Last night watching a few minutes of fox, it hit me what is going on here. Until next january Nancy Pelosi is 3rd in line of succession to president of USA. Looks like the Progressives are making it look like Nancy is the best person to take over presidential duties for the remainder of Biden's Term. May have been the main reason the Biden Harris ticket was staged in 2020 election.Jinn Martini » 03 Aug 2022, 3:46 am » wrote: ↑ Pelosi lands in Singapore to kick off Asia tour . . . keeps mum about visiting Taiwan !
Rumors had it all along that she would . . . even with advice from the WH and Biden against this travel !
Democraps just love wars !
I advise China to shoot down her plane and rid the world of a parasite.
Let's see Americans pay for yet another war they can't afford !
Hell, most Americans can't pay for their basic necessities . . . and the bastards want to finance distant wars with YOUR money !
Can't wait for November !
If by hook or crook democraps win again . . . I'll never ever vote again !
For whom did you vote in 2004?JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 3:46 am » wrote: ↑ Pelosi lands in Singapore to kick off Asia tour . . . keeps mum about visiting Taiwan !
Rumors had it all along that she would . . . even with advice from the WH and Biden against this travel !
Democraps just love wars !
I advise China to shoot down her plane and rid the world of a parasite.
Let's see Americans pay for yet another war they can't afford !
Hell, most Americans can't pay for their basic necessities . . . and the bastards want to finance distant wars with YOUR money !
Can't wait for November !
If by hook or crook democraps win again . . . I'll never ever vote again !
Obviously you went with John Kerry, the gigolo that married into the Heinz family fortune for a political career in the Clinton political machine.
For whom did YOU vote, braindead piece of ****?omh » 03 Aug 2022, 5:50 am » wrote: ↑ Obviously you went with John Kerry, the gigolo that married into the Heinz family fortune for a political career in the Clinton political machine.
I bet.
lesser of two evils. George W. Bush was the president when he said "In order to fix reality it must be completely torn apart and rebuilt.". So I did in my brain reviewed history of mankind regardless the society within the species and discovered a universal constant.
JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 3:46 am » wrote: ↑ Pelosi lands in Singapore to kick off Asia tour . . . keeps mum about visiting Taiwan !
Rumors had it all along that she would . . . even with advice from the WH and Biden against this travel !
Democraps just love wars !
I advise China to shoot down her plane and rid the world of a parasite.
Let's see Americans pay for yet another war they can't afford !
Hell, most Americans can't pay for their basic necessities . . . and the bastards want to finance distant wars with YOUR money !
Can't wait for November !
If by hook or crook democraps win again . . . I'll never ever vote again !
JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 3:46 am » wrote: ↑ Pelosi lands in Singapore to kick off Asia tour . . . keeps mum about visiting Taiwan !
Rumors had it all along that she would . . . even with advice from the WH and Biden against this travel !
Democraps just love wars !
shame intellectual wise men cannot answer simple question about self evident results evolving in plain sight at the same time.peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 7:48 am » wrote: ↑ :blink: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
...thank god your trumptards are there to stop nancy!... :rofl: :die: :clap: :lol: :LOL: :die:
..the blathering fool [and monetary ignoramus] has been a sucker for republican puppet$ since he expressed his naive stoooooooooooooooopidity with a vote for the puppet and dick-head, nixon!!... word... and he hasn't grown an inch since...
I am a conservative and hate eveything liberal !
...ask 100 republicrat-level dummies to define 'conservative' and 'liberal' and you get 100 retarded responses...both are worthless terms used by brain-laundered republicrat-level people... word..JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: ↑ I am a conservative and hate eveything liberal !
Okay . . . not EVERYTHING . . . just 99% !
...spoken ^^^ like a true nazi @sshole...
So . . . how do you explain that I'm swimming in money ?
John Fund is a reactionary asshole who was an editor at the WSJ. Of course he was a champion of "Family Values".JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: ↑ I am a conservative and hate eveything liberal !
Okay . . . not EVERYTHING . . . just 99% !
peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 8:07 am » wrote: ↑...ask 100 republicrat-level dummies to define 'conservative' and 'liberal' and you get 100 retarded responses...both are worthless terms used by brain-laundered republicrat-level people... word..JinnMartini » 03 Aug 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: ↑ I am a conservative and hate eveything liberal !
Okay . . . not EVERYTHING . . . just 99% !
....the reality is that you are a brain-laundered republicant and you hate everything from the brain-laundered democants... you are a mere pawn [pathetically, a willing one] in the $tinking game...
Self proclaimed stereotype acting like they aren't typecast by their self ignoring the same thing everyone else doesn't accept about life in plain sight.