"Vaccinated" will increasingly be at a disadvantage compared to the properly functioning immune systems of the unvaxxed

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By freeman
21 Jul 2022 11:36 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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21 Jul 2022 11:36 pm
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It's been obvious for some time now that the vaxxed are currently, and will remain on into the indefinite future, significantly immune system impaired compared to clean unharmed fully functional immune systems of the unvaxxed.
Negative Vaccine Efficacy of COVID vaxxes against Omicron
Are there signs of vaccine enhanced disease, judging by COVID death rates?
A good Tucker on the subject, as it becomes increasingly mainstream among the American people, except those that are the victims of Big Tech censorship and the legacy media and their Big Pharma sponsored lies and liars:

Edit add the next day:  Predictably, Mark Zuckerberg's censors at YouTube removed the Tucker Carlson video above, but blessedly there are still a few platforms where our God-given right to free speech are still respected. We can only hope that the two state's attorney generals that are suing for information prevail in getting their requested information before Big Pharma's amoral reprobates in Big Tech and government get a chance to erase the evidence - Hillary Clinton style - (including all of Zuckerbergs emails to individuals and government agencies since January of 2020 that are being requested). That could go a long way toward advancing Nuremberg 2.0.
Fauci, Biden officials served subpoenas in lawsuit over collusion to suppress free speech

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22 Jul 2022 12:02 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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You poor,stupid bastard.
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22 Jul 2022 8:45 am
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Squatchman » 22 Jul 2022, 12:02 am » wrote: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
You poor,stupid bastard.
So which of the myriad of studies do you find the most amusing, you, highly articulate commenter on the subject?
This one, for example?
" Vaccination programmes are being rolled out globally, but most of these vaccines have been approved without extensive studies on their side-effects and efficacy. Recently, new-onset autoimmune phenomena after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported increasingly (e.g. immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune liver diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus)."

Which is increasingly being referred to as VAIDS.
"AIDS-Like 'Chronic Covid' is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ"-Igor Chudov

Or was it the criminal corporation Pfizer's own study that you found to be so amusing?
42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group
"Pfizer's six-month clinical data for its COVID vaccine trials suggested that, while the vaccine would avert a single death from COVID-19, the vaccinated group suffered 4X the number of lethal heart attacks as the unvaccinated. In other words, there was no mortality benefit from the vaccines; for every life saved from COVID, there were four excess heart attack fatalities. Twenty people died of "all-cause mortality" among the 22,000 recipients in Pfizer's vaccine group, versus only fourteen in the numerically comparable placebo group. (Pfizer was evidently so alarmed by the total number of deaths in its vaccine cohort that it omitted five of them from table S4, and only disclosed them in fine print buried in the body of its report.) That means there were 42.8 percent more deaths in the vaccine than in the placebo groups. Under FDA guidelines, researchers must attribute all injuries and deaths among the study group during clinical trials to the intervention (the vaccine) unless proven otherwise. Under this rule, the FDA must assume people who take the vaccine have a 42.8 percent increased risk of dying.
     This six-month safety report was so damning that it should have closed the case against this vaccine, but captured FDA officials nevertheless gave Pfizer their approval; the broken VAERS system and the mainstream and social media all conspired to conceal the evidence of the crime when vaccinated Americans began dying in droves, and CDC implemented its own retinue of enshrouding machinations to cloak the real-life carnage."

Or the observations of a pathologist that operates the largest group of diagnostic clinics in his state comments on his observations on about 40,000 biopsies annually.
mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer

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22 Jul 2022 8:59 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Guess who doesn't have Polio! Answer, EVERYBODY!!!!!
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22 Jul 2022 9:35 am
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ScottMon » 22 Jul 2022, 8:59 am » wrote: Guess who doesn't have Polio! Answer, EVERYBODY!!!!!
So then you apparently have difficulty seeing a difference between a traditionally styled, dead virus, "perfect" (non-leaky) vaccine that was decades in the testing and trying, and your having volunteered to be a phase 3 lab rat in a criminal corporation's trial of an investigational, experimental, new technology in a genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, leaky, escape mutant training, gene therapy - the longer term consequences of which only God can know. However we are learning more every day, from the immune system performance of the volunteer lab rats. Are Vaccines the Panacea for COVID-19? How can we know what we can't know?

