Which Social Test Never Ends Involving Every Institution Of Humanities?

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By 31st Arrival
17 Sep 2023 7:04 am in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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20 Sep 2023 7:41 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 20 Sep 2023, 7:27 am » wrote: Why would you have to add any? You recycle existing ones constantly.

Need I describe them? Subatomic, nucleus of a atom, nucleus of molecular characteristics of periodic table, combinations of periodic elements in the family of gaseous, liquid, mineral.

From that comes magnetism pushing and pulling by opposite polarities attract and same repel. From that motion comes induced electromagnetic fields creating two types of wave lengths spiked and curved that follow direct currents expanding details surrounded by alternate currents contracting around details never same configurates twice after erosion creates organic compounds of life inception to conception conceiving another generation gap until no more generation gaps arrive one lifetime at a time now and happen uniques here in this unique universal point of displacement.

that cover cycles in cycles combined to thermodynamics of the current situation for each ancestor of any species native to this atmosphere?
 I can not recycle the situation that has always existed into a situation that has never existed or change reality with individual or group thought. This would be the promotion of various artificial non reality.
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31st Arrival
20 Sep 2023 7:57 am
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Bob » 20 Sep 2023, 7:41 am » wrote:  I can not recycle the situation that has always existed into a situation that has never existed or change reality with individual or group thought. This would be the promotion of various artificial non reality.
don't play literal translations at me. Situation is equally taking place for anything reproductively occupying time now evolving as one of a kind here.

Governing outcomes for each incoming one living cradle to grave is directed social behaviors practicing same ideologies for thousands of years and hundreds of generation gaps to which only 5 are still occupying time now. divided by 16 great great grandparents and siblings never reached great great grandparent status, 8 great grandparents and siblings that didn't ever become great great grandparents, 4 grandparents and siblings that didn't become grandparents, 2 parenting last generation gap arriving one at a time and siblings that didn't parent another generation.
Each great great grandchild arriving one at a time now.

That is self evident evolving in plain sight. Binary code of zero or 1 of a kind.

You really want to continue denying why you chose a reality over adapting to space in the time you have adapting to the moment here? History was never on your side. Genetics were.
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