So conservatives. I always hear about cutting spending. What do you want to cut?

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14 May 2024 6:59 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative. 
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14 May 2024 7:24 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative.
Start by cutting every cent of the trillions that your idiot is throwing at the hoax of "climate change".
Then stop every nickel going to the corruption in Ukraine including the billions in weapons he's sent them.
Next, stop ALL federal money going to sanctuary cities and states WHICH ARE ILLEGAL.
And cut out the hundreds of billions he's spending on the illegals he's bringing into the country for their free smartphones, free food, free healthcare, free education, free hotel accommodations, and free travel around the country while sending planes to pick up even more illegals to bring them here.
And drop this idiotic idea to force taxpayers to pay the college loan debt of our deadbeat students.
And don't give a penny of the hundreds of millions he's sending TO SECURE THE BORDERS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, and Tunisia.

Let's see you defend those expenditure, moron! 

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14 May 2024 7:26 am
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Zeets2 » 14 May 2024, 7:24 am » wrote: Start by cutting every cent of the trillions that your idiot is throwing at the hoax of "climate change".
Then stop every nickel going to the corruption in Ukraine including the billions in weapons he's sent them.
Next, stop ALL federal money going to sanctuary cities and states WHICH ARE ILLEGAL.
And cut out the hundreds of billions he's spending on the illegals he's bringing into the country for their free smartphones, free food, free healthcare, free education, free hotel accommodations, and free travel around the country while sending planes to pick up even more illegals to bring them here.
And drop this idiotic idea to force taxpayers to pay the college loan debt of our deadbeat students.
And don't give a penny of the hundreds of millions he's sending TO SECURE THE BORDERS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, and Tunisia.

Let's see you defend those expenditure, moron!
Who said I'm defending anything. 

I was just curious 
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14 May 2024 7:28 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Next, stop ALL federal money going to sanctuary cities and states WHICH ARE ILLEGAL

Tell me zeets can you show me links the federal money is being sent to cities for sanctuary.

That is illegal as you stated and not federal immigrantion law.
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14 May 2024 7:35 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:26 am » wrote: Who said I'm defending anything. 

I was just curious
Oh, so you're NOT attempting to defend the actions of the criminal pedophile you voted for and plan to vote for again?

Do you ALSO believe Biden is a good and moral person like your fellow liberal sycophant MM does?
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14 May 2024 7:45 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Zeets2 » 14 May 2024, 7:35 am » wrote: Oh, so you're NOT attempting to defend the actions of the criminal pedophile you voted for and plan to vote for again?

Do you ALSO believe Biden is a good and moral person like your fellow liberal sycophant MM does?
I'm not voting for trump. 
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14 May 2024 7:50 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:45 am » wrote: I'm not voting for trump.
Oh, that's obvious!
You prefer corrupt, demented pedophiles who can't string together two coherent sentences to lead your country, right?
THAT'S who you plan to vote for!

Or are you afraid and too embarrassed to admit it?
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sooted up Cyndi
14 May 2024 8:02 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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all green environmental crap
ev pay o -la's.
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14 May 2024 8:48 am
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No sort of monetary aid for Illegal Aliens.
Just a small hand full of peanuts and a bottle of water for the hot, dusty ride back into Mexico via Cattle Car.
Buck Naked
14 May 2024 9:03 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
10,848 posts
Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:45 am » wrote: I'm not voting for trump.

if you support the last 40 months **** show your commitment to stupidity is impressive 
Buck Naked
14 May 2024 9:04 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
10,848 posts
Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative.

reduce the federal employees 

14 May 2024 9:25 am
Giant Slayer
12,186 posts
Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:45 am » wrote: I'm not voting for trump.

We know. You would prefer to vote for a senile pedo who molested his own daughter in the shower because obviously that is such a better option. 
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14 May 2024 10:15 am
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Well considering that the American philosophy is that all humans are the same, there is no reason for the usa to exist at all or for Americans to pay taxes. There cannot be conflict between people if all people are the same, so we do not require any military at all. 
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14 May 2024 11:00 am
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Begin by cutting welfare to the MIC and AIPAC by 50%...

...until then nobody is serious. Its all just a left/right Neocon dick slapping contest.
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14 May 2024 11:35 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative. 
Suck my dick.
He's dead Jim!
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14 May 2024 11:35 am
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@Bidencrimefamily  What's ur name on USMB?
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14 May 2024 12:41 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:28 am » wrote: Next, stop ALL federal money going to sanctuary cities and states WHICH ARE ILLEGAL

Tell me zeets can you show me links the federal money is being sent to cities for sanctuary.

That is illegal as you stated and not federal immigrantion law.
Anytime, fool!!  They were made illegal under Trump, and Biden reversed that policy!
Biden’s Reversal of Trump’s DOJ Funding Denial for Sanctuary Cities Nets More Than $30 Million for New York
Law & Crime by ADAM KLASFELD May 4th, 2021

President Joe Biden’s decision to reverse Donald Trump’s denial of Department of Justice grants to sanctuary jurisdictions means New York will receive more than $30 million for public safety, the state’s Attorney General Letitia James (D) announced on Tuesday.

Trump’s Justice Department denied up to $385 million in these grants to sanctuary jurisdictions, the states and cities opting to limit local cooperation with federal authorities on immigration.
Biden sends $200 million in tax funds to sanctuary cities helping illegal immigrants
Washington Examiner By Anna Giaritelli June 12, 2023

More than $200 million of the $363 million will go to several Democratic-run cities and states that have previously vowed not to allow federal immigration officials to enforce federal laws in their cities, otherwise known as sanctuary zones, for how they provide protection to illegal immigrants from the U.S. government.
EXCLUSIVE U.S. Justice Department ends Trump-era limits on grants to 'sanctuary cities'
Reuters By Sarah N. Lynch April 28, 2021 WASHINGTON

The U.S. Justice Department has repealed a policy put in place during Donald Trump's presidency that cut off hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to sanctuary cities that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
In an internal memo seen by Reuters, acting head of the Office of Justice Programs Maureen Henneberg said that prior grant recipients, including cities, counties and states that were recipients of the department's popular $250 million annual grant program for local law enforcement, will no longer be required to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a condition of their funding.
Ready to admit that Biden is a corrupt criminal for ignoring our immigration laws?
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14 May 2024 12:42 pm
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900 military bases.

For an Empire Mafia.
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14 May 2024 6:28 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative.
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14 May 2024 6:29 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 7:45 am » wrote: I'm not voting for trump.
That's because you don't have a brain. 
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