You do? You must be a popular guy? Is it your good looks? are they all wimmins?JinnMartini » 22 Sep 2022, 12:44 pm » wrote: ↑ I used to have maybe 20 friends . . . and I'm maybe exaggerating too
We used to raid the orchards and fields too !
Stealing strawberries and peaches and apples . . .
Not to bring home . . . just to eat them right there !
They're all gone now . . . only high-rise buildings are there now . . . but I have 100,000 internet "friends" !
Hyperbole defining hypothetical possibilities until ancestrally believed in history to current population evolving has never exceeded reproductions mutually evolving beyond occupying space since conceived each lifetime changing population of the whole food chain currently here.Xavier_Onassis » 22 Sep 2022, 11:58 am » wrote: ↑ To get a message from Satan play, play the Beatles backwards.
To make more sense of omh, alphabetize.
all and changing constantly evolving here it kinetic limitless now. one only potential sum the time total way works
What is VR? Virtual Reality?Neo » 22 Sep 2022, 9:39 am » wrote: ↑ VR will have more impact on the human animal than anything since radio or moving pictures. Loving it and the potential is limitless.
Believe it or not . . . I was an Alain Delon type !
This is not is a kind of stagnation that capitalism provides.Monderegal » 20 Sep 2022, 7:20 pm » wrote: ↑ This is a little off topic for politics but I saw in my email today that apparently the stick shift will not be offered in automobiles anymore. Automatic transmission works but now just about everything else doesn't. The ever more present gadgets in our cars always have some sort of malfunction. The fridge might be state of the art but I can't tell you how many times the ice maker on my two year old fridge has broken. The light on the stove remains on and the TV Fire Stick has to be continually rebooted. This article in the Atlantic is from 2017 but mentions the new "advancement" of the public restroom. The automatic faucets don't come on and toilets that are "automatic" yet either don't flush or flush 3 times. Do we really need all this progress? Is it really even progress to not turn a knob? Does it save any time or energy? Link to article here.
Misleading information people use to justify never accepting life lived here now. Inverted spelling of ancestrally lived vs devil in the details serving humanity.
To funny about the dog,sootedupCyndi » 20 Sep 2022, 11:43 pm » wrote: ↑ OH! I love this... Nothing works!!! The tv goes to a blank screen. and I have to pull the plug to get it back,.
My frig is howling..
Can't get a light for the bathroom- so I stuck a lamp in there.. unbelievable...
Almost killed the dog. Because he was stepping on the buttons.. and the automatic car window was going up and choking him.. And my buttons wouldnt bring it down.. Got him out of it.. and he was ok.. but boy! What was wrong with a roll up window..
Fought with the printer all nite. Got so dam mad. Bought a new one. Stuck on paper jam with no paper in it.. error.. error..
Windows 10 is a nightmare compared to windows 7... no need of ALL this garbage!!! all the bells and whistles that make things WORSE!
AND ALL the chinese junk that doesn't last or work too.
brand new sink plunger from the hardware store- not the dollar store. Lasted for about two plunges.
I look around for vintage.. like can openers- or ice cube trays.
ha ha ha.Hank » 22 Sep 2022, 10:56 pm » wrote: ↑ To funny about the dog,
I accidentally rolled my dog's tail up in the window before.
The percentage of cars and light trucks sold with automatic transmissions has increased quite a bit over the past ten years, and so has the average MPG. The most fuel efficient cars have CVTs (Continuously Variable Transmissions). They have an infinite number of gears.GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Sep 2022, 12:19 pm » wrote: ↑ Automatic transmissions waste fuel via slippage.
Considerable heat dissipated via the transmissions cooling system is proof that much "work" is lost..
A manual trans takes less HP to turn...too.
Even though many cars have "lock up" torque converters once you reach cruising speed..there is a MPG penalty that comes with the auto trans / fluid drive.
BS.Xavier_Onassis » 23 Sep 2022, 9:16 am » wrote: ↑ The percentage of cars and light trucks sold with automatic transmissions has increased quite a bit over the past ten years, and so has the average MPG. The most fuel efficient cars have CVTs (Continuously Variable Transmissions). They have an infinite number of gears.
