Are there any other atheists here?

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By Doug1943
31 Jul 2022 4:42 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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1 Aug 2022 1:20 pm
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Doug1943 » 01 Aug 2022, 1:09 pm » wrote: I'm strongly in favor of it. Everyone -- every patriot that is -- should own an AR15, half a dozen magazines, and 2000 rounds of ammunition. I've been kicked off several liberal-controlled forums just for saying this.  And if you can afford it, get another one, or two.

The real issue is the family and children.  We're dying out -- the birth rate for advanced peoples is below replacement level in every country.  That's the big problem, and we need to talk about what to do about it.  In Somalia, the average woman has about six children. The average European (indigenous European) has about 1.5, well below the replacement level of 2.1  The Swedes have decided to solve their problem by importing Somalis, which is I suppose what the New World Order elite want. They call them 'new Swedes'.  I say they're committing national suicide. But that's
another discussion.

We've got to pick our fights.  There are gay conservatives, gay patriots, gays who are pro-life, gays against groomers. I'm not about to drive these people into the enemy camp.  I want to do just the opposite ... to split every sort of group I can away from the enemy.  If you love America, think it's a damned good country, think its Constitution with its limits on government power is a work of enduring genius ... then come join the rest of the patriots. As Barry Goldwater said, you don't have to be straight, just shoot straight.
I appreciate your response.  My political views are pretty much in line with yours.  I, however, do not believe that churches should be forced to marry Homosexuals.  Civil unions, like you referenced, are fine by me, and if they want to pretend like they are married, I don't care about that either.  But, marriage is for a man and a woman, with the thought toward starting a family.  Not all married couples have children, I understand that.  But, it is more than just a partnership.  It is what men and women were made to do.

As for the 2nd Amendment, I am of the believe that every law abiding citizen should be permitted to own the very same firearms which the military use, and even those not available to the military.  There are many side arms that, IMHO, which are available to civilians and are better than what is supplied to the regular military.   High powered rifles, machine guns - any type of firearm should be available to civilians.

As for whether you believe in God or not - that is completely up to you.  As long as you do not stomp on the rights of others to pray and believe in God, your beliefs are none of my business.
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1 Aug 2022 1:21 pm
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Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
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Doug1943 » 31 Jul 2022, 4:42 pm » wrote:  The conservative movement is a 'broad church'.  The Left would like to paint us as all rednecked fundamentalists, clutching our Bibles, but that's far from the truth. If, like me, you're a non-religious conservative, you might like to have a look here:  (

And you’ll find this site interesting as well:
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sooted up Cyndi
1 Aug 2022 1:22 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Aug 2022, 9:28 am » wrote: No one can prove that the universe was created by a Creator God that did so just to provide  a comparatively super teensy place for him to cultivate humans as a perhaps beloved pets as sort of a hobby.
It just seems unlikely. It's like building shed for  tools and also building all five boroughs of NYC to keep it company.

No one can prove that God exists, or that he does not exist. There is insufficient proof either way.
Hence, the only logical conclusion is to be an agnostic.

This is unsatisfying. It is like having Schrodinger's Cat as a pet.

But still, it is the only conclusion that actually makes sense.

Proving Christianity is many, many times harder.
I'm a rightie.. Who is not religious?
I believe we here on plant earth are sent for one reason.
***We are the Prison planet.***
All the bad souls are sent here to bash our selves silly.. Create a living hell on earth. Which we have.
and if I'm wrong... and Gawd really exists.. The christians say he will forgive us anyway.
so all must be cool. :)  what the hell.
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1 Aug 2022 1:22 pm
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Continued from above:

We've got to pick our fights. There are gay conservatives, gay patriots, gays who are pro-life, gays against groomers. I'm not about to drive these people into the enemy camp. I want to do just the opposite ... to split every sort of group I can away from the enemy.

If you love America, think it's a damned good country, think its Constitution with its limits on government power is a work of enduring genius ... then come join the rest of the patriots. As Barry Goldwater said, you don't have to be straight, just shoot straight.
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1 Aug 2022 1:37 pm
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Doug1943 » 01 Aug 2022, 1:22 pm » wrote: Continued from above:

We've got to pick our fights. There are gay conservatives, gay patriots, gays who are pro-life, gays against groomers. I'm not about to drive these people into the enemy camp. I want to do just the opposite ... to split every sort of group I can away from the enemy.

