JinnMartini » 08 Sep 2022, 12:27 pm » wrote: ↑ What's the smallest book in the world ?
The list of Italian war heroes !
Xavier_Onassis » 08 Sep 2022, 11:55 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, God should have thought it through better and had the Swedes invent pizza. Better ingredients, less swarthy.
So... Asheville isn't getting a break, then...
Xavier_Onassis » 07 Sep 2022, 12:49 pm » wrote: ↑ Yeah, you would be happy as a clam in a Nazi Utopia... until someone who wanted your job devised a cunning strategy to prove that your grandfather was Jew. You forget, the Nazis were not honest, they were thugs. They were members of the lumpenproletariat who sabotaged one another in clever and devious ways.
The Nazis failed because they decided to fight on two fronts instead of one.
Hitler was not a great strategist, and he refused to listen to his officers who were.
Of course, Hitler would be 133 years old, if he were alive today.
Odds are he would have been pushing up daisies by 1955 or so.
So there is probably no way you could have lived under Hitler, certainly not for long.
Of course we did have a lot of fun too in Japan !JinnMartini » 06 Sep 2022, 6:23 pm » wrote: ↑ After all the hassle in Japan (which was a real pain in the ***) . . .
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Not a bit !nuckinfutz » 09 Sep 2022, 6:03 pm » wrote: ↑ Hey Jinn, don't you feel sorry for the Punjabi's in PAKISTAN? They are suffering monster floods! And drowning in their own filth!
@Jinn Martini
The Seattle airport loves to hire sand niggrs of all kinds. It's crawling with them. Makes me ill. Is your airport packed with those heathens?JinnMartini » 09 Sep 2022, 7:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Not a bit !
The more Pakistanis drown . . . the better !
No one gives a **** about a few thousand Pakistanis more or less !
Indians are a different story.
They played a very important role in my life.
I still speak Hindi quite well. . . for everyday life
To a less extent I speak Urdu . . . the Pakistani official language.
I spent about a year . . . among those vermin !
You don't know how filthy they are until you get to know them !
They're on a par with Arabs !
Sunni or Shiite . . . same **** . . . different pot, different label !
. . . . Not yet . . . !DeplorablePatriot » 09 Sep 2022, 7:26 pm » wrote: ↑ . . . ill. Is your airport packed with those heathens?
When I was stationed in Germany in the 1970s they had very few sub Saharan ****** CitizensDeplorablePatriot » 07 Sep 2022, 11:59 am » wrote: ↑ The only reason Naziism failed, IMO, was that Hitler went a bit nut-buckets in the manner he spread his troops too thin in his attempt to occupy too much territory in too short a time. He'd have dominated every country he aspired to claim with proper war strategies. He had the best weaponry, commanders and troop numbers for the task.
I'd rather live under Hitler as a member of a superior race than be inundated with alphabet people and thug nigs. He didn't much like those heathens.
JinnMartini » 24 Sep 2022, 11:50 am » wrote: ↑ Regretfully I'm not feeling well and am now in hospital.
Had to cancel all my plans for Italy.
And the suitcases were already packed too . . . then yesterday I vomited blood and my wife had to call an ambulance.
And now here I'm lying with some blood transfusion in my arm.
And I don't even know whose blood it is !
Hopefully NOT from a disgusting, filthy muslime vermin !
With some luck we'll be going half or end October !
Had to pay a lot of cancellation fees too, on top of all the **** !
That is of course the least of the problems I have now.
Taipan » 24 Sep 2022, 12:05 pm » wrote: ↑ Sir,
If you had some pricey Texan blood injection ..........then you would jump-up &
shoot pool with bastards like me. HA !!
You know damn well..............I am on your side.
"I never met an Alaskan.......that I did not like.
This is true.
No.......I am not funning.
I am going to ask.................something from you...............
Put your boots on.
You know why.
Die......"like a man"..............."like a Viking".
And I............will try to do the same.
(I will see you........on the other side......,
of the river.).
Just get me a beer !Taipan » 24 Sep 2022, 12:29 pm » wrote: ↑ Sir,
Ask me for anything............before you die.
I will search my bastard heart...............& see........if I can grant
it unto you.
JinnMartini » 06 Sep 2022, 6:23 pm » wrote: ↑ After all the hassle in Japan (which was a real pain in the ***) . . . we decided to take some time off for a few weeks holidays in Italy.
Visiting family, eating good stuff . . . things like that !
We rented a cozy apartment in Venice, facing the Canal Grande, a few hundred yards from St. Marc Square . . . a nice car (which you cannot drive in Venice proper : no roads) . . . we're all set to go, in about 3 weeks .
Business class, of course !
These days they have these strange seats in business class . . . you can stretch out . . . but somehow they look strange !
And I can't be next to my wife.
There's always an aisle between us !
Strange !
We have a list of top-quality restaurants.
Mostly fish-only.
We'll see . . .
I'll be displaying a @Cannonpointer poster, upon arrival.
And maybe a @Ronjul one upon departure.
Both friends of mine.
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