A Black little Mermaid

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By Pastafarian
16 Sep 2022 7:00 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Jinn Martini
18 Sep 2022 8:03 pm
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Pastafarian » 16 Sep 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: Say it ain’t so say those with esteem issues. 


Faccetta nera dell´Abissinia  . . .  
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Deezer Shoove
18 Sep 2022 8:25 pm
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Cedar » 16 Sep 2022, 1:43 pm » wrote: I’d think it was just as retarded if they cast a white person to play a character that was animated black, brown or Asian.
Cleveland Brown was voiced by Mike Henry for years.

He is now voiced by a black actor that has to sound exactly as Henry voiced him.

Makes not a wit of difference to the show, character, storyline.

It's caving to the whiny pressure of our times. Total ****.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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19 Sep 2022 12:34 am
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Taipan » 18 Sep 2022, 9:42 am » wrote: Here is my point.
You are backing Louis Farrakhan & the Black-Power Movement.
You are backing BLM.
Here is why.

1.  Farrakhan & BLM are backing Islam.......against the Jew & the Christian.
2.  Islam is backing Iran.
3.  Iran is backing Moscow.
4.  CCP is backing Moscow.   Chinese Communist Party.
5.  North Korea Communist Party is backing Moscow.
6.  Vietnam Communist Party is backing Moscow.
7.  Cuba Communist Party is backing Moscow.
8.  Venezuela Communist Party is backing Moscow.

Who is backing Ukraine ?

1.  The Christians.    1 Billion Strong. (they will not back down)
2.  The American Patriots.
3.  Alamo Texas Tea-Party Patriots.
4.  NATO.
5.  The entire Western World.
6.  The Navy Seals. (ask them).
7.  The Air-Borne Rangers.  (ask them).
8.  The U.S. Marine Corps.  (ask them).
9.  The Texas Rangers.  (ask them).

I want you on our team.
Can I buy you a beer ?                                             
are you aware that russia is a white and christian country?
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Deezer Shoove
19 Sep 2022 6:07 am
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Neo » 18 Sep 2022, 11:26 am » wrote: Wish I were wrong. We require countries to celebrate homosexuality and deviance if they want to trade with us. UN demands universal access to abortion. We look the other way for certain oil producing nations but these demands are not negotiable for nations without similarly exploitable resources. We as a nation are falling away from God and labeling it progress.
Being unified by whatever belief system that's common within a populace is key.

Used to be Christianity in America. For all its flaws and flawed members, a basic belief helped unify.
Our general population and national attitude was better and stronger for that.

It could be relied on somewhat for a kind of consistency that no longer seems to exist.
I've never been religious but appreciate right from wrong, acknowledge a symbiosis with the universe.
There's a spiritual component to feeling free.

Even in religion there is a general common ground in that there is a creator, a beginning, the unfathomable.
I have always found a harshness, a sense of discontentment, a neediness among self-proclaimed atheists.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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19 Sep 2022 7:23 am
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DeezerShoove » 19 Sep 2022, 6:07 am » wrote: Being unified by whatever belief system that's common within a populace is key.

Used to be Christianity in America. For all its flaws and flawed members, a basic belief helped unify.
Our general population and national attitude was better and stronger for that.

It could be relied on somewhat for a kind of consistency that no longer seems to exist.
I've never been religious but appreciate right from wrong, acknowledge a symbiosis with the universe.
There's a spiritual component to feeling free.

Even in religion there is a general common ground in that there is a creator, a beginning, the unfathomable.
I have always found a harshness, a sense of discontentment, a neediness among self-proclaimed atheists.
Shared beliefs, Shared culture, Shared values and shared language are important for a nation to have some form of national identity. We are no longer a melting pot, assimilation is viewed as cultural appropriation. Can't agree on basic truths like binary gender. Progressives have no interest in national identity or unity, conservatives despise the division created by identity politics. Hopefully we can find some common ground. 
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19 Sep 2022 7:41 am
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Neo » 19 Sep 2022, 7:23 am » wrote: Shared beliefs, Shared culture, Shared values and shared language are important for a nation to have some form of national identity. We are no longer a melting pot, assimilation is viewed as cultural appropriation. Can't agree on basic truths like binary gender. Progressives have no interest in national identity or unity, conservatives despise the division created by identity politics. Hopefully we can find some common ground.

we were NEVER a melting pot. The stark cultural differences between the north and south led to the Civil war, for example.

and today we have an absolutely uniform culture that everyone must assimilate to. Namely, *** culture. 

This is a fact that aristocratic minded people have noted ever since George Gershwin, a jew, became amazingly successful by creating *** music. 

Today, if a person does NOT twerk to rap music then their peers will suspect them of being a nazi (and quite probably be correct). This is why we are supposed to celebrate *** becoming mermaids and fairy god mothers etc...because even the white people in this country are spiritual *** and nobody except the few nazis have any connection to or appreciation for what was once European high culture and intellectual discovery.

this is why I do not believe that this country could possibly avoid sinking into cultural and intellectual stagnation. Detroit is going to ultimately become the future of this entire country.
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19 Sep 2022 10:15 am
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FOS » 19 Sep 2022, 12:34 am » wrote: are you aware that russia is a white and christian country?
Not true or accurate. 

First, over half of Russia is Asian - non-white, Turkic with some Arabic genetics.  Only the very western part of Russia is what you call "White".

Second, The Soviet Union did a great job killing Christianity for almost 100 years; they are the country of Satan.  While there may be some Christians in Russia, the majority are Atheists or practice some type of Islamic or Turkic religion.

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19 Sep 2022 10:21 am
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Skans » 19 Sep 2022, 10:15 am » wrote: Not true or accurate. 

