Hey Cyndi, you see this yet?

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By 31st Arrival
4 Apr 2024 8:22 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
4 Apr 2024 8:22 pm
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My idea about time doesn't move or change anything. Just found this on youtube.

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sooted up Cyndi
4 Apr 2024 10:10 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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31stArrival » 04 Apr 2024, 8:22 pm » wrote: My idea about time doesn't move or change anything. Just found this on youtube.

I watched it-
what's all the little white dots flying thru  the space. Are those planets or space garbage?
I believe time is existing all at once. past-present-future.
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31st Arrival
5 Apr 2024 5:04 am
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sooted up Cyndi » 04 Apr 2024, 10:10 pm » wrote: I watched it-
what's all the little white dots flying thru  the space. Are those planets or space garbage?
I believe time is existing all at once. past-present-future.
Why believe in possibilities when you are evolving the actual process adapting to the moment in a body of ever changing form shaped since conceived? Every lifetime is experiencing living as eternally separated by adapting to the moment here, geologically, geometrically, geographically present unique to oneself by compounded chromosome combinations of ancestral lineage to each ancestor processing the results here now, naturally and unnaturally creating artificial outcomes under the umbrella of intellectual humanities corrupting every great great grandchild added.

Where corruption came from and continues in plain sight and every society within this species pretending life exceeds existing spontaneously one of a kind simultaneously here until not anymore.

Cycles of living in the circle of life. Everything believed was and is wrapped together here in ever changing form without creating or destroying universal balancing between did, doing, does come next, here relative to each position present.

Reasonable doubt came from living by hypothetical incoming and outcomes if only and what about anything else being possible except living doesn't exceed adapting here now.

Always has been this simple. My own ancestry enabled all this corruption, I just explain how it got this bad and it doesn't take extinction to correct it.

that has been all I have been doing since I joined every message board I posted in regardless .com, .org, and net. Trying to correct corruption is a thankless task from everyone believing life isn't self evident. I became the enemy of my enemies defending their "We the people believe life is more than how it evolves here now.

That is the self destructing New World Order since dawn of civilization within this species practiced historically. What I discovered reading between the lines of communicating between generation gaps present regardless race, creed, color, national origin, gender biases, academic training, artistic impressions, economic values, political leanings, spiritual projections, social consensus, ancestral generation gap.

Serenity of understanding the whole situation of living uniquely alive now, as eternally separated here since conceived to replace previous 30 lifetimes of one's previous generation gaps whether becoming a parent or not.

Living is what does go forward from here, now in series parallel positions left living. The duty to ancestries is leave the balancing balancing or eternal hell arrives to the species ignoring how now was and is eternal point of no return when adapting ancestrally here now.

Creating a social utopia doesn't give a person a soul when just a sole adapting here now equally occupying time evolving since conceived. The beauty is beyond hope, faith, charity, tyranny, mayhem, madness, misery induced upon the non compliant to rule of law.
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9 Apr 2024 9:06 am
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31st Arrival » 05 Apr 2024, 5:04 am » wrote: Why believe in possibilities when you are evolving the actual process adapting to the moment in a body of ever changing form shaped since conceived? Every lifetime is experiencing living as eternally separated by adapting to the moment here, geologically, geometrically, geographically present unique to oneself by compounded chromosome combinations of ancestral lineage to each ancestor processing the results here now, naturally and unnaturally creating artificial outcomes under the umbrella of intellectual humanities corrupting every great great grandchild added.

Where corruption came from and continues in plain sight and every society within this species pretending life exceeds existing spontaneously one of a kind simultaneously here until not anymore.

Cycles of living in the circle of life. Everything believed was and is wrapped together here in ever changing form without creating or destroying universal balancing between did, doing, does come next, here relative to each position present.

Reasonable doubt came from living by hypothetical incoming and outcomes if only and what about anything else being possible except living doesn't exceed adapting here now.

