R: Russia's Military Rated Stonger That US Military - US NEWS.COM

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By Cannonpointer
15 Dec 2023 11:35 am in Peanut Gallery
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15 Dec 2023 11:35 am
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https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countr ... g-military

Save your breath about the source, leftards - it's rated high, and left of center.

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Buck Naked
15 Dec 2023 12:13 pm
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Not now after their Ukraine struggles
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15 Dec 2023 12:16 pm
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BuckNaked » 15 Dec 2023, 1:13 pm » wrote: Not now after their Ukraine struggles
If they get chased out like trannies
like US did in Afghanistan,,,,,

get back to us :rofl:  
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 2:32 pm
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This is how **** stupid you are..

this is ENTIRELY the consequence of Russia's military being "open for business"
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 2:33 pm
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Sumela » 15 Dec 2023, 2:39 pm » wrote: You got cucked.  They were never ranked the 4th BEST....
they were ranked the 4th LARGEST in manpower.

4th BEST is simply ludicrous.
For the same reason the OP is ****..

Cue the "Boogie Shoes"
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 2:34 pm
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Huey » 15 Dec 2023, 2:32 pm » wrote: May be so.  Prior to Desert Storm, in 1990, Iraq's Army was rated 4th in the world.  DIdn't work out so well.
That is one slack headline dependent jaw..

Look at the category rankings..
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 2:51 pm
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Sumela » 15 Dec 2023, 3:47 pm » wrote: Russia has developed hypersonic missiles.

WASH DC Trannies still cant do that - years behind Image  

WASH DC is focused on building a tranny-*** army wearing heels

US Army surplus is tearin' Pootie a fresh one.
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 2:53 pm
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Sergei » 15 Dec 2023, 3:42 pm » wrote: Image



Sergei sees difference
Sergei would be fertilizing a Ukranian beet field.
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15 Dec 2023 3:01 pm
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Yeah Russia is the second best military in Ukraine.
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15 Dec 2023 3:04 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 15 Dec 2023, 4:01 pm » wrote: Yeah Russia is the second best military in Ukraine.
Ukraine is a failed state.

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15 Dec 2023 3:14 pm
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maineman » 15 Dec 2023, 3:05 pm » wrote: I certainly don't think that a nation awash in unemployment, economic recession and in the midst of a deadly global pandemic was a really great inheritance for Biden and I think he has not squandered anything.  As someone who operated jointly with NATO forces for my entire career and who believes in the significance of that alliance, I am most pleased with Biden's successful efforts to reinvigorate it after four years of abuse at the hands of Trump.
Yeah it seems this report is kinda flawed. 
R. Suave
15 Dec 2023 3:15 pm
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Huey » 15 Dec 2023, 4:14 pm » wrote: That is one talking point troll.

I don't buy these rankings.  If Russia is so strong why have they defeated Ukraine yet?  It should have been over in the first few months,


Had you looked past the headline, you'd know....

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15 Dec 2023 3:15 pm
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Huey » 15 Dec 2023, 4:14 pm » wrote: That is one talking point troll.

I don't buy these rankings.  If Russia is so strong why have they defeated Ukraine yet?  It should have been over in the first few months,

Yep Russia has lost more troops than the U.S did in the 20 years we were at war. 
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15 Dec 2023 3:30 pm
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Yeah Russia has their hands full with the sixth best military on that list.
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15 Dec 2023 3:33 pm
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Cannonpointer » 15 Dec 2023, 4:32 pm » wrote: Just like in Crimea and Syria. 

SAY SOMETHING. flaggots.

Deny russia beat our *** in crimea and syria - GO.
Crimea. Did we even have any troops stationed in Crimea. Nope.  
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15 Dec 2023 3:35 pm
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And it's a stalemate in Syria right now.
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15 Dec 2023 3:37 pm
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The only one on one fight between Russian Syria troops had the u.s. kill half of their troops in a matter of minutes.
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15 Dec 2023 3:45 pm
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The only fight between Russia and the u.s. since 1917 only had one u.s soldier wounded and over 75% Russian deaths. 
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15 Dec 2023 3:49 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 15 Dec 2023, 4:30 pm » wrote: Yeah Russia has their hands full with the sixth best military on that list.

Russia went toe toe USA and NATO and won :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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