So conservatives. I always hear about cutting spending. What do you want to cut?

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19 May 2024 9:59 am
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I just wish you're conservative leaders could actually cut spending instead of running up huge debt.
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31st Arrival
19 May 2024 10:17 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 19 May 2024, 9:59 am » wrote: I just wish you're conservative leaders could actually cut spending instead of running up huge debt.
Why do you just say leaders and not leaderships vs fellowships. conservatives same historical ideologies generation after generation while progressives invent nw social narrative every rotation of the planet in a systematic way they are always the central governance of all the divided realities arriving tomorrow/next rotation of the planet.
It is like the pronouns for we, they, them, those people I am doesn't discuss gender, he or she is third person selection specifying gender position of a relative I am/you re individual.
people includes all ancestries within this species until an adjective starts separating the whole to ideologies they identify with cradle to grave positions present

Cradle to grave positions have 5 categories of which generation gap they became since birth in 5th generation arrived, 4th generation made conceptions, 3rd generation become grandparents, 2nd generation became 8 great grandparents, 1st generation arrived are the 16 great great grandparents dying off.

What are leaders keeping intellectual fellowships free from educating each great great grandchild life is too complicated to understand adapting as displaced evolving as separate total sums existing this rotation from every previous one happened since conceived one's own body has never been sme total sum twice every heart beat alive here?
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19 May 2024 10:25 am
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Still haven't paid for the war on terror.
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31st Arrival
19 May 2024 10:31 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 19 May 2024, 10:25 am » wrote: Still haven't paid for the war on terror.
Sacrificing biological time to get paid denying life in plain sight expecting better tomorrows because you honor the concept life isn't self evident genetically physically absolutely eternally separates any reproduction native to the atmosphere any rotation previous happened into this one taking place.

Series parallel results exponentially going on don't exceed going forward occupying time inhabiting space with an ever changing total sum body evolving in plain sight here as simultaneously adapting uniquely alive.

You really want to jump into your we mantra again? The more you do the faster the incomplete narratives melt down to everyone involved with defying the natural process keeping each inhabiting space here, naturally been eternally separated since conceived.

the common since nobody adds into any debate about tomorrow except myself being honest about my position proportionately alive this rotation as any previous one I occupied time as me last 73 years since conceived and not born yet.

73 years ago my body was only in the second trimester fetus in the womb.
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19 May 2024 10:50 am
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golfboy » 14 May 2024, 6:29 pm » wrote: That's because I don't  have a brain.
StFU pedo 
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19 May 2024 11:45 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative.
1.  End the WOKE idiocy !
2.  End the attacks on Law Enforcement, and the WEAPON-IZATION of Government !
3.  Stop trying to Subvert and Divide America !
4.  MAKE Freedom and Security Job #1
(it will make the WORLD "MAYBE" believe we are SANE again)

5.  END the Department of Education... it's more a political arm now, than anything to do with "education" !
6.  GUT, RE-CONSTITUTE, and place CONTROLS on the FBI, CIA, and DOJ... THEY are CORRUPT !
7.  GUT, RE-CONSTITUTE, and place CONTROLS on entire UN-elected Deep State bureaucracy... THEY are also CORRUPT !
8.  End the Climate Change HOAX !
9.  Control the Southern border, deport all illegals, and end their FREE LUNCH... i.e. Education, Welfare, and Healthcare !
10.  RE authorize and empower OIL exploration and processing in America... authorize a federal tax on the production of American oil !
(It will be a beginning of TAKING BACK America, and ending STUPID spending)

How about THAT for a start !!   FURTHER cuts will be required, and a balanced budget re-instituted... BUT, it will be a start !!

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19 May 2024 11:46 am
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ConservativeWave » 19 May 2024, 11:45 am » wrote: FIRST:
1.  End the WOKE idiocy !
2.  End the attacks on Law Enforcement, and the WEAPON-IZATION of Government !
3.  Stop trying to Subvert and Divide America !
4.  MAKE Freedom and Security Job #1
(it will make the WORLD "MAYBE" believe we are SANE again)

5.  END the Department of Education... it's more a political arm now, than anything to do with "education" !
6.  GUT, RE-CONSTITUTE, and place CONTROLS on the FBI, CIA, and DOJ... THEY are CORRUPT !
7.  GUT, RE-CONSTITUTE, and place CONTROLS on entire UN-elected Deep State bureaucracy... THEY are also CORRUPT !
8.  End the Climate Change HOAX !
9.  Control the Southern border, deport all illegals, and end their FREE LUNCH... i.e. Education, Welfare, and Healthcare !
10.  RE authorize and empower OIL exploration and processing in America... authorize a federal tax on the production of American oil !
(It will be a beginning of TAKING BACK America, and ending STUPID spending)

