You consume drugs - you are a degenerate. Period.

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Deezer Shoove
30 Jul 2022 9:33 pm
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Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Older Guy
30 Jul 2022 9:45 pm
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The vast percentage of people consume one drug or another. I guess that makes most people degenerate.
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30 Jul 2022 9:53 pm
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs. 
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.

I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. It's not a thing, because modern society is too depraved and morality is unheard of. Drug-free people are THE BEST people. I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
It is a pity that most young people (teenagers and young adults) try drugs. Teenage parties are degenerate, because teens are drinking/smoking/doing other drugs.

Why drugs are so popular? Because of the globalist propaganda and international conspiracy of elites who want to introduce the NWO. The world elite (e.g. bankers, actors, musicians, progressive politicians) wants to destroy society and morality, and to achieve it, it gives the people the most primitive pleasures - drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine etc., sex with strangers or cheating and vulgarity. Vulgarity is the other problem of our times, but I wanted to focus on drugs. 

 * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.

P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.
May the road rise to meet your feet and the wind always be at your back.
I hope you live to 110....!
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30 Jul 2022 10:31 pm
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement,
And there it is. It's always the same with moronic bigots. They scratch out an exception - for THEM.
bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: because some people view them as drugs.
No, pookie, because SCIENCE says they are drugs.

And some cheap bigot (I'm talking about YOU - keep up) decides "these are the keepers - the ones that I use, - and these are the ones I judge.

Well aren't you special, pookie?
bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
Yeah, we were already picking up on the quality of your mind and its openness to evidence, Pook. Image Image
bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote:  * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.
Bowl me over with a feather. Image
bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.
P.S. You screwed up and are blaming others, making assumptions - you know... being a bigot.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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30 Jul 2022 11:24 pm
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Cannonpointer » 30 Jul 2022, 10:31 pm » wrote: And there it is. It's always the same with moronic bigots. They scratch out an exception - for THEM.

No, pookie, because SCIENCE says they are drugs.

And some cheap bigot (I'm talking about YOU - keep up) decides "these are the keepers - the ones that I use, - and these are the ones I judge.

Well aren't you special, pookie?

Yeah, we were already picking up on the quality of your mind and its openness to evidence, Pook. Image Image

Bowl me over with a feather. Image

P.S. You screwed up and are blaming others, making assumptions - you know - being a bigot.

you consume drugs, you are a degenerate period.

I consume drugs, comma, I’m not
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30 Jul 2022 11:51 pm
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Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs. 
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.

I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. It's not a thing, because modern society is too depraved and morality is unheard of. Drug-free people are THE BEST people. I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
It is a pity that most young people (teenagers and young adults) try drugs. Teenage parties are degenerate, because teens are drinking/smoking/doing other drugs.

Why drugs are so popular? Because of the globalist propaganda and international conspiracy of elites who want to introduce the NWO. The world elite (e.g. bankers, actors, musicians, progressive politicians) wants to destroy society and morality, and to achieve it, it gives the people the most primitive pleasures - drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine etc., sex with strangers or cheating and vulgarity. Vulgarity is the other problem of our times, but I wanted to focus on drugs. 

 * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.

P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.
You sound like a boring asshole.
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Older Guy
30 Jul 2022 11:59 pm
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Cedar » 30 Jul 2022, 11:51 pm » wrote: You sound like a boring asshole.

great point. Logic flies in the face of this fellows rhetoric, don't-we-all-know?
Well a great majority of us did. And we voted for Biden - it was about honesty, truth, and policy, not
about fostering conspiracy and brain dead silly crap.
This ain't a footbal game.
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31 Jul 2022 5:23 am
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add having a tattoo to the list of degenerates. who will hire you if you have tattoos? very few. who will order in a restaurant, if the waiter has tattoos? most people would walk out. so why limit your life, by spending your money on tattoos? answer: because you are a degenerate.
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31 Jul 2022 5:26 am
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having a tattoo is a sign that says "i am a degenerate".
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31 Jul 2022 5:35 am
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walkingstick » 31 Jul 2022, 5:23 am » wrote: add having a tattoo to the list of degenerates. who will hire you if you have tattoos? very few. who will order in a restaurant, if the waiter has tattoos? most people would walk out. so why limit your life, by spending your money on tattoos? answer: because you are a degenerate.
  Nobody walks out if a waiter has tattoos,idiot.
You really need to get out of your mom's basement a little more. It's 2022 not 1950.
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31 Jul 2022 5:58 am
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs. 
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.

I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. It's not a thing, because modern society is too depraved and morality is unheard of. Drug-free people are THE BEST people. I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
It is a pity that most young people (teenagers and young adults) try drugs. Teenage parties are degenerate, because teens are drinking/smoking/doing other drugs.

Why drugs are so popular? Because of the globalist propaganda and international conspiracy of elites who want to introduce the NWO. The world elite (e.g. bankers, actors, musicians, progressive politicians) wants to destroy society and morality, and to achieve it, it gives the people the most primitive pleasures - drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine etc., sex with strangers or cheating and vulgarity. Vulgarity is the other problem of our times, but I wanted to focus on drugs. 

 * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.

P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.

  Prescription drugs for a coronavirus cold were popular = experimental synthetic genetic modification injection with your body being owned by a corporation group like a crop of genetic modified soy bean vegetables. Some people made it thru with out selling their soul to barbarian war slavers by drinking hot toddy's, etc.
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31 Jul 2022 6:01 am
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs. 
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.

I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. It's not a thing, because modern society is too depraved and morality is unheard of. Drug-free people are THE BEST people. I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
It is a pity that most young people (teenagers and young adults) try drugs. Teenage parties are degenerate, because teens are drinking/smoking/doing other drugs.

Why drugs are so popular? Because of the globalist propaganda and international conspiracy of elites who want to introduce the NWO. The world elite (e.g. bankers, actors, musicians, progressive politicians) wants to destroy society and morality, and to achieve it, it gives the people the most primitive pleasures - drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine etc., sex with strangers or cheating and vulgarity. Vulgarity is the other problem of our times, but I wanted to focus on drugs. 

 * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.

P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.
Thanks for sharing.

You're an idiot.

Kill yourself. 
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31 Jul 2022 6:10 am
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I'm a degenerate....PERIOD.
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31 Jul 2022 7:10 am
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs.
I saw that was your first post... welcome... you sound like a fun one....
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.
Ah good that you clarified that, I was about to ask.... I was worried you might be a total hypocrite...
I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. ..
Hmm, that's too bad, I guess we won't get along very well in that case....



In memory of Pumpkins

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31 Jul 2022 7:32 am
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Them there drugs is eeee-vile. Drugs make ya wanna **** chickens live on that there facebook machine thingy. I caught the neighbor's cats doing drugs behind the barn.....chicken feathers were everywhere.....****' degenerate cat cost me 20 buck worth of chicken abortions. my rooster wears a dress and demands I pretend he's laying rooster eggs and keep making eye at my neighbor's cats....****' drugs did all that


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31 Jul 2022 7:37 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,140 posts jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezusuh!... even some demon-possessed puppet trump prohibitionist cacksuckers [and monetary ignoramuses] are beginning to see the light...!   :clap:

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31 Jul 2022 11:46 am
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Truth be told Americans use "illegal" narcotics at a rate much higher than the rest of the world. That includes South America and Europe where some of those drugs are legal.
Also of note, the drug problem in the US probably had its origin with President Kennedy. He had a personal drug dealer named "Dr. Feelgood". The same as the title to the Motley Crue album. Of course the support from popular entertainment during the dawn of the drug culture probably didn't help the crisis. Note that it did occur after the assassination of JFK in 1963. That's another conspiracy to chew on.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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31 Jul 2022 11:59 am
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Monderegal » 31 Jul 2022, 11:46 am » wrote: Note that it did occur after the assassination of JFK in 1963. That's another conspiracy to chew on.
...i suspect 'the conspiracy' would/will much clearer if ?your puppet$ ?trump and ?biden and the re$t of our stinking republicrat 'public' :rofl:  'servants' :rofl:  would arrange for us to FINALLY see all the pertinent info...

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31 Jul 2022 12:38 pm
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Squatchman » 31 Jul 2022, 5:35 am » wrote:   Nobody walks out if a waiter has tattoos,idiot.
You really need to get out of your mom's basement a little more. It's 2022 not 1950.
I walked out of a Subway after a SELF MUTILATED, TATTOO'D, PIERCED, "WOKE POS LIBTARD SANDWICH TECHNICIAN" came into my view behind the counter.

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31 Jul 2022 1:49 pm
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bigken9920 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:52 am » wrote: Drug consumption is a pathetic thing and the people who do drugs are petty degenerates. In my statement, I mean all drugs, both those legal in most countries, such as alcohol and tobacco and those illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine and other poisons.

When it comes to me, I adhere to abstinence from all drugs. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't consume any other drugs. 
Coffee, tea, cocoa (and chocolate) and medicines* (such as painkillers or prescription drugs) are exceptions - to clarify my statement, because some people view them as drugs.

I don't get along with the people who like consuming drugs. In my opinion, they should be ostracised and the people who abstain from substances should be respected. It's not a thing, because modern society is too depraved and morality is unheard of. Drug-free people are THE BEST people. I know it and any drug propaganda won't change my mind.
It is a pity that most young people (teenagers and young adults) try drugs. Teenage parties are degenerate, because teens are drinking/smoking/doing other drugs.

Why drugs are so popular? Because of the globalist propaganda and international conspiracy of elites who want to introduce the NWO. The world elite (e.g. bankers, actors, musicians, progressive politicians) wants to destroy society and morality, and to achieve it, it gives the people the most primitive pleasures - drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine etc., sex with strangers or cheating and vulgarity. Vulgarity is the other problem of our times, but I wanted to focus on drugs. 

 * - I use medicines with a good reason, such as painkillers for headache, cold or fever.

P.S. I had to add my topic again, because someone deleted it without notification and explanation to me.
Rooty, toot, toot we're the boys from the institute, we don't smoke and we don't chew and we don't go with girls that do!!!

Did you attend Rice University?  :rofl:  
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