Worst time in history to be born

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By LowIQTrash
18 May 2024 2:26 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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18 May 2024 5:28 pm
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Seriously...I think the soul is immortal and so there are an infinite number of ways that we could reappear as life forms. ...even as a  totally pampered dog ...!

I sure as **** would stick a fork in my eye if I reappeared as bidencrimefamily though....

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Deezer Shoove
18 May 2024 6:04 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 5:28 pm » wrote:   YIKES...!!!

Seriously...I think the soul is immortal and so there are an infinite number of ways that we could reappear as life forms. ...even as a  totally pampered dog ...!

I sure as **** would stick a fork in my eye if I reappeared as bidencrimefamily though....


Luckily I don't believe any of that. So, I'm good. :wave:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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18 May 2024 6:12 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 5:28 pm » wrote:   YIKES...!!!

Seriously...I think the soul is immortal and so there are an infinite number of ways that we could reappear as life forms. ...even as a  totally pampered dog ...!

I sure as **** would stick a fork in my eye if I reappeared as bidencrimefamily though....

My hopes are to come back as a girl's bicycle seat with the owner to the likes of a Paige Spiranac...



Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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18 May 2024 6:58 pm
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ROG62 » 18 May 2024, 6:12 pm » wrote: My hopes are to come back as a girl's bicycle seat with the owner to the likes of a Paige Spiranac...

Racism is realizing that Paige is not the same species as...... :rofl:  
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18 May 2024 7:10 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 6:58 pm » wrote: Racism is realizing that Paige is not the same species as...... Image  
You got that right...

Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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18 May 2024 8:11 pm
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ROG62 » 18 May 2024, 6:12 pm » wrote: My hopes are to come back as a girl's bicycle seat with the owner to the likes of a Paige Spiranac...



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18 May 2024 9:48 pm
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The very worst time to be born was way back in the ancient biblical times when Jewish rabbis used to do that oral circumcision...they must not have had any sharp tools...oh wait..oh jeeeeeze....https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/do ... rcumcision
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18 May 2024 10:24 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 9:48 pm » wrote: The very worst time to be born was way back in the ancient biblical times when Jewish rabbis used to do that oral circumcision...they must not have had any sharp tools...oh wait..oh jeeeeeze....https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/do ... rcumcision
Baby dick sucking for blood....

Bro, thats Zionism 101
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19 May 2024 1:11 am
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Sumela » 18 May 2024, 10:24 pm » wrote: Baby dick sucking for blood....

Bro, thats Zionism 101
Notice how the Jew TV Producers have made millions over the years ridiculing White Christian  Inbred / low IQ Hillbillies and Trailer Trash....yet not one single penny have they ever made from ridiculing their own animalistic rituals and customs.
In fact if you did produce a TV show that ridiculed the Jews they would  work 24 / 7 to have your project boycotted, accuse you of being a Nazi, etc.
There is no disputing this.

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19 May 2024 2:52 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 5:28 pm » wrote:   YIKES...!!!

Seriously...I think the soul is immortal and so there are an infinite number of ways that we could reappear as life forms. ...even as a  totally pampered dog ...!

I sure as **** would stick a fork in my eye if I reappeared as bidencrimefamily though....

So for the sake of reincarnated souls, whites should have lots and lots of babies? 

Imagine being (re)born as one of those minorities…

Or better yet, if you were Jewish, you MIGHT be able to live a comfortable life just cheating and lying your way through…
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19 May 2024 2:54 am
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DeezerShoove » 18 May 2024, 6:04 pm » wrote: Luckily I don't believe any of that. So, I'm good. Image
What do you believe then? Do we turn into worm or fish food and nothing happens after?

I am currently in the process of resurrecting faith.
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19 May 2024 4:41 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 18 May 2024, 5:28 pm » wrote:   YIKES...!!!

Seriously...I think the soul is immortal and so there are an infinite number of ways that we could reappear as life forms. ...even as a  totally pampered dog ...!

