Conservative Inc and it's problems.

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11 Aug 2022 5:08 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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11 Aug 2022 5:08 pm
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Here's some fun news. The fbi just confiscated a republican politicians phone: ... ell-phone/

This state simply is not legitimate. leftists of course view the state as infallible...but anyone who calls themselves 'right wing' should see clearly that the usa has become corrupt and perhaps even evil. I also think most people who associate themselves with the right fully understand that this country oppresses white people...although most are too nervous to just say white.. they will pretend it is 'Christian conservatives' or some proxy like that (I think that's cowardly but whatever)

Anyone who is not an ideologically tied leftist knows the Jan 6th people are just political prisoners in a stalinesque show trial. The fbi raid on Trump was 3rd world corruption level crap. The 80k new is agents are not being hired to do anything ethical. Everyone knows that elon musk was not allowed to purchase twitter because the establishment doesn't like to give truth a platform.

and yet mainstream gop talking points are literally designed to poison your brain and make you the biggest supporter of the system that oppresses you. 

take...for instance...the absolutely pathetic and wrong gop attitude about Martin Luther King. That 'content of their character' **** is only designed to disarm you and to grant the moral premises of the people using it against you. First of all it is a lie...mlk absolutely was in favor of affirmative action and reperations etc. (Just like the 'founding fathers WERE racist.. the left is correct about that)..but this poison is designed to make you all individuals while literally every not white person (including jews) ONLY sees race. Their own and yours. 

And as powerless 'rugged individuals' you make up the majority of the effective military personell...serving the state oppressing you...and you do the majority of useful labor in general...trying to 'bootstrap' yourself in a society that is rigged against you and wants you dead.

STOP GRANTING THE TWISTED MORAL PREMISES OF THE LEFT. actually nothing is wrong with racism. Nothing is wrong with Hitler. Because it works. The racist founding fathers actually were able to create a state that was hood for white people and we thrived under it...and it is BECAUSE they were racist. These 'scary words like racism and fascism just mean putting your own people above foreigners...and it is unethical to NOT be that way. Imagine a mother who neglects her own child and instead devotes herself to some African child who will never appreciate that ethical? No. Honor and loyalty is ethical.

the only leverage white people have in this country is that the country depends on our labor and our ability to fly f22s. So stop. Go on strike. Become a porch monkey and collect welfare. Without leadership we obviois cannot conduct a violent overthrow of thr government...but if just 10 million highly productive whites simply decided to collect welfare instead then the system would be forced to negotiate with us or it would collapse. Either outcome is good for us.
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11 Aug 2022 5:27 pm
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By the way.. even if you just hate white people and love black certainly appears via empirical observation that racist white people happen to be good for black people. ... -1.1107160
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11 Aug 2022 6:28 pm
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Currently it is impossible to speak with the IRS at a customer service level.
Their "customer service" is a non-existent fraud.
Hopefully some of the "new agents" are assigned to CS.
Back to the thread...
90% of the Conservative base are either fairly content Baby Boomer Retirees or else post BB workers who are also too comfortable but busy with families and careers to give "crazy ****" like [[[NWO...WHITE GENOCIDE....ROGUE SECRET POLICE....RIGGED ELECTIONS....FORCED ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASIONS]]]...any concern

This is why I keep saying that it will take a  chain of apocalyptic events to get Homer Simpson off the couch.
Things just aren't bad enough yet....that's what those frogs in the simmering pot keep saying.
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Jinn Martini
11 Aug 2022 7:23 pm
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 5:08 pm » wrote: Here's some fun news. The fbi just confiscated a republican politicians phone: ... ell-phone/

This state simply is not legitimate. leftists of course view the state as infallible...but anyone who calls themselves 'right wing' should see clearly that the usa has become corrupt and perhaps even evil. I also think most people who associate themselves with the right fully understand that this country oppresses white people...although most are too nervous to just say white.. they will pretend it is 'Christian conservatives' or some proxy like that (I think that's cowardly but whatever)

Anyone who is not an ideologically tied leftist knows the Jan 6th people are just political prisoners in a stalinesque show trial. The fbi raid on Trump was 3rd world corruption level crap. The 80k new is agents are not being hired to do anything ethical. Everyone knows that elon musk was not allowed to purchase twitter because the establishment doesn't like to give truth a platform.

and yet mainstream gop talking points are literally designed to poison your brain and make you the biggest supporter of the system that oppresses you. 

take...for instance...the absolutely pathetic and wrong gop attitude about Martin Luther King. That 'content of their character' **** is only designed to disarm you and to grant the moral premises of the people using it against you. First of all it is a lie...mlk absolutely was in favor of affirmative action and reperations etc. (Just like the 'founding fathers WERE racist.. the left is correct about that)..but this poison is designed to make you all individuals while literally every not white person (including jews) ONLY sees race. Their own and yours. 

