Why I'm Sticking with Liberalism

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By Othervoice
11 Jan 2024 5:03 pm in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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11 Jan 2024 5:03 pm
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
34 posts
Nobody likes Liberalism..Even Liberals themselves don't want to embrace the label. To its critics Liberalism has gone too far and corrupted the culture, or it has failed miserably to fix the structural problems of society.

Conservatives say Liberalism is about government control of everything, and immorality. They say it has moved us closer to Socialism while undermining religious faith, traditional families, and virtue. On the left Progressives say Liberals stand in the way bold reform like Single Payer Healthcare. Socialists disdain Liberals for trying to fix an unjust Capitalism that exploits workers.

Yet Liberalism is responsible for so many things that make life better for us all. We take these things for granted as Liberal achievements. Think about Social Security, Medicare, Government insured bank accounts, Civil Rights Laws, clean air, and water regulations. Moreover if you like civil liberties protected by constitutional government - thank Liberals. 

Have Liberals done enough? Are they often unreliable and disconnected from the concrete realities and struggles of ordinary and marginalized people? Yes. But Liberalism more than any other political tradition has taken up the challenge of using the democratic process to make things better for people when its Right and Leftwing critics would not or could not do anything.

So despite it's faults and imperfections I'm sticking with Liberalism.

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16 Jan 2024 7:13 pm
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
34 posts
People don't see political opponents as fellow citizens or human beings they are mortal enemies. It's the oppressed versus the oppressor. The other side must be utterly defeated never to rise again. When it comes to social issues and the " Culture War" its Godly fighting the Ungodly the righteous against the unrighteous.

People want quick answers and final solutions. Yet Liberalism asks us to listen to others and see their humanity. Liberals don't want the so called oppressor harmed or targeted for revenge. Whatever their position, identity, group membership, party, or interest Liberals see people as individuals with certain rights that neither the state or private actors can violate.

To Liberals nobody's cause, claims, or interests are pure; and beyond criticism. No should have too much power. This prevents tyranny and reduces the likelihood of violent strife. Power from one source has to be checked, countered, by power from another. This is necessary to have a free society for all.
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