Always has been this simple. My own ancestry enabled all this corruption, I just explain how it got this bad and it doesn't take extinction to correct it.

that has been all I have been doing since I joined every message board I posted in regardless .com, .org, and net. Trying to correct corruption is a thankless task from everyone believing life isn't self evident. I became the enemy of my enemies defending their "We the people believe life is more than how it evolves here now.

That is the self destructing New World Order since dawn of civilization within this species practiced historically. What I discovered reading between the lines of communicating between generation gaps present regardless race, creed, color, national origin, gender biases, academic training, artistic impressions, economic values, political leanings, spiritual projections, social consensus, ancestral generation gap.

Serenity of understanding the whole situation of living uniquely alive now, as eternally separated here since conceived to replace previous 30 lifetimes of one's previous generation gaps whether becoming a parent or not.

Living is what does go forward from here, now in series parallel positions left living. The duty to ancestries is leave the balancing balancing or eternal hell arrives to the species ignoring how now was and is eternal point of no return when adapting ancestrally here now.

Creating a social utopia doesn't give a person a soul when just a sole adapting here now equally occupying time evolving since conceived. The beauty is beyond hope, faith, charity, tyranny, mayhem, madness, misery induced upon the non compliant to rule of law.
**** you, you babbling.nonsense spewing ***.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
9 Apr 2024 10:24 am
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murdock » 09 Apr 2024, 9:06 am » wrote: **** you, you babbling.nonsense spewing ***.
What is the compromise that demands diversity from everyone alive between 5 generations gaps living the numbers here now?

Lets see your brain function with this question that is inclusive of any human ancestor ever lived, living, added next generation per ancestral lineage present.

Bet you won't answer it without diversions at gaming, shaming, flaming, blaming everyone but yourself.

Doesn't take more than 5 paragraphs in one post that shows no exceptions or exemptions until reasonable doubt commands outcomes forward from here.
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9 Apr 2024 11:14 am
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31st Arrival » 09 Apr 2024, 10:24 am » wrote: What is the compromise that demands diversity from everyone alive between 5 generations gaps living the numbers here now?

Lets see your brain function with this question that is inclusive of any human ancestor ever lived, living, added next generation per ancestral lineage present.

Bet you won't answer it without diversions at gaming, shaming, flaming, blaming everyone but yourself.

Doesn't take more than 5 paragraphs in one post that shows no exceptions or exemptions until reasonable doubt commands outcomes forward from here.
**** you, you babble spewing ***!
He's dead Jim!
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9 Apr 2024 4:09 pm
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murdock » 09 Apr 2024, 11:14 am » wrote: **** you, you babble spewing ***!

 change your avatar
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9 Apr 2024 8:06 pm
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POM » 09 Apr 2024, 4:09 pm » wrote: Image
 change your avatar
**** you, you babble spewing ***!
He's dead Jim!
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9 Apr 2024 8:07 pm
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31st Arrival » 09 Apr 2024, 10:24 am » wrote: What is the compromise that demands diversity from everyone alive between 5 generations gaps living the numbers here now?

Lets see your brain function with this question that is inclusive of any human ancestor ever lived, living, added next generation per ancestral lineage present.

Bet you won't answer it without diversions at gaming, shaming, flaming, blaming everyone but yourself.

Doesn't take more than 5 paragraphs in one post that shows no exceptions or exemptions until reasonable doubt commands outcomes forward from here.
**** you, you babbling nonsense spewing ***.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
10 Apr 2024 7:33 am
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murdock » 09 Apr 2024, 8:07 pm » wrote: **** you, you babbling nonsense spewing ***.
I am not stupid enough to believe nobody knows how evolving happens in plain sight since I have been evolving in plain sight myself proportionately alive in a body never same details combined twice.

Equality while inhabiting space doesn't mean everyone is equal in adapting as displaced. I haven't been lost in social consensus for many decades yet smart enough to understand why realities do what has been historically done every generation gap of my own ancestral lineage.

So living as evolving since conceived to replace one's previous generation gaps works specifically How, Why, Which, What, Where, When,Whom was Who inhabiting space so far after inception of my ancestral lineage where I evolved from a great great grandchild into 1 of 4 grandparents after birth and 70 revolutions this planet completed after my birth.

