15 Jul 2022 11:20 am
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: I don't think the Jews will be contributing to Biden's campaign.  They are going to rally behind a different Dem candidate, and it ain't going to be Biden
You falsely assume that Jews are one issue voters than think that Israel is the main issue.
The Democrats will again get a majority of the votes of Jewish Americans.

As of the present moment, Biden is not campaigning.
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15 Jul 2022 11:26 am
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: I don't think the Jews will be contributing to Biden's campaign.  They are going to rally behind a different Dem candidate, and it ain't going to be Biden.

Israel is on our team.
They are our # 1 Ally in the Middle East.
They are nuclear power.
They got our back......we their theirs. (& vice versa)
If we war......they war with us against our enemies.         

They were Dem in the old days.
And......those days are gone.                                  
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31st Arrival
15 Jul 2022 11:31 am
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Just fundraising. Oh wait, his brother and son are doing that globally.
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15 Jul 2022 11:51 am
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ConservativeWave » 15 Jul 2022, 10:16 am » wrote: ANOTHER Joe Biden BLUNDER in the making... ENDING a Successful strategy, JUST because Donald Trump initiated it... THIS TOO will BLOW UP in Joe Biden's FACE... JUST like the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Southern Border strategy, Gas Prices, Inflation, and ALL the rest !

"President Biden reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and announced plans to bolster U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian people, reversing multiple policies implemented by former President Trump."

 "After spending time with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, Biden met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other top Palestinian officials before visiting the Church of the Nativity, the place Christians cite as the birthplace of Jesus" ... -east-trip

Aiding Palestinians=Aiding HAMAS. 
Biden loves aiding terrorists. 
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15 Jul 2022 12:52 pm
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Taipan » 15 Jul 2022, 11:26 am » wrote: Israel is on our team.
They are our # 1 Ally in the Middle East.
They are nuclear power.
They got our back......we their theirs. (& vice versa)
If we war......they war with us against our enemies.         

They were Dem in the old days.
And......those days are gone.                                  
I agree with you, I see Israel as an ally of the US.  They have had our backs on quite a few occasions, many of which do not get publicized. I'm sure @FOS  and @GHETTO BLASTER  will disagree.  You can wrangle with them. 
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15 Jul 2022 1:08 pm
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 12:52 pm » wrote: I agree with you, I see Israel as an ally of the US.  They have had our backs on quite a few occasions, many of which do not get publicized. I'm sure @FOS  and @GHETTO BLASTER  will disagree.  You can wrangle with them.

I am cowboy.
I like to 'rope & wrangle'.                     

They are not enemy Dems.
Just misguided GOP boys.
They are still on our team.
Same thing for C.P.
There is disagreement.........but not ill-will.

Everyone does not learn at the same speed.
It will all come the wash.

I am watching "The Viking Series".
All 6 seasons.

Peace, Brother.                                                                
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15 Jul 2022 1:10 pm
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 12:52 pm » wrote: I agree with you, I see Israel as an ally of the US.  They have had our backs on quite a few occasions, many of which do not get publicized. I'm sure @FOS  and @GHETTO BLASTER  will disagree.  You can wrangle with them.
I see Israeli as a gigantic blood sucking tick.
How many Israelis lost their lives in support of our efforts in Iraq...?
Of course not...!!
Their official [lame] excuse was made for them by the [[[GLOBALIST NWO UNITED NATIONS]]] why the Jews were "excused" from participating...... :rolleyes:  
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15 Jul 2022 1:21 pm
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Oh, so you think that Jews are somehow unaffected by the $6 a gallon gas, the 9.1% inflation rate, the high taxes, or the rampant crime that the rest of us are suffering through under the idiot you voted for?
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15 Jul 2022 1:54 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 15 Jul 2022, 1:10 pm » wrote: I see Israeli as a gigantic blood sucking tick.
How many Israelis lost their lives in support of our efforts in Iraq...?
Of course not...!!
Their official [lame] excuse was made for them by the [[[GLOBALIST NWO UNITED NATIONS]]] why the Jews were "excused" from participating...... Image  
You see Israel as a blood sucking tick, because you fail to realize what the US gets from Israel.  The US and Israel cooperate in the joint development of a number of cutting-edge high tech weapons.  Of course, the US gets all rights to these weapons and access to some of the best weapons designers in the world. The US gets to basically use Israel as a military base and storage for huge amounts of US weapons to secure US interests.

THEL High Energy Laser System.

The US may not have the smartest weapons designers in the World, but we can afford to buy them - Germans, Jews, even some Russians.  As for the Iraq war - it turned out to be a stupid war.  No WMD's. Upset the balance of power with Iran.  Mostly driven by bad intelligence and Bush II's desire to finish what Bush I left hanging after his presidency, which had everything to do with Iraq's prior invasion of Kuwait.

I have no problem being an ally to Israel so long as we have access to their weapons technology.
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15 Jul 2022 2:01 pm
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 1:54 pm » wrote: You see Israel as a blood sucking tick, because you fail to realize what the US gets from Israel.  The US and Israel cooperate in the joint development of a number of cutting-edge high tech weapons.  Of course, the US gets all rights to these weapons and access to some of the best weapons designers in the world. The US gets to basically use Israel as a military base and storage for huge amounts of US weapons to secure US interests.