I sure as **** would stick a fork in my eye if I reappeared as bidencrimefamily though....

Yeah partying on the beach all week in Hawaii sucks. 

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31st Arrival
19 May 2024 6:54 am
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Every today has been yesterday's tomorrow since conceived. Every tomorrow was a completion of this rotation of the planet recording the total sum of evolving to the moment adapting to space happens now.

Mind over matter, symbolism over substance matters more than substance becoming everything adapting in the moment here occupying time universally present as total sum movements perpetually balancing into a new total sum left evolving here now spontaneously unique, simultaneously here as part of total sum evolution taking place this rotation of the planet life never stays what it became currently evolving.

Simple series parallel lightwaves expanding details in 7 degrees of specificity to each object proportionately part off the universe present and currently evolving lightwaves expand details same speed as electrical currents sustain contracting results never same total sum present in form or shape perpetually balancing as what does is the total sum present that doesn't create or destroy energy as objects of subjectivity become the subjects to objective goals tomorrow on intellectual planes of vernacular tribalism physically being performed on world staged social consensus events within every ancestral lineage of the same species learned that self deception honored cradle to grave every generation gap present enables a factual eternal hell and insanity of social justifications punishing anyone for not becoming a citizen of make believe life isn't self evidently evolving since arriving into space timed apart when reproductively here as replacing one's own 4 previous generation gaps to specific plant and animal numbers of predatory or prey nature, living as bodies ancestrally here this rotation.

Instinctive brain accountability facing every organized system of reasonable doubt imagined into every humanity is greater than each ancestor evolving this rotation.

God, country, community, ideology matter because everyone wants more time than simply adapting to this rotation conceived to decomposed.

Authority to defy the actual Natural World Order legislated morality, legality, ethical scenarios, economic values bartered ancestrally each generation gap became international law defining every excuse to believe life isn't self evident. First attempt to correct this was 101 generations ago.

Second attempt as less than a dozen in my ancestral lineage been part of that for last 8-10 generations. But New World Order corrupted that one again as evident even on this message board technology debunking relative time theory with basic instant communication within this atmosphere technology taps into specific gravity of 7 bands of light waves, 6 electrical currents each flowing their sole paths of least resistance spontaneously existing simultaneously here separating every universal object occupying time this rotation as it has everyone prior to now-here and no-here else possible for each unique ancestor present in the 5 ancestral lineages, 5 generation gaps of each 31st parallel arrival since conceived to replace their previous 4 generation gap ancestry of 30 unique people to each great great grandchild conceived, siblings born, those that did and didn't reproduce a next generation, the parents that did or didn't become grandparents, outlived their next generations of their ancestors left behind when died a specific rotation unique to their time lived uniquely alive each rotation evolving process continues this and every rotation so far.

cycles within cycles follow patterns of development never same total sum twice adapting as directly universally positioned now,. Called self evident in English Language arts institutional academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, social consensus, chain of command to people demanding every generation support reality or else rule of law morally, legally, ethically, socially can remove any ancestor alive from their specific translation life doesn't evolve in plain sight.
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Deezer Shoove
19 May 2024 7:10 am
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LowIQTrash » 19 May 2024, 2:54 am » wrote: What do you believe then? Do we turn into worm or fish food and nothing happens after?

I am currently in the process of resurrecting faith.
Mankind has been in search of The God Particle my entire life. I find it fascinating that we, that is, all of existence, appear to be made of non-solid energy. This would allow for the apparent fact that we may have come into being from a single point since "energy" doesn't take up space (ala Big Bang).

That said, I am more of the belief that everything is related and the old "one with the universe" notion seems to have some real validity.
My conscious time along the thread that represents the beginning to the end of eternity is but a spark, An instant.
It is basically irrelevant to all but me. My interaction, my meaning, reason for being is actually a mystery like everyone else.

Is there a god? I cannot deny there is nothing but energy. We don't even know why that energy exists or what it actually is. Electricity, magnetism, gravity. Incredibly mysterious. We use them, predict outcomes, manipulate their effects. But why does an electron or an entire planet have two poles opposite each other? We don't actually know. But that seems to be the engine that keeps it going...

