i just realized this and i think its quite a brilliant observation:
if it is true that what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom does not affect me, then there is no reason to give married couples tax breaks.
its funny cause liberals love for people to pay more taxes and stuff. their 'fair share'...but they also love homosexuals and tell me i should love them also cause them spreading aids and monkeypox and just generally being disgusting and making the world i live in more degenerate has no impact on me.
well ok...but why are they getting tax breaks? they arent giving anything back to society.
the ONLY reason married couple were given tax breaks is because once upon a time it was taken for granted that they would try to reproduce which continues the species. That is a tangible benefit.
but you have made that obsolete now...so now marriage gives zero tangible benefit. SO they should not get tax breaks.
stop being hypocritical.