Series parallel time evolving naturally here genetics actually does eternally separate the ancestors occupying time now. Always was woking this way and humanity making false promises about tomorrow in every society historically came to become current events this rotation of the planet.

Self evident results in physical time adapting as displaced by behavior described in means, motives, methods, manifested opportunities by laws directing behavior cradle to grave forcing mayhem, madness, misery upon anyone not complying to "Will of the people" denying life is limited to adapting in space as directly displaced since conceived.

Imagine reverse psychology making honesty the "Original Sin" for over 350 generation gaps. See I know you knew by always telling everyone to come suck your dick with their own mother's asshole.

You know you are a fraud of an ancestor staying in typecast role playing defended historically in every society by rule of law protecting concepts of God and Country every generation to current population.

This is why posted as Nostradamus' omh, omh, sole result, currently 31st Arrival. That was my genetic position in this ever changing time I never stayed same form as my original fertilized cell the nucleus became my brain as unique as my DNA.

Your social mantra fits the whole species ignoring how living works naturally.

Intellectual Armageddon is Judgement Day arriving because one ancestor returned to being honest about how evolving happens now. Nobody of character will change their mind and I cannot make them want too.

So I just wait, until extinction arrives since nobody else is making an attempt to uncorrupt every society at the same time but me. Why I use cyberspace since it does create instant communication between each brain adapting as displaced now.

The means to corrupt, can correct.
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10 Apr 2024 9:46 am
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31st Arrival » 10 Apr 2024, 7:33 am » wrote: I am not stupid enough to believe nobody knows how evolving happens in plain sight since I have been evolving in plain sight myself proportionately alive in a body never same details combined twice.

Equality while inhabiting space doesn't mean everyone is equal in adapting as displaced. I haven't been lost in social consensus for many decades yet smart enough to understand why realities do what has been historically done every generation gap of my own ancestral lineage.

So living as evolving since conceived to replace one's previous generation gaps works specifically How, Why, Which, What, Where, When,Whom was Who inhabiting space so far after inception of my ancestral lineage where I evolved from a great great grandchild into 1 of 4 grandparents after birth and 70 revolutions this planet completed after my birth.

Series parallel time evolving naturally here genetics actually does eternally separate the ancestors occupying time now. Always was woking this way and humanity making false promises about tomorrow in every society historically came to become current events this rotation of the planet.

Self evident results in physical time adapting as displaced by behavior described in means, motives, methods, manifested opportunities by laws directing behavior cradle to grave forcing mayhem, madness, misery upon anyone not complying to "Will of the people" denying life is limited to adapting in space as directly displaced since conceived.

Imagine reverse psychology making honesty the "Original Sin" for over 350 generation gaps. See I know you knew by always telling everyone to come suck your dick with their own mother's asshole.

You know you are a fraud of an ancestor staying in typecast role playing defended historically in every society by rule of law protecting concepts of God and Country every generation to current population.

This is why posted as Nostradamus' omh, omh, sole result, currently 31st Arrival. That was my genetic position in this ever changing time I never stayed same form as my original fertilized cell the nucleus became my brain as unique as my DNA.

Your social mantra fits the whole species ignoring how living works naturally.

Intellectual Armageddon is Judgement Day arriving because one ancestor returned to being honest about how evolving happens now. Nobody of character will change their mind and I cannot make them want too.

So I just wait, until extinction arrives since nobody else is making an attempt to uncorrupt every society at the same time but me. Why I use cyberspace since it does create instant communication between each brain adapting as displaced now.

The means to corrupt, can correct.
Evolve the dick in your *** you babbling **** stain.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
10 Apr 2024 10:52 am
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murdock » 10 Apr 2024, 9:46 am » wrote: Evolve the dick in your *** you babbling **** stain.
Evolving is kinetic changing forms shaped occupying space here now as specific as everything going forward now on the whole universal scale present and accounted for in real time displacement of each individual part present.

Individual atoms to ancestry never same reproductions added twice.
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