Which Social Test Never Ends Involving Every Institution Of Humanities?

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By 31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 7:04 am in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 7:04 am
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Honesty within oneself conceived to dead or loyalty to a royal we say so obedient to one idea honored until extinction?

Rhetorical questions title and opening question. When did your time existing actually happen? conception.
Has your body ever stayed same total sum evolving twice? no

Why doesn't reality balance with adapting to space while mutually alive since conceived with those related genetically or just part of the same species and ancestral lineages present? Every ancestor was trained after birth to believe genetic compounding chromosomes is too difficult to understand how one remains here never same details twice and results never duplicated again with balancing outcomes always ending here now and next generations change population left alive here.

Each brain navigates space as specifically alive. Every mind cultivated after birth won't accept living doesn't exceed now because they factually operate socially with clocks and calendars logging events every rotation of the planet always 3rd from the star in this geographical universal position of perpetual changing total sum left occupying space here.

How and why does power of suggestion corrupt each reproduction added into this species? Vocabulary.
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17 Sep 2023 7:18 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 17 Sep 2023, 7:04 am » wrote: Honesty within oneself conceived to dead or loyalty to a royal we say so obedient to one idea honored until extinction?

Rhetorical questions title and opening question. When did your time existing actually happen? conception.
Has your body ever stayed same total sum evolving twice? no

Why doesn't reality balance with adapting to space while mutually alive since conceived with those related genetically or just part of the same species and ancestral lineages present? Every ancestor was trained after birth to believe genetic compounding chromosomes is too difficult to understand how one remains here never same details twice and results never duplicated again with balancing outcomes always ending here now and next generations change population left alive here.

Each brain navigates space as specifically alive. Every mind cultivated after birth won't accept living doesn't exceed now because they factually operate socially with clocks and calendars logging events every rotation of the planet always 3rd from the star in this geographical universal position of perpetual changing total sum left occupying space here.

How and why does power of suggestion corrupt each reproduction added into this species? Vocabulary.
At least you have a few questions, i posted this video that seems to indicate that your representatives are thinking about signing you out of USA constitutional protections and signing your body over to a monarchy orientated foreign corporation group. crickets, no questions.
https://rumble.com/v3dy6zo-bio-warfare- ... hreat.html
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 7:50 am
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Bob » 17 Sep 2023, 7:18 am » wrote: At least you have a few questions, i posted this video that seems to indicate that your representatives are thinking about signing you out of USA constitutional protections and signing your body over to a monarchy orientated foreign corporation group. crickets, no questions.
https://rumble.com/v3dy6zo-bio-warfare- ... hreat.html
Understand what I said. I am trapped by everyone around me ignoring the natural evolving process equally timing all 8 billion of this species here now as eternally separated when genetically present.

I am commanded by rule of law to elect leaders deceiving everyone cradle to grave, I am only allowed to pick what I see as lesser of two evils regardless which ideology they are loyal within. You only operate thinking two side to any issue. I see how 8 billion sole displacements refuse to accept life in plain sight as I have to compromise my time away obeying **** cradle to grave.

When I don't, society reclaims what I earned so far because everything I earned socially was symbolism over substance evaporates by re-interpretation of the law that typecasts ancestral lineages by race, creed, color, national origin(not generation gap), gender bias, in last century popularizing gender identity preference, academic mind, artistic impression, economic value to social consensus, political leaning, spiritual conviction to believe anything else is possible to be a good citizen of humanities.
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17 Sep 2023 8:17 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 17 Sep 2023, 7:50 am » wrote: Understand what I said. I am trapped by everyone around me ignoring the natural evolving process equally timing all 8 billion of this species here now as eternally separated when genetically present.

I am commanded by rule of law to elect leaders deceiving everyone cradle to grave, I am only allowed to pick what I see as lesser of two evils regardless which ideology they are loyal within. You only operate thinking two side to any issue. I see how 8 billion sole displacements refuse to accept life in plain sight as I have to compromise my time away obeying **** cradle to grave.

When I don't, society reclaims what I earned so far because everything I earned socially was symbolism over substance evaporates by re-interpretation of the law that typecasts ancestral lineages by race, creed, color, national origin(not generation gap), gender bias, in last century popularizing gender identity preference, academic mind, artistic impression, economic value to social consensus, political leaning, spiritual conviction to believe anything else is possible to be a good citizen of humanities.
  Voluntarily classing and grouping yourself into a species category that may be interpreted as non human herd animal that can be eugenically manipulated and controlled could become a serious problem. I recommend that your person/persons remain in the human creation category who enjoy certain non removal legal rights and individual contract negotiation capability's that have been worked out over the last millennia.
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 8:18 am
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Bob » 17 Sep 2023, 8:17 am » wrote:   Voluntarily classing and grouping yourself into a species category that may be interpreted as non human herd animal that can be eugenically manipulated and controlled could become a serious problem. I recommend that your person/persons remain in the human creation category who enjoy certain non removal legal rights and individual contract negotiation capability's that have been worked out over the last millennia.
Look at you project what has arrive doesn't already exist. Your mind is an open book by why you defend who you are rather than what you were since conceived.
Why I use screen names like sole result, omh, Nostradamus' omh, serenity. I am but one conceived ancestor living eternally separated in ever changing form since a fertilized cell created by 2 parents replacing 4 grandparents that replace 8 great grandparents etc.

