R: Sanctions

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By Mrkelly
26 Feb 2024 6:09 pm in Peanut Gallery
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26 Feb 2024 6:09 pm
26 Feb 2024 6:09 pm
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7,045 posts
For the better part of a decade, we have had nothing but Wi-Fi 

and we watch a lot of small channels from all over the world on YouTube 

my wife has followed this Russian family for about five years 

they do a lot of cute, non political, informative family videos on life in Russia 

she showed me this one of the dad going to the local mall after the family being gone for a year

he shows that many foreign companies pulled out

and Russia and others filled in

it is really interesting if you want to see the true effects of sanctions 

look how they responded to McDonalds pulling out 🙂


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