That energy is part of me. And you, And a rock or a lightening bolt. That spark in eternity is all I am. Mankind feels it necessary to explain the unexplainable via religion to mitigate the fear of the unknown. Who am I to dispute any of that?

We're all part of a great mystery. I am trying to not squander my tiny bit whether or not there's more before and/or after. I can't fathom that there is more after I'm gone. Eternal soul based on my actions today? Seems quite unlikely. No, my tiny spark is very important to me and I feel that's enough.

Destiny is merely self-fulfilling prophecy. If we believe the world must end in a fireball, I guess we'll make sure that happens. The universe probably won't miss us.

Something like that...

Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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sooted up Cyndi
19 May 2024 7:53 am
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LowIQTrash » 19 May 2024, 2:54 am » wrote: What do you believe then? Do we turn into worm or fish food and nothing happens after?

I am currently in the process of resurrecting faith.
i believe this. Just like blades of grass in the field. They grow over summer- die in the winter.
But every spring those blades of grass pop up around each other again.
as peoples souls do. We keep popping up around each other over the eons.
Ever meet some people you have the feeling you know- or have known before? luv them or hate them- we all meet again.
so is there a Gawd? who knows. But never mock things we cant understand.
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19 May 2024 8:09 am
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Being wealthy right now is the best.
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19 May 2024 8:10 am
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ROG62 » 18 May 2024, 6:12 pm » wrote: My hopes are to come back as a girl's bicycle seat with the owner to the likes of a Paige Spiranac...



Not that I want to ruin your fantasy but have you thought about what could happen if you came back as the wrong bicycle seat..


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31st Arrival
19 May 2024 8:12 am
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Deezer Shoove » 19 May 2024, 7:10 am » wrote: Mankind has been in search of The God Particle my entire life. I find it fascinating that we, that is , all of existence, appears to be made of non-solid energy. This would allow for the apparent fact that we may have come into being from a single point since "energy" doesn't take up space (ala Big Bang).
Your entire ancestry's time lived separate generations gaps creating the dream state of mind now isn't eternity. Eternity is nothing more than the balancing point of universal positions being specifically here evolving into a new total sum every rotation this unique planet never creates same results twice this rotation evolution achieved the history of human behavior so far.

Choices made, ideas held sacred, lifetimes sacrificed their time evolving to believe life can exceed adapting here now.
Absolute power of suggesting life isn't self evident created every alternate reality, parallel dimensions, parallel universes, relative time living specifically alive since each origin of each great great grandchild is a 5th wave of new people arriving that never existed prior to this rotation still debating 6 degrees of separation on one horizontal planet separating 31 points of ancestry present accounting for every lifetime occupying space this rotation.

Again my avatar has 5 parallel vertical axises to one horizontal plane 4 corners are the universal constant of 3 generation since inception of ancestral lineages changing population each rotation never same results as before again.

that God element neve beyond the scope of how living perpetuates changes combined and limited to changing shape of those formed since a fertilized cell.
the geometry of evolving by the numbers, the geology of inorganic universal position of periodic elements eroding become the chemistry of life evolving in chain reactions to balancing between compounding chromosomes conceiving next generations of related ancestors occupying time inception to extinction conceived to decomposed proportionately here as the whole is equal to total sum of all its past, current events becomes next rotation today.

Eternal life is experienced adapting to the position everything never stays wha tit was since arrival changing forms shaped as ancestrally positioned now.

That simple and so easy to corrupt nobody remembers actual experience of just enjoying time never same results again. Not the human species' job to guard the universe from naturally positioned so far.

Honesty survives, corrupting ideas destroy the balances achieved naturally evolving here. Karma, reincarnation, life after death, all those beliefs are part of living never exceeds each adapting here now.
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Deezer Shoove
19 May 2024 8:17 am
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I really don't care about your stupid speculations.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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