Direct line of contracting numbers forward one at a time. Every ancestor of any species any generation gap exists evolving same way at this very moment.

self evident.
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17 Sep 2023 8:29 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 17 Sep 2023, 8:18 am » wrote: Look at you project what has arrive doesn't already exist. Your mind is an open book by why you defend who you are rather than what you were since conceived.
Why I use screen names like sole result, omh, Nostradamus' omh, serenity. I am but one conceived ancestor living eternally separated in ever changing form since a fertilized cell created by 2 parents replacing 4 grandparents that replace 8 great grandparents etc.

Direct line of contracting numbers forward one at a time. Every ancestor of any species any generation gap exists evolving same way.
  I am saying that I am a created individual with certain non removable legal rights and non removable individual contract negotiation capability's, you are saying that you are some kind of a species group. It is not clear exactly what the rights of a species group would be and so in the USA where you are no longer the chattel property of king George or a corporation commune of other said claimed species you need understand your contract situation.
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 8:50 am
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Bob » 17 Sep 2023, 8:29 am » wrote:   I am saying that I am a created individual with certain non removable legal rights and non removable individual contract negotiation capability's, you are saying that you are some kind of a species group. It is not clear exactly what the rights of a species group would be and so in the USA where you are no longer the chattel property of king George or a corporation commune of other said claimed species you need understand your contract situation.
A homosapien ancestor has the personal liberty to believe anything is possible and the responsibility to its next generations to understand what never is possible is always present by self evident numbers alive as reproductively here.

Believing now isn't eternity doesn't create eternal life after death since all evolving is self contained to changing forms present forward here now. Simple compounding chromosomes evolved after periodic compounding molecular results combined into a perpetually balancing universal moment erode in specific atmospheres ancestral lineages between plant and animal, predatory and prey, asexual, male, female means to replace current population with next generations never same details twice.

So genetics works after erosion of combined periodic elements of gaseous, liquid, mineral characteristics form inorganic universal locations with atmospheres that generate erosion of combinations that become organic compounds eventually combined into cellular specific combined chromosome results never duplicated reproductively here so far.

Series parallel movements, simultaneously taking place between contracting combinations expanding details never duplicated. Sure looks like thermodynamic principles to me hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, means, motives, methods to ignore can change actually here.

Factually nobody believes now is eternity since dawn of civilization recorded social consensus controlling the majority of people every day forward using same ideas all the time.

Ideologies are not natural event horizons of evolving here now. They are artificial Intelligence used against ancestry every moment.
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17 Sep 2023 9:22 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 17 Sep 2023, 8:50 am » wrote: A homosapien ancestor has the personal liberty to believe anything is possible and the responsibility to its next generations to understand what never is possible is always present by self evident numbers alive as reproductively here.

Believing now isn't eternity doesn't create eternal life after death since all evolving is self contained to changing forms present forward here now. Simple compounding chromosomes evolved after periodic compounding molecular results combined into a perpetually balancing universal moment erode in specific atmospheres ancestral lineages between plant and animal, predatory and prey, asexual, male, female means to replace current population with next generations never same details twice.

So genetics works after erosion of combined periodic elements of gaseous, liquid, mineral characteristics form inorganic universal locations with atmospheres that generate erosion of combinations that become organic compounds eventually combined into cellular specific combined chromosome results never duplicated reproductively here so far.

Series parallel movements, simultaneously taking place between contracting combinations expanding details never duplicated. Sure looks like thermodynamic principles to me hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, means, motives, methods to ignore can change actually here.

Factually nobody believes now is eternity since dawn of civilization recorded social consensus controlling the majority of people every day forward using same ideas all the time.

Ideologies are not natural event horizons of evolving here now. They are artificial Intelligence used against ancestry every moment.
  Believing now is eternity and other fad notions that have arisen over the last 160 years can place you into a non human slave category where life can be hell until dead and then whatever is going to happen after you pass away. 
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17 Sep 2023 9:52 am
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Misery and depressiveness is omh’s specialty. I used to get headaches wasting my time reading his posts but have since decided to free myself from the insanity.
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 10:41 am
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Bob » 17 Sep 2023, 9:22 am » wrote:   Believing now is eternity and other fad notions that have arisen over the last 160 years can place you into a non human slave category where life can be hell until dead and then whatever is going to happen after you pass away. 
What separates believing anything is possible from understanding what it is to be alive one at a time now?