If you love America, think it's a damned good country, think its Constitution with its limits on government power is a work of enduring genius ... then come join the rest of the patriots. As Barry Goldwater said, you don't have to be straight, just shoot straight.
There are conservatives who are homosexual, and then there is the Homosexual political agenda.  While the former does not bother or offend me, the latter is repulsive and I do not want anything to do with them.
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1 Aug 2022 3:42 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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There are millions of people in this country that should NOT own a gun. Because they are too young, they don't know how to use it or care to learn how, or are likely to use it on themselves. There are far too many guns in this country already.

There is no reason why LBGTQ people should not be given the same rights to marry as everyone else. Their being married harms no one.
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1 Aug 2022 4:08 pm
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Doug1943 » 31 Jul 2022, 4:42 pm » wrote:  The conservative movement is a 'broad church'.  The Left would like to paint us as all rednecked fundamentalists, clutching our Bibles, but that's far from the truth. If, like me, you're a non-religious conservative, you might like to have a look here:  (

And you’ll find this site interesting as well:

  Darwin borrowed ideas from 600 BC pagans.  Pagan with satanic stuff mixed in, Fish want to fly, fish can be bird, bird want to swim, bird can be fish.

   Randomly self generating from a rock soup with the power of all creation right there in the cell/cells of your own person/persons and continuing on to somehow become an incredibly complicated situation of male and female before you could reproduce. Your cell/cells then start changing from a water breathing animal into an air-breathing land animal with zero third-party assistance and then also changing over into flying animals.
  in the years 2020-21 your cell/cells somehow became completely powerless and your natural immunity capability is no longer wanted or allowed,.......................... that's what happened.
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31st Arrival
1 Aug 2022 4:16 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Aug 2022, 11:19 am » wrote: You sure can waste a lot of pixels typing meaningless drivel.
There either is a God, or there is not a God. The attributes of God could vary quite a bit.
The thing is, that humans are not capable of proving that a God exists.
Hence, the only logical answer to the question, "Is there a God?" is "maybe".
There has to be an eternity to have eternal changing total sum present, evolving forward here as nothing stays same form arrived as shape leaving all changing spontaneously here, simultaneously since arrived until departed.

Natural balancing doesn't follow intellectual planning tomorrow's results arriving today, all the time.
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1 Aug 2022 4:49 pm
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Doug1943 » 31 Jul 2022, 4:42 pm » wrote:  I hope I get hit by a slow moving bus for posting links to other forums 
We all do doug, we all do
When I lost hope I gained my freedom
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1 Aug 2022 4:51 pm
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sootedupCyndi » 01 Aug 2022, 1:22 pm » wrote: I'm a rightie.. Who is not religious?
I believe we here on plant earth are sent for one reason.
***We are the Prison planet.***
All the bad souls are sent here to bash our selves silly.. Create a living hell on earth. Which we have.
and if I'm wrong... and Gawd really exists.. The christians say he will forgive us anyway.
so all must be cool. Image  what the hell.
I must have done something to make the Warden like me.  Because, I'm pretty happy with my little piece of paradise on this Prison Planet.  But, I am also sure when all's said and done, I won't get out of here without paying a very steep and painful exit tax.  Because, no one is allowed to stay; and everyone has to pay their exit tax.
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1 Aug 2022 5:01 pm
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**** labels. There are those that accept truth and those comforted by pure fantasy. Truth says we inhabit a statically impossible advent of self awareness that demands investigation. God? Our pathetic exploration into science seems to point that way. Fantasy points to happenstance, which I cannot subscribe to.
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1 Aug 2022 5:09 pm
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Hopefully the right-wing followers of atheism are less annoying than the left-wing ones
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1 Aug 2022 5:26 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Aug 2022, 9:28 am » wrote: No one can prove that the universe was created by a Creator God that did so just to provide  a comparatively super teensy place for him to cultivate humans as a perhaps beloved pets as sort of a hobby.
It just seems unlikely. It's like building shed for  tools and also building all five boroughs of NYC to keep it company.

