What is your favorite position the planet achieved rotating geographically by event horizons been the same position 5 billion years life never duplicated an ancestor twice in the ancestries occupying space this rotation?
daylight, dusk, night, dawn, winter, spring, summer, fall, northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere, am or pm side of the planet orbited by a moon both revolving around a star uniquely displaced in this galaxy among all other galaxies proportionately balancing the same way each unique ancestor lived the generation gap they arrived in since inception of the lineage left adding great great grandchildren today.
Navigate space like there never was an intellectual tomorrow for 7 rotations of the planet and witness what reasonable doubt has done historically within your own ancestry.
Judgement Day has always been this rotation of the planet in series parallel results never evolving into same details again. Truth defies actual existing as displaced and this species has done that for over 7,000 revolutions around the star.