Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
34 posts
It's possible even likely that Donald Trump could get reelected in 2024 because people including many Democrats are worried about Biden's age and mad about inflation. I hate the prospect, but I'm not surprised. Anything is possible in America, and that's not always a good thing.
Democrats need to mobilize their base with an alternative vision of America rather than merely saying how bad Trump is and that we're doomed if he wins. Talk about lower costs for things like insulin because of the Inflation Reduction Act. Let people know about the bipartisan initiative to rebuild our infrastructure. Voters need to know Biden and the Democrats are about protecting rights and personal freedoms including access to safe legal abortion.
If the party's base turns out in big numbers the Republicans can be stopped Now is the time to start working on this. So what's holding Democrats back? The problem is not just Republicans. There are issues within the Democratic Party itself. Consider this :
1. A lot of Centrist Democrats with strong ties to big business and corporations would rather lose than do anything that might energize Democrats on the left.
2. Democrats wrongly focus on reaching out to people whose minds are made up to oppose us rather keeping the party's base strong and winning undecided or even those not part of the process. This is a fatal mistake at election time and when governing.
3. Democrats think we have to choose between economic issues and social issues viewed as divisive. That's a false choice. We should do both.