No one can prove that God exists, or that he does not exist. There is insufficient proof either way.
Hence, the only logical conclusion is to be an agnostic.

This is unsatisfying. It is like having Schrodinger's Cat as a pet.

But still, it is the only conclusion that actually makes sense.

Proving Christianity is many, many times harder.
I've always wanted to understand the science of Schrodinger's Cat in terms I could understand. From what I understand it is both dead and alive at the same time. How can that be? Also, why do you always type in bold face letters? Are you trying to get some point across?
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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1 Aug 2022 5:31 pm
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Doug1943 » 31 Jul 2022, 4:42 pm » wrote:  The conservative movement is a 'broad church'.  The Left would like to paint us as all rednecked fundamentalists, clutching our Bibles, but that's far from the truth. If, like me, you're a non-religious conservative, you might like to have a look here:  (

And you’ll find this site interesting as well:
I'm not religious but I don't think I would accept the label atheist. Atheism implies to me that the reality can be explained in a totally materialistic fashion and I am certain that is not true.
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1 Aug 2022 5:33 pm
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Monderegal » 01 Aug 2022, 5:26 pm » wrote: I've always wanted to understand the science of Schrodinger's Cat in terms I could understand. From what I understand it is both dead and alive at the same time. How can that be? Also, why do you always type in bold face letters? Are you trying to get some point across?
That was the point. It was meant to be a contradiction that would disprove the interpretation of quantum physics that shrodinger thought was silly. 

That was literally the point. 

But naturally midwits don't get it. They think it was an argument in favor of this absurd interpretation. 
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1 Aug 2022 5:55 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 5:33 pm » wrote: That was the point. It was meant to be a contradiction that would disprove the interpretation of quantum physics that shrodinger thought was silly. 

That was literally the point. 

But naturally midwits don't get it. They think it was an argument in favor of this absurd interpretation.

I admit I must be a midwit because I only glanced physics and a broad range of sciences when I was in college. I just know I did some calculations using Planck's constant and briefly glimpsed the concept. I think it has something to do with "packets" of energy but it has been decades.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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1 Aug 2022 6:28 pm
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Monderegal » 01 Aug 2022, 5:55 pm » wrote: I admit I must be a midwit because I only glanced physics and a broad range of sciences when I was in college. I just know I did some calculations using Planck's constant and briefly glimpsed the concept. I think it has something to do with "packets" of energy but it has been decades.
Midwittery is not about what people know of not. A genius can be ignorant of many things.

the midwit is very easily miseducated. The fool does not care to educate himself, while the intelligent person is able to educate themselves properly. But the midwit fancies himself intelligent when he is not so tries to educate himself but fails. Every 'fact' they believe and every 'opinion' they have is determined not by any logical conclusions but rather what status is around having those opinions. If it is high status to believe 2+2=5, then the midwit will move anyone who believes it is 4. has been broadcast in our culture that 'quantum physics' is a discipline that proves that reality itself is post modern and full of absurd contradictions. In reality this is not the case at all. Quantum physics is actually a boring science full of predictive models that in any science..only meant to predict. The scientists themselves don't usually care to even guess what is 'really' going on or what the underlying 'truth' is. 

any educated quantum physicist will inform you that the models used in quantum physics directly contradict general relativity.. but they also don't care...not because contradictions are fine but rather because the only goal of physics is accurate predictions, not truth
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1 Aug 2022 9:52 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 1:37 pm » wrote: There are conservatives who are homosexual, and then there is the Homosexual political agenda.  While the former does not bother or offend me, the latter is repulsive and I do not want anything to do with them.
Most gays I know are not on board with the lgbtqrstuv political agenda. That is a privileged hetero cis gender political position. Screams unrequited programmed white male guilt. 
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1 Aug 2022 9:56 pm
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All of us, myself included, don't KNOW Jack. People have faith in certain beliefs, but they know nothing. I'm quite a strict conservative who knows it is all a mystery to me. I won't argue pro or con.
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2 Aug 2022 7:33 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
4,999 posts
There are millions of people in this country that should NOT own a gun. Because they are too young, they don't know how to use it or care to learn how, or are likely to use it on themselves. There are far too many guns in this country already.

There is no reason why LBGTQ people should not be given the same rights to marry as everyone else. Their being married harms no one.

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