Tourist stuns scientists by discovering 3 species thought to be extinct: ‘It is great to have [their] presence confirmed

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By MackTheFinger
5 Jan 2024 7:12 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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5 Jan 2024 7:12 pm
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A British tourist made waves in the world of science after encountering three animal species thought to be extinct during his travels. The tourist, Michael Smith, shared with The Daily Star that a local in Papua New Guinea had told him about a colorful bird known as the Louisiade pitta. The Louisiade pitta looks similar to a robin, according to the Star, and is native to a tropical lowland forest environment likely on a single island, per BirdLife International. Its numbers are likely in decline due to habitat loss.

Smith embarked on an adventure through a secluded island’s jungle to find the bird back in July 2022. After successfully photographing the bird, Smith left it to scientists to identify the species officially, according to The Jerusalem Post.
“It is great to have the bird’s presence confirmed,” Dr. Ian Burfield, global science coordinator at BirdLife International, told The Daily Star.

While in Papua New Guinea on the same trip, Smith also discovered a possum species that was thought to be extinct, known as the Telefomin cuscus. However, the discovery was more unconventional compared to the Louisiade pitta. While hiking a mountain and seeking the species, Smith encountered a tribe cooking the possum and confirmed it to be the once-thought-extinct species by its skull, according to the Post.

“At least I could see various [cuscuses] before they’d ended up on dinner plates and was able to examine the bodies,” Smith told The Daily Star. “Once they had been eaten, I was able to photograph their skulls and take measurements.”
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