So conservatives. I always hear about cutting spending. What do you want to cut?

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21 May 2024 9:52 am
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In another 5-10 years, when the US is going to be in a serious fiscal predicament (likely from continued stagflation followed up with a nice serving of depression), it’s a foregone conclusion that the “3rd rail” (SS Medicare) are going to be - not just cut - but sliced and diced.

But don’t expect payroll taxes to be cut as well. You still get to pay those…coz “privilege” or “taxes contribute to civilization” (or some other liberal retarded talking point)

Enjoy late stage capitalism and the new era of corporatocracy + debt slavery.

Or as retarded conservatives like to say:

FREEDUMB!  :cw:  
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21 May 2024 9:53 am
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Vegas » 21 May 2024, 9:52 am » wrote: I was the one that taught you ****.

You're clearly a moron.
21 May 2024 9:56 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 9:53 am » wrote: Impossible.

You're clearly a moron.
Since Biden has let in 10 million more illegals and the tax payer is paying for them with food, hotels, travel, cash cards etc etc..

Do you think it might be easier just to close the border and save $$..?
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21 May 2024 9:58 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 9:56 am » wrote: Since Biden has let in 10 million more illegals and the tax payer is paying for them with food, hotels, travel, cash cards etc etc..

Do you think it might be easier just to close the border and save $$..?
Since you're a moron, you should stop yapping and learn the difference between "fiscal" and "economic".
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21 May 2024 10:03 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 9:51 am » wrote: Ed,


You aren't in any position to call anyone a "moron".

You asked a stupid question so I gave you an answer. Is that so hard to comprehend? ^^^^^^Moron.
21 May 2024 10:10 am
4,478 posts
Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 9:58 am » wrote: Since you're a moron, you should stop yapping and learn the difference between "fiscal" and "economic".
Suppose you tell us how $34 trillion in debt is a "economic" boost
21 May 2024 10:11 am
4,478 posts
Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 9:58 am » wrote: Since you're a moron, you should stop yapping and learn the difference between "fiscal" and "economic".
Can you also explain why my tax dollars should be given to illegals and they should get free health care?
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21 May 2024 10:12 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 10:10 am » wrote: Suppose you tell us how $34 trillion in debt is a "economic" boost
Suppose you list the presidents for whom you've voted who bequeathed a smaller deficit than what they inherited...
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21 May 2024 10:12 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 10:11 am » wrote: Can you also explain why my tax dollars should be given to illegals and they should get free health care?
You don't mind giving Grifty a free ride...
21 May 2024 10:15 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:12 am » wrote: You don't mind giving Grifty a free ride...

You can't answer
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21 May 2024 10:16 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 10:15 am » wrote: Translation:

You can't answer
7 trillion, Hole.

Nod, you dumb ****.
21 May 2024 10:16 am
4,478 posts
Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:12 am » wrote: Suppose you list the presidents for whom you've voted who bequeathed a smaller deficit than what they inherited...
I voted for Obama cause he promised NOT to add to the debt!
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21 May 2024 10:24 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 10:16 am » wrote: I voted for Obama cause he promised NOT to add to the debt!
I say that you're not only a lying piece of ****, you're a **** idiot, Hole.
21 May 2024 10:25 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:24 am » wrote: I say that you're not only a lying piece of ****, you're a **** idiot, Hole.
I'm an idiot for voting for Obama?

Please confirm 
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21 May 2024 10:25 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:24 am » wrote: I say that you're not only a lying piece of ****, you're a **** idiot, Hole.

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21 May 2024 10:28 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 9:46 am » wrote: Because you listen to, and believe, an innumerate cretin.
I listen to plenty of cretins, and you're at the top of the list!
That's the difference!  You see, when you're as ignorant as you are, NOBODY sounds like a cretin!
When you have the level of intelligence I have, far more people (including all Democrats and liberals) qualify as cretins!
But I'm not so gullible as you are to believe the daily lies that your demented pedophile cretin spews daily!

So why don't you explain what it is that you think I believe, nitwit?
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21 May 2024 10:29 am
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BooRadley » 21 May 2024, 10:25 am » wrote: I'm an idiot for voting for Obama?

Please confirm
No...had you done so, you would have named him the first time I asked.

Further - post the FY2009 and FY 2013 federal deficits, with links.
21 May 2024 10:31 am
4,478 posts
Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:29 am » wrote: No...had you done so, you would have named him the first time I asked.

Further - post the FY2009 and FY 2013 federal deficits, with links.
So anyone that voted for Obama is an idiot?
21 May 2024 10:32 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:29 am » wrote: No...had you done so, you would have named him the first time I asked.


Of course you asked a question...all you do here is hide behind questions/demands...all day. 
Further - post the FY2009 and FY 2013 federal deficits, with links.
Of course you make a demand...all you do here is hide behind questions/demands...all day. 

21 May 2024 10:32 am
4,478 posts
Blackvegetable » 21 May 2024, 10:29 am » wrote: No...had you done so, you would have named him the first time I asked.

Further - post the FY2009 and FY 2013 federal deficits, with links.
Deficits and debt..

How much debt did Obama add?

Was it $9 trillion?
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