Social consensus it isn't possible by every ideology believing it isn't by their faiths in gods, God, Allah, Buddha, Satan, extraterrestrial implantation.
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19 Sep 2023 6:44 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 17 Sep 2023, 10:41 am » wrote: What separates believing anything is possible from understanding what it is to be alive one at a time now?

Social consensus it isn't possible by every ideology believing it isn't by their faiths in gods, God, Allah, Buddha, Satan, extraterrestrial implantation.
  What separates your ability to belive things are possible is an old world fuedal dictatorship where you are distracted into the belife that your paticular feudal group association somehow makes you special whilst you are consuming unnesasary toxins, marching into mine fields or stoping cars with your body out on the highway, etc.
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31st Arrival
19 Sep 2023 10:42 am
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Bob » 19 Sep 2023, 6:44 am » wrote:   What separates your ability to belive things are possible is an old world fuedal dictatorship where you are distracted into the belife that your paticular feudal group association somehow makes you special whilst you are consuming unnesasary toxins, marching into mine fields or stoping cars with your body out on the highway, etc.
Which generation gap is old world traditionalists?

a. 16 mostly dead great great grandparents and siblings that never became great great grandparents.
b. 8 great grandparents added by the previous generation and siblings that didn't become great grandparents
c. 4 grandparents added by second generation and siblings that didn't become grandparents.
d. 2 parenting the arrival of each ancestor replacing their previous 4 generations on at a time, even in multiple birth events like twins, triplets, quadruplets, and the litters crated by invitro fertilization methods like Octomom had, tax payers are still supporting today.
e. each great great grandchild replacing their previous 4 generations in a manner that never duplicates what existed prior to their unique conception.
f. dare you to keep reciting you believe life exceeds genetic compounding chromosomes to exact population of every species in this atmosphere left alive now.
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20 Sep 2023 5:36 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 19 Sep 2023, 10:42 am » wrote: Which generation gap is old world traditionalists?

a. 16 mostly dead great great grandparents and siblings that never became great great grandparents.
b. 8 great grandparents added by the previous generation and siblings that didn't become great grandparents
c. 4 grandparents added by second generation and siblings that didn't become grandparents.
d. 2 parenting the arrival of each ancestor replacing their previous 4 generations on at a time, even in multiple birth events like twins, triplets, quadruplets, and the litters crated by invitro fertilization methods like Octomom had, tax payers are still supporting today.
e. each great great grandchild replacing their previous 4 generations in a manner that never duplicates what existed prior to their unique conception.
f. dare you to keep reciting you believe life exceeds genetic compounding chromosomes to exact population of every species in this atmosphere left alive now.
  Simple reduction of the life experience down to a robotic-controlled existence comprised of objects seen at arms length tending to have been viewed with less than 2020 vision. ignore new information, circle back around with old information and make claims that the latest computerized microscopes are quack science, etc.
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31st Arrival
20 Sep 2023 5:53 am
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Bob » 20 Sep 2023, 5:36 am » wrote:   Simple reduction of the life experience down to a robotic-controlled existence comprised of objects seen at arms length tending to have been viewed with less than 2020 vision. ignore new information, circle back around with old information and make claims that the latest computerized microscopes are quack science, etc.
You chose your intellectual mind and character role playing after birth and you insist everyone else follow suit of syllables or else. I am not an emperor nor in some supernatural utopia with a new birthday suit. I am just another ancestor adapting in space equally timed apart here with the liberty to navigate space one at a time.

I actually put Humpty Dumpty back together again and I produced a perfect storm in the whether or not a person is truthful or honest. Truth defends denying how evolving happens in plain sight.

Every reality forbids my discussing the actual way evolving works here now. Insubordination against any level to a chain of command. Treason against my ancestral traditions of protecting maybes when everyone believes now isn't eternity, and genetics eternally separates the current numbers left alive here, until dead. Blasphemy against intellectual concepts promising better tomorrows than genetics delivered today.

I know all there is to comprehend about compounding chromosomes spacing reproductions apart adapting in space now in this atmosphere or any other in this perpetual balancing moment universe is never same total sum achieved again, here now.
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20 Sep 2023 6:11 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 20 Sep 2023, 5:53 am » wrote: You chose your intellectual mind and character role playing after birth and you insist everyone else follow suit of syllables or else. I am not an emperor or in some supernatural utopia with a new birthday suit. I am just another ancestor adapting in space equally timed apart here with the liberty to navigate space one at a time.

