Let's be clear about abundance vs scarcity

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By SJConspirator
28 Jul 2022 10:27 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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SJConspirator » 28 Jul 2022, 7:46 pm » wrote: There is an ocean full of fish

If I am a cro magnon living in 3000 BC, with no hooks, no net, no spear, no feasible way to capture and consume the fish, I will have a scarcity of seafood

If I am a corporate fishing vessel in the year 1995 with every modern tool including sonar to find schools of fish, I will have abundance..

Can we agree that technology is necessary for abundance, more so than raw materials?
you ever hear of seasonal shifts, where half the year people have to prepare for the scarcity of late fall, winter, early spring when raw materials like food are out of growing season?

Not everywhere is the equator and subtropics. there are two sides from the middle that have opposing solstices on the same day same as equinoxes.

So many people corrupted by one sided narratives and rationed thought processes.
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29 Jul 2022 4:54 pm
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TB7 » 29 Jul 2022, 3:05 pm » wrote: Like most early humans, the Cro-Magnons mostly hunted large animals. For example, they killed mammoths, cave bears, horses, and reindeer for food. They hunted with spears, javelins, and spear-throwers. They also ate fruits from plants.

Fish was not in the diet...

there was no scarcity

why did it take humans until 1800 to populate a billion People?

If abundance was always there, why didn't we have a billion people in 2 AD?
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29 Jul 2022 4:55 pm
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Is it just coincidence that human population explosion coincided with the invention of a light bulb?
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Deezer Shoove
29 Jul 2022 5:06 pm
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: Image

It took 300,000 years for population to reach one billion.  Now a billion people are generated every 20 years.  Why such a difference ?  Techno abundance.

if there was no scarcity before as you claim, the population would have exploded long before 1800.  We would have hit a billion in 2 AD
I never made that claim. I said you were trying to be clever with wordplay (kind of).

You said it takes tools to reach the stuff (paraphrasing here). I sort of said, "No ****".

Relax. I wasn't attacking you. 

You just don't like me. I got it. No biggie. :wave:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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29 Jul 2022 5:13 pm
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Cedar » 29 Jul 2022, 4:31 pm » wrote: The discussion was does technology lead to abundance, I’ve demonstrated that isn’t always the case. Technology allows us to abuse the resources.
Abuse is always possible, technology or no. There are some destructive elephants. There are some murdering tigers - they just kill prey and leave it, for the fun.

That we can overtap resources is a separate issue from what I believe the thesis is, to wit: The doomsday predictions based on current tech will be put to rout as others have been; by new tech. 

Am I correct about the thesis of the OP? Only its author can say for sure. But since I nominated his post, he will lie for me, anyway. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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29 Jul 2022 5:29 pm
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 4:54 pm » wrote: why did it take humans until 1800 to populate a billion People?

If abundance was always there, why didn't we have a billion people in 2 AD?
Until the Industrial Revolution began, birth rates and death rates were both very high, which kept the global human population relatively stable. In fact, it took all of human history, until around 1804, to reach 1 billion people. Modern medicine and sanitation played heavily in reducing mortality rates—especially among infants and children—but there wasn’t yet a reliable way to reduce fertility (the first modern contraceptive, the birth control pill, wasn’t introduced until 1960). The drop in mortality while fertility remained unchanged caused the beginning of what is now known as the J-curve (see below). With more people surviving to adulthood and then having kids of their own, the human population started growing exponentially.

I believe this is on track....nothing magical...sanitation is the key. a lot of people died from filth, just like third world countries today. I would also add that stupidity and ignorance played a great role in the lack of human population. It is education in my opinion that broke the glass. Modern medicine, or medicine as we know it, started to emerge after the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. At this time, there was rapid growth in economic activity in Western Europe and the Americas. During the 19th century, economic and industrial growth continued to develop, and people made many scientific discoveries and inventions. 
History of medicine - Wikipedia
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29 Jul 2022 5:32 pm
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DeezerShoove » 29 Jul 2022, 5:06 pm » wrote: I never made that claim. I said you were trying to be clever with wordplay (kind of).

You said it takes tools to reach the stuff (paraphrasing here). I sort of said, "No ****".

Relax. I wasn't attacking you. 