THEL High Energy Laser System.

The US may not have the smartest weapons designers in the World, but we can afford to buy them - Germans, Jews, even some Russians.  As for the Iraq war - it turned out to be a stupid war.  No WMD's. Upset the balance of power with Iran.  Mostly driven by bad intelligence and Bush II's desire to finish what Bush I left hanging after his presidency, which had everything to do with Iraq's prior invasion of Kuwait.

I have no problem being an ally to Israel so long as we have access to their weapons technology. you believe that without Israel's help we couldn't develope a Death Ray without their help.
We totally **** DWARF their capabilities just in Southern California alone.
If we redirected the Billions of dollars that we send Israel to Culver City California Defense Contracters....imagine the ROI that would create...!!
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15 Jul 2022 2:18 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 15 Jul 2022, 2:01 pm » wrote: you believe that without Israel's help we couldn't develope a Death Ray without their help.
The Israelis come up with some incredible technology, and because all of the Arabs surrounding them hate 'em, their toys actually work. Yeah, I want to make sure we have access to this stuff!
We totally **** DWARF their capabilities just in Southern California alone.
Technology wise, ****. 
If we redirected the Billions of dollars that we send Israel to Culver City California Defense Contracters....imagine the ROI that would create...!!
I don't believe in throwing "stupid money" at anyone, including Israel. As for Culver City, the only thing I know about Culver City is that it is a freaking **** right next to Crenshaw.  Been there - took a wrong turn.  Crazy black people wondering around in the streets like freaking zombies yelling at imaginary people.  I have a friend who moved to LA.  It takes over $7 Million to live somewhere where you can actually like your neighbors.
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15 Jul 2022 2:23 pm
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 2:18 pm » wrote: The Israelis come up with some incredible technology, and because all of the Arabs surrounding them hate 'em, their toys actually work. Yeah, I want to make sure we have access to this stuff!

Technology wise, ****. 

I don't believe in throwing "stupid money" at anyone, including Israel. As for Culver City, the only thing I know about Culver City is that it is a freaking **** right next to Crenshaw.  Been there - took a wrong turn.  Crazy black people wondering around in the streets like freaking zombies yelling at imaginary people.
How many Israelis lost their lives in support of our efforts in Iraq...?
Of course not...!!
Their official [lame] excuse was made for them by the [[[GLOBALIST NWO UNITED NATIONS]]] why the Jews were "excused" from participating...... Image 


List of aircraft of the Israeli Air Force - Wikipedia
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15 Jul 2022 3:00 pm
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The US has gotten itself in numerous wars since the founding of Israel. And Israel has not joined in any of them. NONE.
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15 Jul 2022 3:01 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 15 Jul 2022, 2:23 pm » wrote: ANSWER THIS.....
How many Israelis lost their lives in support of our efforts in Iraq...?
Of course not...!!
Their official [lame] excuse was made for them by the [[[GLOBALIST NWO UNITED NATIONS]]] why the Jews were "excused" from participating...... Image 


List of aircraft of the Israeli Air Force - Wikipedia
If the US asked for Israeli troops to support it during the Iraq war, it would have participated.  It was a dumb war.  In any event, Israel has intelligence in Syria and Lebanon, and the US makes use of Israeli operatives, particularly when Russia was aiding the Assad regime during the Syrian civil war.   I really don't know what all the US and Israel are jointly involved in, but US military advisors seem to think its an important strategic advantage. I would have to be fully briefed on each situation to be able to discuss this beyond what I've said. You clearly don't know either.  Beyond this, both of us would just be guessing.
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15 Jul 2022 3:08 pm
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Skans » 15 Jul 2022, 3:01 pm » wrote: If the US asked for Israeli troops to support it during the Iraq war, it would have participated. 
I am done with you. You are too far gone.
I don't know whether to laugh or to give you a double face palm.

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15 Jul 2022 3:15 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 15 Jul 2022, 3:08 pm » wrote: I am done with you. You are too far gone.
I don't know whether to laugh or to give you a double face palm.
I just don't have a hard-on for Israel like you do.  They serve a purpose.  They are a good  US ally.  Do we give them too much money?  Yes.  Do we give all countries too much money?  Yes.  Do we give our own derelicts too much money?  Yes.  If I were president, I'd cut off 90% of the money we give to foreign countries.  And, then I'd cut off most of what we toss away on our own derelict population.
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15 Jul 2022 3:57 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 15 Jul 2022, 3:00 pm » wrote: The US has gotten itself in numerous wars since the founding of Israel. And Israel has not joined in any of them. NONE.
Israel is a precarious enough position AS IT IS... without making MORE enemies... However, Israel has been a stable American friend in the middle east... and a Nuclear capable state (even though it's not publicized) to boot !

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15 Jul 2022 5:52 pm
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If all the money given to AIPAC was instead given to Palestinians, that would be great
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