Does anyone see the end of the Ukraine conflict?

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By Monderegal
11 Aug 2022 10:58 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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11 Aug 2022 10:58 am
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The war that was supposed to engulf Europe was lost almost from the beginning. Putin made the extremely unwise decision to try to gambit for all of Ukraine as an overestimation of the potency of his armed forces. Now the conflict is right where it started 8 years ago minus the Minsk agreements and ceasefires that didn't seem to hold. The war is now a war of "attraction" much like the Vietnam quagmire that the United States found itself in during the Johnson and Nixon administrations. There's a problem though. Neither the Russian nor the Ukrainian people seem to be harnessing any solution out of the war. Russia is paying next to no political price even though his economy lies in deficit from the powers that be. Will this war ever end? How will it end? Are we just seeing another long stalemate like the Iran/Iraq war of the 1980s where the conflict brewed at a stalemate for 8 years? What would peace even look like at this point? Shouldn't we be asking the question?
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11 Aug 2022 11:03 am
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Lol!! Putin didn't meet goals attributed to him by cnn. Goals were clear and largely accomplished.

No nato membership for Ukraine.

Freedom of donbas and Eastern republics to break away.

Crimea considered Russian territory.

Please tell me where Russia failed to meet their stated objectives. They could have flattened Kiev, not doing so isn't a failure as that was never an objective.
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11 Aug 2022 11:43 am
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Neo » 11 Aug 2022, 11:03 am » wrote: Lol!! Putin didn't meet goals attributed to him by cnn. Goals were clear and largely accomplished.

No nato membership for Ukraine.

Freedom of donbas and Eastern republics to break away.

Crimea considered Russian territory.

Please tell me where Russia failed to meet their stated objectives. They could have flattened Kiev, not doing so isn't a failure as that was never an objective.

That's probably what Russia would want to end the conflict. Zelensky would probably think otherwise. Putin might have that now but the bombs and guns are still aiming at his troops. I'm talking about what the end of the war would look like.
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11 Aug 2022 11:46 am
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Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 11:43 am » wrote: That's probably what Russia would want to end the conflict. Zelensky would probably think otherwise. Putin might have that now but the bombs and guns are still aiming at his troops. I'm talking about what the end of the war would look like.
Like I said. Ukraine will agree to never be a part of NATO. Eastern breakage republics will have their independence and Crimea, Russias only deep water port, will be recognized as Russian. This war could have been avoided with diplomacy. 
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11 Aug 2022 12:09 pm
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Zymarikaphobia » 11 Aug 2022, 11:56 am » wrote: The end comes when the USA stops funding it.
I don't think you want to see the consequences of that. The Russians would probably move the front west at a rapid pace.
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11 Aug 2022 1:27 pm
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Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 12:09 pm » wrote: I don't think you want to see the consequences of that. The Russians would probably move the front west at a rapid pace.
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nuckin futz
11 Aug 2022 2:56 pm
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It will end when Putin is hanged after a Hague trial!
There are rules in warfare and he violated every one of them!
:x   :x   :x  
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11 Aug 2022 3:04 pm
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Can't wait for Putin to finally sack that corrupt ****, so it will stop costing me money.

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Deezer Shoove
11 Aug 2022 9:44 pm
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Neo » 11 Aug 2022, 11:46 am » wrote: Like I said. Ukraine will agree to never be a part of NATO. Eastern breakage republics will have their independence and Crimea, Russias only deep water port, will be recognized as Russian. This war could have been avoided with diplomacy.
Only deep water port?

Do you mean warm water port?
Please seat yourself.


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11 Aug 2022 10:51 pm
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Senile Joe said at the beginning that it depends on how much land Vlad wants. The war is starting to hurt back home and there is a limited resistance. Russia is having problems raising troops without a mobilization. Putin is recruiting in poor towns located nowhere. Putin promises a large bonus to sign up. His Wagner Group mercs have been decimated. Equipment and some troops are being moved from Syria. Vlad is even bringing up decades old T-72 tanks. Thousands more must die before a settlement is reached. Vlad wants the east and all ports on the sea. Zelensky says no. Negotiated settlement before USA runs out of money and weapons.
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11 Aug 2022 11:26 pm
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Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 10:58 am » wrote: The war that was supposed to engulf Europe was lost almost from the beginning. Putin made the extremely unwise decision to try to gambit for all of Ukraine as an overestimation of the potency of his armed forces. Now the conflict is right where it started 8 years ago minus the Minsk agreements and ceasefires that didn't seem to hold. The war is now a war of "attraction" much like the Vietnam quagmire that the United States found itself in during the Johnson and Nixon administrations. There's a problem though. Neither the Russian nor the Ukrainian people seem to be harnessing any solution out of the war. Russia is paying next to no political price even though his economy lies in deficit from the powers that be. Will this war ever end? How will it end? Are we just seeing another long stalemate like the Iran/Iraq war of the 1980s where the conflict brewed at a stalemate for 8 years? What would peace even look like at this point? Shouldn't we be asking the question?
This is absurd and clearly you are a victim of CNN brainwashing. 

You want to know a way that this war is totally unlike Vietnam? There are no ukranian counterattacks. Really none. 

4ussia is not going to run out of loyal soldiers. Ukraine is. This is inevitable. 

And if putin wants all of Ukraine then he will take all of Ukraine. After all.  Think about it...Bulgaria and 4omania and Serbia have always been Russian client states. Hungary and Italy are both getting very sick of the EU. Even Poland perhaps has limited patience with the EU.

imagine for a moment a Russian superstate from Siberia to the Italian piedmont....allied eith China and the arab/Persian states..

I do not think you are seeing the chessboard as clearly as other intelligent world leaders are..

without question the liberal world order is willing to sacrifice millions of innocent Ukrainians just to delay the inevitable...but the days are numbered for the liberal world order.. you can invest your savings in that.. 
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12 Aug 2022 9:20 am
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 11:26 pm » wrote: This is absurd and clearly you are a victim of CNN brainwashing. 

You want to know a way that this war is totally unlike Vietnam? There are no ukranian counterattacks. Really none. 

4ussia is not going to run out of loyal soldiers. Ukraine is. This is inevitable. 

And if putin wants all of Ukraine then he will take all of Ukraine. After all.  Think about it...Bulgaria and 4omania and Serbia have always been Russian client states. Hungary and Italy are both getting very sick of the EU. Even Poland perhaps has limited patience with the EU.

imagine for a moment a Russian superstate from Siberia to the Italian piedmont....allied eith China and the arab/Persian states..

I do not think you are seeing the chessboard as clearly as other intelligent world leaders are..

without question the liberal world order is willing to sacrifice millions of innocent Ukrainians just to delay the inevitable...but the days are numbered for the liberal world order.. you can invest your savings in that..

Ukraine just targeted Crimea yesterday. I hear there are videos on the internet of vacationing Russians seeing missile strikes.
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12 Aug 2022 9:51 am
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Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 10:58 am » wrote: The war that was supposed to engulf Europe was lost almost from the beginning....
Eh, who supposed that?


In memory of Pumpkins

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