Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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The Mann Act was passed to prevent trafficking in girls.
The Mann Act was inspired by a widespread "
white slavery hysteria"—a fear that young white women were being forced into prostitution at alarming rates. Ultimately it originated from cultural changes that occurred as a result of
urbanization, and increasing numbers of women workers. The myth scapegoated immigrants and sexually active women and fed Americans' fears about female independence, women's waged work, and female sexuality. This fear became a cultural narrative of moral panic, sensationally depicted in newspapers and films. The Mann Act was passed in 1910 as a way to legislate morality by criminalizing transportation of women across state lines for immoral purposes, but it was vaguely worded and created a
witch-huntingatmosphere that targeted not only traffickers but also voluntary prostitutes, people having extramarital affairs, and anyone who aided in providing transportation to someone for some perceived immoral purpose. The Mann Act was also used to close down all areas of suspected vice because of threats of white slavery.