I actually put Humpty Dumpty back together again and I produced a perfect storm in the whether or not a person is truthful or honest. Truth defends denying how evolving happens in plain sight.

Every reality forbids my discussing the actual way evolving works here now. Insubordination against any level to a chain of command. Treason against my ancestral traditions of protecting maybs until dead. Blasphemy against intellectual concepts promising better tomorrows than genetics delivered today.

I know all there is to comprehend about compounding chromosomes spacing reproductions apart adapting in space now in this atmosphere or any other in this perpetual balancing moment universe is never same total sum achieved again, here now.
  Nothing of the sort, you tend to promote the 1850s story of evolution that was borrowed from 600 BC pagans, fish want to be bird, bird can fly, bird want to be fish, bird can swim. You could change opinion on numerous far out beliefs at any time, I don't need to categorize you into a monarchical class or group and control your body and mind.
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31st Arrival
20 Sep 2023 6:21 am
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Bob » 20 Sep 2023, 6:11 am » wrote:   Nothing of the sort, you tend to promote the 1850s story of evolution that was borrowed from 600 BC pagans, fish want to be bird, bird can fly, bird want to be fish, bird can swim. You could change opinion on numerous far out beliefs at any time, I don't need to categorize you into a monarchical class or group and control your body and mind.
I am witnessing you stay with reasonable doubt historically used every generation gap forward. Evolving isn't a theory as evolution is a topic of debate between evolving results present among the current generation gaps evolving as displaced and specifically one of a kind conceived to decomposed corpse.

Death just reverses a body regeneration of new cells contained same DNA combined at conception. You ever imagine the nucleus of your fertilized cell is the brain behind your eyes and between your ears to navigate space the entire time your body never stays same form as arrived a fertilized cell occupying time now?

I did.
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20 Sep 2023 7:10 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 20 Sep 2023, 6:21 am » wrote: I am witnessing you stay with reasonable doubt historically used every generation gap forward. Evolving isn't a theory as evolution is a topic of debate between evolving results present among the current generation gaps evolving as displaced and specifically one of a kind conceived to decomposed corpse.

Death just reverses a body regeneration of new cells contained same DNA combined at conception. You ever imagine the nucleus of your fertilized cell is the brain behind your eyes and between your ears to navigate space the entire time your body never stays same form as arrived a fertilized cell occupying time now?

I did.
 Mandatory reduction and removal of any small atomic quantum particle information along with various 21st century computerized microscope biological information. Discovered to retain a memory for communication purposes the small atomic particles that have been flowing through your body will be released from your body after you pass away. You can not see or hear various TV radio signals without a receiver but it does not mean that they do not exist.
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31st Arrival
20 Sep 2023 7:17 am
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Bob » 20 Sep 2023, 7:10 am » wrote:  Mandatory reduction and removal of any small atomic quantum particle information along with various 21st century computerized microscope biological information. Discovered to retain a memory for communication purposes the small atomic particles that have been flowing through your body will be released from your body after you pass away. You can not see or hear various TV radio signals without a receiver but it does not mean that they do not exist.
You won't discuss evolving, just debate evolutionary possibilities. Disciple of doubt serving those directing maybe tomorrow eternal life can escape time as ancestrally positioned as specifically displaced forward here now genetically self contained to one's individual chromosomes occupying space here.
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20 Sep 2023 7:24 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 20 Sep 2023, 7:17 am » wrote: You won't discuss evolving, just debate evolutionary possibilities. Disciple of doubt serving those directing maybe tomorrow eternal life can escape time as ancestrally positioned as specifically displaced forward here now genetically self contained to one's individual chromosomes occupying space here.
The situation is what it is and what it always has been, I am not adding any new mandatory thought control rules and regulations.
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31st Arrival
20 Sep 2023 7:27 am
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Bob » 20 Sep 2023, 7:24 am » wrote: The situation is what it is and what it always has been, I am not adding any new mandatory thought control rules and regulations.
Why would you have to add any? You recycle existing ones constantly.

Need I describe them? Subatomic, nucleus of a atom, nucleus of molecular characteristics of periodic table, combinations of periodic elements in the family of gaseous, liquid, mineral.

From that comes magnetism pushing and pulling by opposite polarities attract and same repel. From that motion comes induced electromagnetic fields creating two types of wave lengths spiked and curved that follow direct currents expanding details surrounded by alternate currents contracting around details never same configurations twice after erosion creates organic compounds of life inception to conception conceiving another generation gap until no more generation gaps arrive one lifetime at a time now and happen unique here in this unique universal point of displacement.

that cover cycles in cycles combined to thermodynamics of the current situation for each ancestor of any species native to this atmosphere?

You reject my accountability to defend your believes they don't exist. Yet here you and I are debating in cyberspace website each anywhere in this atmosphere in the same thread.
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