First, over half of Russia is Asian - non-white, Turkic with some Arabic genetics.  Only the very western part of Russia is what you call "White".

Second, The Soviet Union did a great job killing Christianity for almost 100 years; they are the country of Satan.  While there may be some Christians in Russia, the majority are Atheists or practice some type of Islamic or Turkic religion.

there are plenty of white Muslims there. 
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19 Sep 2022 10:36 am
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SJConspirator » 19 Sep 2022, 10:21 am » wrote: there are plenty of white Muslims there.
Whether they are "white" or not is debatable.  But, the fact that they are not Christians remains a fact. A fact in contradiction to what FOS claimed.
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Jinn Martini
19 Sep 2022 11:23 am
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Skans » 19 Sep 2022, 10:15 am » wrote: Not true or accurate. 

First, over half of Russia is Asian - non-white, Turkic with some Arabic genetics.  Only the very western part of Russia is what you call "White".

Second, The Soviet Union did a great job killing Christianity for almost 100 years; they are the country of Satan.  While there may be some Christians in Russia, the majority are Atheists or practice some type of Islamic or Turkic religion.
Orthodox Christians are the majority  . . .  by far, and then some !
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19 Sep 2022 11:25 am
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Neo » 16 Sep 2022, 9:02 am » wrote: Sure he was. Making light of the fact well loved classic characters are being replaced by historically disadvantaged minorities then using the backlash for marketing. The whole thing is humorous. Mulan live action was ruined because they chose not to include a certain dragon that was voiced by an African American. Didn't see those complaints given much airtime as they didn't fit an agenda.
The Little Mermaid was written as a love letter to a man. 

A gay mermaid is the most classic character of all. 

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19 Sep 2022 1:32 pm
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Pastafarian » 19 Sep 2022, 11:25 am » wrote: The Little Mermaid was written as a love letter to a man. 

A gay mermaid is the most classic character of all.
The prince is still white, mermaids aren't human. End of the day he's still a fish **** cracker. Not sure allegations of mud sharking are relevant. 
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19 Sep 2022 2:00 pm
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Neo » 19 Sep 2022, 1:32 pm » wrote: The prince is still white, mermaids aren't human. End of the day he's still a fish **** cracker. Not sure allegations of mud sharking are relevant.
I never mentioned the prince. You did. 
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19 Sep 2022 2:02 pm
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Skans » 19 Sep 2022, 10:15 am » wrote: Not true or accurate. 

First, over half of Russia is Asian - non-white, Turkic with some Arabic genetics.  Only the very western part of Russia is what you call "White".

Second, The Soviet Union did a great job killing Christianity for almost 100 years; they are the country of Satan.  While there may be some Christians in Russia, the majority are Atheists or practice some type of Islamic or Turkic religion.
you can check a PCA genetics graph. Russians are literally more closely related to the english than people from finland are.

there really have not been khazar people in russia since Svyatpslav killed them all. There do exist muslims in russia, but they are basically white. You may be calling the tartars 'asian'...but they are obviously white...look at any images of them and this should be clear.

the ussr of course persecuted all religion. But modern day russia is extremely religious, and the orthodox church is very close to power and far more respected than any western power respects christianity
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19 Sep 2022 2:06 pm
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FOS » 19 Sep 2022, 2:02 pm » wrote: you can check a PCA genetics graph. Russians are literally more closely related to the english than people from finland are.

there really have not been khazar people in russia since Svyatpslav killed them all. There do exist muslims in russia, but they are basically white. You may be calling the tartars 'asian'...but they are obviously white...look at any images of them and this should be clear.

the ussr of course persecuted all religion. But modern day russia is extremely religious, and the orthodox church is very close to power and far more respected than any western power respects christianity
Your hero thought Russians beneath him. 

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19 Sep 2022 2:11 pm
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JinnMartini » 19 Sep 2022, 11:23 am » wrote: Orthodox Christians are the majority  . . .  by far, and then some !
Perhaps (and I see no verification of this) they are the majority of those claiming a religion.  But, Russians are among the top countries with the most Atheists.  This is because that is what they were turned into by the Communist regime that ruled for nearly 100 years top 5 Countries with the Highest Number of Atheists and Agnostics -
  1. China - 103,907,840 — 181,838,720
  2. India - 102,870,000
  3. Japan - 81,493,120 — 82,766,450
  4. Vietnam - 66,978,900
  5. Russia - 34,507,680 — 69,015,360
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19 Sep 2022 2:18 pm
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FOS » 19 Sep 2022, 2:02 pm » wrote: you can check a PCA genetics graph. Russians are literally more closely related to the english than people from finland are.

there really have not been khazar people in russia since Svyatpslav killed them all. There do exist muslims in russia, but they are basically white. You may be calling the tartars 'asian'...but they are obviously white...look at any images of them and this should be clear.

the ussr of course persecuted all religion. But modern day russia is extremely religious, and the orthodox church is very close to power and far more respected than any western power respects christianity
About 25% of Russia is non-European. Most of them are west of the Ural Mountains, which is about 75% of Russia's land area.  Of the European Russians, a large percentage are Atheists and Agnostics.
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19 Sep 2022 2:40 pm
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Pastafarian » 19 Sep 2022, 2:06 pm » wrote: Your hero thought Russians beneath him.

why do you pretend to know anything that hitler believed? you never read a word from him.
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19 Sep 2022 3:29 pm
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FOS » 19 Sep 2022, 2:40 pm » wrote: why do you pretend to know anything that hitler believed? you never read a word from him.
Why do you pretend?
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19 Sep 2022 3:57 pm
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well I've actually read him. You have never read a book in your life about anything. And no comic books don't count.
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