And as powerless 'rugged individuals' you make up the majority of the effective military personell...serving the state oppressing you...and you do the majority of useful labor in general...trying to 'bootstrap' yourself in a society that is rigged against you and wants you dead.

STOP GRANTING THE TEISTED MORAL PREMISES OF THE LEFT. actually nothing is wrong with racism. Nothing is wrong with Hitler. Because it works. The racist founding fathers actually were able to create a state that was hood for white people and we thrived under it...and it is BECAUSE they were racist. These 'scary words like racism and fascism just mean putting your own people above foreigners...and it is unethical to NOT be that way. Imagine a mother who neglects her own child and instead devotes herself to some African child who will never appreciate that ethical? No. Honor and loyalty is ethical.

the only leverage white people have in this country is that the country depends on our labor and our ability to fly f22s. So stop. Go on strike. Become a porch monkey and collect welfare. Without leadership we obviois cannot conduct a violent overthrow of thr government...but if just 10 million highly productive whites simply decided to collect welfare instead then the system would be forced to negotiate with us or it would collapse. Either outcome is good for us.

Like I never tire to say  . . .  we're way past the time of cordial dialogue !

The time of action is here ! 

Blood needs to flow !

No ?

Then face and abide by the dire consequences !
Be a willing slave !

Tough choices need to be made  . . .  EITHER WAY !

Acquiesce  or  stand up to the tyranny !  

Your  . . .  our choice !

Other than that  . . .  NO CHOICE !
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11 Aug 2022 7:27 pm
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JinnMartini » 11 Aug 2022, 7:23 pm » wrote: Like I never tire to say  . . .  we're way past the time of cordial dialogue !

The time of action is here ! 

Blood needs to flow !

No ?

Then face and abide by the dire consequences !
Be a willing slave !

Tough choices need to be made  . . .  EITHER WAY !

Acquiesce  or  stand up to the tyranny !  

Your  . . .  our choice !

Other than that  . . .  NO CHOICE !
but you have to be smart about how you do it. There is no way that white people could manage some violent revolution because that requires everyone acting at once and we simply have zero access to any institution that could organize such a feat. Attempting to do this would just result in random people getting pointlessly killed and with no revolution. 

Instead we have to act in the way that the socialist George sorel suggested: we have to just drop out of society and watch it die without us. That will not kill us and it uses the only Trump card that we have: the fact that we are the only ones keeping this country functional.

we need to NORMALIZE the attitude that it is WRONG for highly functional conservative whites to contribute to this economy...because this economy supports and evil regime that is at war with us.

forget this bs GOP narrative about how we are the good guys because of our strong protestant work ethic. No. Stop serving an evil regime. That is the only way to be a good guy. Drop out of the military. Quit your police job. If you are going to do ANYTHING to make money for yourself, be sure it is something that HURTS this giving away military secrets to Russia. 

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Deezer Shoove
11 Aug 2022 9:33 pm
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 7:27 pm » wrote: but you have to be smart about how you do it. There is no way that white people could manage some violent revolution because that requires everyone acting at once and we simply have zero access to any institution that could organize such a feat. Attempting to do this would just result in random people getting pointlessly killed and with no revolution. 

Instead we have to act in the way that the socialist George sorel suggested: we have to just drop out of society and watch it die without us. That will not kill us and it uses the only Trump card that we have: the fact that we are the only ones keeping this country functional.

we need to NORMALIZE the attitude that it is WRONG for highly functional conservative whites to contribute to this economy...because this economy supports and evil regime that is at war with us.

forget this bs GOP narrative about how we are the good guys because of our strong protestant work ethic. No. Stop serving an evil regime. That is the only way to be a good guy. Drop out of the military. Quit your police job. If you are going to do ANYTHING to make money for yourself, be sure it is something that HURTS this giving away military secrets to Russia.
You mean "if we can't beat them, join them?"
Burn down the 'hood, walk in and steal stuff, stop that school ****, etc.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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11 Aug 2022 11:20 pm
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DeezerShoove » 11 Aug 2022, 9:33 pm » wrote: You mean "if we can't beat them, join them?"
Burn down the 'hood, walk in and steal stuff, stop that school ****, etc.

or, just band with your own kind.  That might be more helpful
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11 Aug 2022 11:28 pm
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DeezerShoove » 11 Aug 2022, 9:33 pm » wrote: You mean "if we can't beat them, join them?"
Burn down the 'hood, walk in and steal stuff, stop that school ****, etc.
no I literally mean that is how we win 

you don't have to loot the innocent if that offends your ethics. But just stop being a coffee in thr machine. Withdraw from this society.
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Deezer Shoove
12 Aug 2022 7:51 am
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SJConspirator » 11 Aug 2022, 11:20 pm » wrote: or, just band with your own kind.  That might be more helpful
That's what FOS says is kind of the problem white people have these days.
We don't do that as much as compared to the other colors.

Even in vastly majority white areas, blacks are much safer than the reverse scenarios.

