History is the epic pursuit of life beyond evolving as displaced in ancestral order of arrival so far.
Bad idea to believe evolving is less than making believe intellectual interpretation is more than ancestrally adapting to the moment here. Corrupts every brain added to the species playing Old World Traditions use to create New World Order of making believe nobody knew evolving self contains each reproduction to adapt in the moment here.
Biblical Old Testament verse New Testament. Last generation must follow their previous 4 or else they will be ridiculed into submission, shunned by family, exiled by community, executed for not serving God or Country. Is true regardless what one believes life must be more than simply adapting to space living eternally separated as specifically here.
Reasonable doubt defies actual life by every reality supporting humanities.
Geometrically, geologically, geographically displaced in the generation gap arrived and departed one of a kind.
Difference between equally created and equity of rank to people never agreeing to agree on how evolving changes population in plain sight.
Path of self destruction within a species by the species itself.