You just don't like me. I got it. No biggie. Image

Just from writing quality, you’re in the top 5 posters here even though I rarely agree with you.  But given the riff raff in this place, that’s not saying much.  My ignore list is long
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Deezer Shoove
29 Jul 2022 6:02 pm
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 5:32 pm » wrote: Just from writing quality, you’re in the top 5 posters here even though I rarely agree with you.  But given the riff raff in this place, that’s not saying much.  My ignore list is long
Liberals rarely like me in forums.
I intentionally overstate against you folks because you out-decibel the other side.
(that's the royal "you folks", of course)  ;)  

In real life, I hang with anyone that isn't an attention-seeking big mouth.
Because I rarely go into long typing exercises, I try to keep it short here.
The intelligent ones will get it, the stupid ones I just jabber **** back at them sometimes. Nobody on ignore.

You took my little poke way beyond what I intended here. CP tried to rescue/defend/support.
You are obviously not one of the "stupid ones" so maybe you were in a bad mood.

I think libs and cons are both necessary to peek behind each other's curtain.
People that can't see that^^^ are over-represented in the Inter Webwide Chat World.
It's not black and white, right or wrong most of the time. But con and lib fight constantly...
Gray, murky, **** is what I see on both sides.

I called you a liberal. :wave:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Ike Bana
29 Jul 2022 6:07 pm
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SJConspirator » 28 Jul 2022, 9:21 pm » wrote: Wow. The level of intelligence on this board is depressing
Eh...not really.  It's a **** current evenrs forum.  What is depressing is the level of intelligence in this country.
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Ike Bana
29 Jul 2022 6:17 pm
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 4:54 pm » wrote: why did it take humans until 1800 to populate a billion People?

If abundance was always there, why didn't we have a billion people in 2 AD?
The gentry, the landed gentry, whatever we want to call those who had total social and economic control over the masses, and of course the church which worked in concert with each other to keep the mob stupid and believing that this life means nothing and the afterlife means everything.
It's the same con that the southern baptist convention ran on black slaves in this country.
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29 Jul 2022 6:36 pm
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 4:54 pm » wrote: why did it take humans until 1800 to populate a billion People?

If abundance was always there, why didn't we have a billion people in 2 AD?
Abundance was NOT always present. There were no potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, yams and many varieties of beans in Eurasia until the early 1500's. There were also a lot of herbs with medicinal properties introduced at about that time as well.
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29 Jul 2022 7:51 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 29 Jul 2022, 6:36 pm » wrote: Abundance was NOT always present. There were no potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, yams and many varieties of beans in Eurasia until the early 1500's. There were also a lot of herbs with medicinal properties introduced at about that time as well.

I am watching history.
The Vikings.
Why is it wrong for a man to be sorry for who is ?

I am White Viking.                   

https://youtu.be/qmPILIQ-E6shttps://you ... mPILIQ-E6s
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31st Arrival
30 Jul 2022 7:09 am
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 4:54 pm » wrote: why did it take humans until 1800 to populate a billion People?

If abundance was always there, why didn't we have a billion people in 2 AD?
because it wasn't until 1800's that humans were able to establish a consistent global travel method to communicate between all nations to actually start keeping track of everyone alive.

You ever do the compounding DNA numbers to figure out how many generations it took to have had a billion people evolve in this atmosphere? Less than 55 generations to reach the first since inception. evolving is a process, evolution is a studying the process. Studying then projecting theories of how else it works doesn't teach how it actually worked.

see academia is in on the ancestral coverup along with arts, economics, politics, religions, social justifications words matter most.

Your franchised reality corrupted your ancestry on purpose. The silver lining to all this historically self induced destruction within the species is, that corruption did come up with a way to make living as easy as it simply works in real time.

People have to let go of their hope, faith, charity, promise of better tomorrows, and actually accept what their brain navigates without power, wealth, fame tempting everyone to give away their biological time to make ruling elites dreams reach fruition at the cost of keeping people ignoring how and why they are specifically here now as equally created.
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30 Jul 2022 8:37 am
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 5:32 pm » wrote: My ignore list is long. That's why I'm a monetary ignoramus [and puppet Trump cacksucker] 
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31st Arrival
30 Jul 2022 9:12 am
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Your ignore list is real short, anything actually existing in plain sight. Your mind is so occupied covering up what you don't want to know about you can only defend established speculation all the time.
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30 Jul 2022 10:04 am
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are you and your butt-buddies still sweatin it out as you make that poll
...think about it and we'll sweat the details later...
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30 Jul 2022 12:23 pm
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omh » 30 Jul 2022, 9:12 am » wrote: My mind is so occupied covering up the fact that I am a chronic puppet Trump/Republican cacksucker [and monetary ignoramus]
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31st Arrival
30 Jul 2022 1:31 pm
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Reality goes in an infinite set of directions ignoring how genetics only works one way, inception to extinction by the numbers currently here.
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