Which because it never has been both.
Natural methods evolving works in plain sight or conserves the intellectual minds cultivated since birth each generation changing population each rotation after the other sustaining a 5 overlapping generations of population separated by the last generations have become parents and the other siblings in each family that haven't or outlived their added generations.
there is that thing about actively evolving in each rotation life goes on one day at a time for each lifetime inhabiting time this rotation as specifically located in the atmosphere since conceived until decomposed corpse and all that time adapting as displaced uniquely here cradle to grave.
Politically motivate to stay in character and spirit of intellectual possibilities life cannot be limited to evolving uniquely here today.
Is that conservate, liberal, progressive, naturalist, socialist, communist, taoist, marxist, geneticist, spiritualist instead of just another reproduction adapting as ancestrally positioned in space this rotation?
Physical absolutes and self evident results specifically here beyond any reasonable doubt sustained by science fiction theories and spiritual fantasies of life beyond evolving forward now?
Simple right or wrong, is it better to deceive everyone else so oneself can believe life isn't limited to adapting as displaced equally evolving this rotation as any reproduction native to this atmosphere?
Allowing history be your guide has you behaving which way? Accepting now is eternity or eternal life exceeds adapting here so far even after dead.