Xavier_Onassis » 23 Sep 2022, 9:16 am » wrote: ↑ The percentage of cars and light trucks sold with automatic transmissions has increased quite a bit over the past ten years, and so has the average MPG. The most fuel efficient cars have CVTs (Continuously Variable Transmissions). They have an infinite number of gears.
FOS » 23 Sep 2022, 9:35 am » wrote: ↑ i love it when people like you try to show off your obscure knowledge and instead expose how ignorant you are. 'infinite gears' is a physical impossibility. There is a thing called plank's constant.
You can see that his reply was a "RE-WORDING" of something he copied and pasted yet did not fully understand.
FOS » 23 Sep 2022, 10:02 am » wrote: ↑ i have no doubt that the issue is simply semantic. It is some transmission that doesnt work from physical gears. sure. But still it isnt infinite. Im being nitpicky, but i am okay with that cause he was trying to be clever, obviously, and not addressing the real subject.
Well, yeah, the transmission finds the ideal ratio and stays with it.GHETTOBLASTER » 23 Sep 2022, 10:12 am » wrote: ↑ The "INFINITE" aspect is that until the torque converter REACHES A ONE TO ONE LOCKUP WITH ENGINE RPM...the car moves forward with what is in effect an infinite ratio.
The term "infinite" in tech lingo means that there are not definite "steps" or "clicks" from low to high...just a smooth transition....[like an INFINITELY ADJUSTABLE POTENTIOMETER.]
You don't understand what slippage is.Xavier_Onassis » 23 Sep 2022, 11:05 am » wrote: ↑ Well, yeah, the transmission finds the ideal ratio and stays with it.
I have observed that when I put my Subaru Outback on an open highway with the cruise control set at 55, the average MPG goes up to 37 MPG.
If enough people want a standard transmission, someone will sell it.
The Subaru with paddles and a 2.4 L engine gives better mileage and more power than any other car I have owned.
Sure...semantic. but based on modern knowledge of physics there is such a thing as a smallest possible unit of energy so reality is fundamentally discrete. It is not an actual continuum although it is close enough above the quantum levelGHETTOBLASTER » 23 Sep 2022, 10:12 am » wrote: ↑ The "INFINITE" aspect is that until the torque converter REACHES A ONE TO ONE LOCKUP WITH ENGINE RPM...the car moves forward with what is in effect an infinite ratio.
The term "infinite" in tech lingo means that there are not definite "steps" or "clicks" from low to high...just a smooth transition....[like an INFINITELY ADJUSTABLE POTENTIOMETER.]
and never exceeds ancestral displacements here now. ha ha ha ha ha ha intellectual choices to deny biology only works as ancestors being eternally separate results occupying space here performing the nature of their social narrative never accepting themselves as eternally separate forms alive as physically present since conceived.FOS » 23 Sep 2022, 9:18 pm » wrote: ↑ Sure...semantic. but based on modern knowledge of physics there is such a thing as a smallest possible unit of energy so reality is fundamentally discrete. It is not an actual continuum although it is close enough above the quantum level
second response, you ever notice how every devised ideology is governed by same principles of doubt all circling around a common point at mutually evolving here the personal time each reproduction has adapting to the moment now?Monderegal » 20 Sep 2022, 7:20 pm » wrote: ↑ This is a little off topic for politics but I saw in my email today that apparently the stick shift will not be offered in automobiles anymore. Automatic transmission works but now just about everything else doesn't. The ever more present gadgets in our cars always have some sort of malfunction. The fridge might be state of the art but I can't tell you how many times the ice maker on my two year old fridge has broken. The light on the stove remains on and the TV Fire Stick has to be continually rebooted. This article in the Atlantic is from 2017 but mentions the new "advancement" of the public restroom. The automatic faucets don't come on and toilets that are "automatic" yet either don't flush or flush 3 times. Do we really need all this progress? Is it really even progress to not turn a knob? Does it save any time or energy? Link to article here.