Yet we do know plenty about leaky vaccines. Enough to ban them in agricultural use in the U.S.:
Danger of leaky vaccines lesson from Marek's Disease vaccines in chickens
Original Antigenic Sin

Let alone that all prior attempts at developing corona virus vaccines failed in the same phase 3 animal testing phase that you volunteered for when the ferrets died of pathogenic priming.
What is "vaccine-enhanced disease" or "pathogenic priming"?

Then there's the never before observed by morticians long stringy blood clots:

The same reason that the experiment you volunteered for is conspicuously failing.
Are there signs of vaccine enhanced disease, judging by COVID death rates?

The reason that only Nigeria's label appears in the following chart, is because the labels for Congo, Burundi, Chad, Madagascar, Tanzania, Niger, Camaroon, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Mali, are underneath it.
Current data at this link:


The "irrepressible monster" that mass vaccination during a pandemic is creating

With predictable results as vaxxed immune systems predictably fall into increasing failure:
"AIDS-Like 'Chronic Covid' is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ"-Igor Chudov 
Negative Vaccine Efficacy of COVID vaxxes against Omicron


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22 Jul 2022 11:43 am
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Let’s recap:

The vaccine:

Prolonged the pandemic
Caused deaths and miscarriages
Left people with impaired immune systems

But keep defending the indefensible.
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22 Jul 2022 11:56 am
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I'm just a simple minded under educated unapologetic unvaxed redneck and even I have this figured out.

Weed will get you thru times of no vax better than vax will get you thru times of no weed.

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22 Jul 2022 1:11 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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freeman » 22 Jul 2022, 8:45 am » wrote: So which of the myriad of studies do you find the most amusing, you, highly articulate commenter on the subject?
This one, for example?
" Vaccination programmes are being rolled out globally, but most of these vaccines have been approved without extensive studies on their side-effects and efficacy. Recently, new-onset autoimmune phenomena after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported increasingly (e.g. immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune liver diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus)."

Which is increasingly being referred to as VAIDS.
"AIDS-Like 'Chronic Covid' is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ"-Igor Chudov

Or was it the criminal corporation Pfizer's own study that you found to be so amusing?
42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group
"Pfizer's six-month clinical data for its COVID vaccine trials suggested that, while the vaccine would avert a single death from COVID-19, the vaccinated group suffered 4X the number of lethal heart attacks as the unvaccinated. In other words, there was no mortality benefit from the vaccines; for every life saved from COVID, there were four excess heart attack fatalities. Twenty people died of "all-cause mortality" among the 22,000 recipients in Pfizer's vaccine group, versus only fourteen in the numerically comparable placebo group. (Pfizer was evidently so alarmed by the total number of deaths in its vaccine cohort that it omitted five of them from table S4, and only disclosed them in fine print buried in the body of its report.) That means there were 42.8 percent more deaths in the vaccine than in the placebo groups. Under FDA guidelines, researchers must attribute all injuries and deaths among the study group during clinical trials to the intervention (the vaccine) unless proven otherwise. Under this rule, the FDA must assume people who take the vaccine have a 42.8 percent increased risk of dying.
     This six-month safety report was so damning that it should have closed the case against this vaccine, but captured FDA officials nevertheless gave Pfizer their approval; the broken VAERS system and the mainstream and social media all conspired to conceal the evidence of the crime when vaccinated Americans began dying in droves, and CDC implemented its own retinue of enshrouding machinations to cloak the real-life carnage."

Or the observations of a pathologist that operates the largest group of diagnostic clinics in his state comments on his observations on about 40,000 biopsies annually.
mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer


pubmed? HA! Buncha reich wing MAGAts! @Squatchman  the ***
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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22 Jul 2022 1:13 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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ScottMon » 22 Jul 2022, 8:59 am » wrote: Guess who doesn't have Polio! Answer, EVERYBODY!!!!!
Guess who doesn't have Covid! Answer, NOBODY!!!!!
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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