How about THAT for a start !!   FURTHER cuts will be required, and a balanced budget re-instituted... BUT, it will be a start !!
Sp why do you guys run record debt everytime you're in office?
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19 May 2024 12:49 pm
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michaelf » 19 May 2024, 7:35 am » wrote: Of course the benefit greatly. Everybody who gets free **** at my expense benefits greatly. They shouldn't be collecting social security benefits!
Social security is not free, *******. It's paid for.
He's dead Jim!
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19 May 2024 1:03 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 19 May 2024, 11:46 am » wrote: Sp why do you guys run record debt everytime you're in office?
Who is it that's been running record debt for 12 out of the past 16 years, genius?
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19 May 2024 2:54 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 19 May 2024, 9:59 am » wrote: I just wish you're conservative leaders could actually cut spending instead of running up huge debt.
He's dead Jim!
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19 May 2024 3:55 pm
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Fuelman » 19 May 2024, 8:22 am » wrote: That's pretty harsh! A society that doesn't take care of the least among us is morally bankrupt.

I hope you never get to experience the need for help for elderly parents or in-laws who are at the point of needing Medicaid. You should probably let them know their *** will be on the street.
I didn't say there should be no help. I said that it shouldn't be social security. I'm 65 years old and have experienced all sorts of ****...namely having my earnings confiscated for the last 50 years only to be told that I might not get my full benefit.
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19 May 2024 4:00 pm
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murdock » 19 May 2024, 12:49 pm » wrote: Social security is not free, *******. It's paid for.

sorry there are "disabled" children collecting who are the childre of young parents (probably single parents) who never paid in or have paid very little...*******.
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19 May 2024 6:40 pm
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michaelf » 19 May 2024, 4:00 pm » wrote: sorry there are "disabled" children collecting who are the childre of young parents (probably single parents) who never paid in or have paid very little...*******.
People still paid for it you stupid son of a cocksucker! Grow a brain!
He's dead Jim!
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19 May 2024 7:03 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So let’s get creative.
The Money Laundering going to the Biden Crime Organization, members of Congress, Zelensky and Ukraine Oligarchs and it citizens collecting pensions from Americans, Any Funding going to Israel, Any money going to Illegal Aliens 
Buck Naked
19 May 2024 7:16 pm
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Bidencrimefamily » 14 May 2024, 6:59 am » wrote: I'm curious. 

I'm guessing the top would be welfare spending. 

Then social security and Medicare and Medicaid. 

That's the genaric answers i always get. 

So lets get creative.

cut spending 
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19 May 2024 9:43 pm
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murdock » 19 May 2024, 6:40 pm » wrote: People still paid for it you stupid son of a cocksucker! Grow a brain!

Everything is paid by somebody you idiot. Only those who paid enough into social security shoul collect benefits. You are dismissed now you stupid ****.
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20 May 2024 6:34 am
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Zeets2 » 14 May 2024, 7:24 am » wrote: Start by cutting every cent of the trillions that your idiot is throwing at the hoax of "climate change".
Then stop every nickel going to the corruption in Ukraine including the billions in weapons he's sent them.
Next, stop ALL federal money going to sanctuary cities and states WHICH ARE ILLEGAL.
And cut out the hundreds of billions he's spending on the illegals he's bringing into the country for their free smartphones, free food, free healthcare, free education, free hotel accommodations, and free travel around the country while sending planes to pick up even more illegals to bring them here.
And drop this idiotic idea to force taxpayers to pay the college loan debt of our deadbeat students.
And don't give a penny of the hundreds of millions he's sending TO SECURE THE BORDERS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, and Tunisia.

Let's see you defend those expenditure, moron!

Show me the numbers...or did the monkeys not howl them?

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20 May 2024 6:36 am
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Zeets2 » 14 May 2024, 7:35 am » wrote: Oh, so you're NOT attempting to defend the actions of the criminal pedophile you voted for and plan to vote for again?

Do you ALSO believe Biden is a good and moral person like your fellow liberal sycophant MM does?
Where are the numbers, Zeet?
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20 May 2024 12:59 pm
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michaelf » 19 May 2024, 9:43 pm » wrote: Everything is paid by somebody you idiot. Only those who paid enough into social security shoul collect benefits. You are dismissed now you stupid ****.
Suck my dick with your mother's asshole ya cock smoking ***! Dismiss that *** dick in your ***!
He's dead Jim!
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20 May 2024 2:38 pm
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murdock » 20 May 2024, 12:59 pm » wrote: Suck my dick with your mother's asshole ya cock smoking ***! Dismiss that *** dick in your ***!

No fair trying to impress us with your wit, LOL. Keep going bitch I think you almost have us convinced. 
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