We just don't shun as much as we should... don't harbor as much suspicion as we should.

I remember the Sunday school song from when I was very young:
"Jesus loves the little children.
All the children of the word.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
they are precious in His sight..."

We were "taught" about diversity as soon as we could hold a tune.
Then we were "taught" how needy people are owed a life.
Now, I'm "taught" how **** I am...
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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13 Aug 2022 9:43 pm
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JinnMartini » 11 Aug 2022, 7:23 pm » wrote:

Blood needs to flow !

  Menopause isn't treating you well?
Grifty says ingest some horse paste diluted in bleach.
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14 Aug 2022 8:02 am
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 5:08 pm » wrote: This state simply is not legitimate. leftists of course view the state as infallible...but anyone who calls themselves 'right wing' should see clearly that the usa has become corrupt and perhaps even evil.....
...'the state is simply not legitimate'.... :rolleyes:  ...not $hit, genius!! :rofl:  

...the functioning government in the US has always had huge elements of corruption and with the governments of all plutocracies... 

...ugh...your left/right worldview is $hit...... you authoritardians waste your lives arguing r puppet versus d puppet... oblivious as to the puppetma$ter$... :loco:  

...and what does fos propose? ...that we need a modern-day hitler to fix things!... [seriously, are you a spook or a kook?... both?]  :loco:  

...this guy humiliates your retarded worldview...word..:


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14 Aug 2022 8:07 am
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 11:28 pm » wrote: no I literally mean that is how we win 

you don't have to loot the innocent if that offends your ethics. But just stop being a coffee in thr machine. Withdraw from this society.
...please take your own advice...take your ignorant, hateful ideas and move to wyoming.... seetcha-later!...  :wave:  

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14 Aug 2022 8:12 am
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FOS » 11 Aug 2022, 7:27 pm » wrote: but you have to be smart about how you do it. There is no way that white people could manage some violent revolution because that requires everyone acting at once and we simply have zero access to any institution that could organize such a feat. Attempting to do this would just result in random people getting pointlessly killed and with no revolution. 

Instead we have to act in the way that the socialist George sorel suggested: we have to just drop out of society and watch it die without us. That will not kill us and it uses the only Trump card that we have: the fact that we are the only ones keeping this country functional.

we need to NORMALIZE the attitude that it is WRONG for highly functional conservative whites to contribute to this economy...because this economy supports and evil regime that is at war with us.

forget this bs GOP narrative about how we are the good guys because of our strong protestant work ethic. No. Stop serving an evil regime. That is the only way to be a good guy. Drop out of the military. Quit your police job. If you are going to do ANYTHING to make money for yourself, be sure it is something that HURTS this giving away military secrets to Russia., this hitlertard is really really butthurt about puppet trump...he's still on the puppet trump  :o   dick hard!...  :rofl:  

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14 Aug 2022 8:23 am
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Squatchman » 13 Aug 2022, 9:43 pm » wrote:  
  Menopause isn't treating you well?
Grifty says ingest some horse paste diluted in bleach.

Wow....that's a statement based on pretending and wishful really suck up that fake news **** don't ya?
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14 Aug 2022 8:28 am
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but individualism is better than collectivism, for white people..  it makes us isolated and weak, but everything else is communism.  Talk radio teaches me that. Haven't you listened to Hannity?

  Greed is the only virtue.  If I had to look out for fellow white men, it might cut into my profits. 

It's better for all society to be hell in a handbasket and my children be murdered by homeless thugs on the streets, than for me to lose a single penny of profit.
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14 Aug 2022 9:07 am
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SJConspirator » 14 Aug 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: but individualism is better than collectivism, for white people.. 
...authoritardians appear oblivious to any distinctions between 'voluntary collectivism' and 'forced/coerced collectivism'...

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14 Aug 2022 9:10 am
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SJConspirator » 14 Aug 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: ...It's better for all society to be hell in a handbasket and my children be murdered by homeless thugs on the streets, than for me to lose a single penny of profit.

...and what are you going to do about it, mi?  :rofl:   
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Jinn Martini
14 Aug 2022 10:01 am
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Squatchman » 13 Aug 2022, 9:43 pm » wrote:  
  Menopause isn't treating you well?
Grifty says ingest some horse paste diluted in bleach.

I was talking about  YOUR  blood and that of your ilk !
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Jinn Martini
14 Aug 2022 10:08 am
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DeezerShoove » 12 Aug 2022, 7:51 am » wrote: That's what FOS says is kind of the problem white people have these days.
We don't do that as much as compared to the other colors.

Even in vastly majority white areas, blacks are much safer than the reverse scenarios.
It's ok  . . .  barring some drastic actions  . . .  it won't last long anymore:

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14 Aug 2022 11:08 am
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peepee » 14 Aug 2022, 9:10 am » wrote: Image  

...and what are you going to do about it, mi?  Image

more than posting emojis all day, child.  Go grab some crayons and a juice box, it’s almost nap time
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