Fuelman, here’s more confirmation of the “melt-up” that’s coming!

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By LowIQTrash
3 Aug 2024 1:10 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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3 Aug 2024 1:10 pm
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From a subreddit dedicated to employees:
Record profits, tax breaks, subsidies, government loans, etc. Yet these companies can't find a way to make jobs.
They’re just hoarding cash for stock buybacks.
Bingo. I work for a major corporation and they have done everything they can to cut employee wages and cost. Laid off well over 5k people last year. But had money for a stock buyback, 2 acquisitions of other companies, and record profits. Yet management has the nerve to tell us in meetings the company isn’t making enough money to justify higher pay.

Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else. The question is when will this be no longer viable and things come crashing down.
“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

:rofl:   :rofl:  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!
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3 Aug 2024 1:22 pm
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I went to target on a Saturday the line wrapped all around the store, no cashiers just the self scan line . Put all my **** in a corner and walked out in not rewarding this ****. Honestly reminded me of the days after Kmart declared bankruptcy. I guess the McKinsey boys are just telling everyone to run everything to **** to squeeze every penny out of their businesses.It’s like having a steady supply of beans rice and meat. Keeps you satisfied and some rich guy tells you to eat your leg so you can be really full. Retail experience is trash now
Corporate retard: We need a consultant.

McKinsey: Here we are.

Corporate retard: Tell us how to improve profitability.

McKinsey: Oh that’s simple. Raise prices for your goods (don’t worry about demand destruction, all your competitors are doing it), slash your labor force, automate some more, and make the remaining employees take on the responsibilities of those laid off.

Corporate retard: WOW, you’re such a genius!

McKinsey: I know. That’ll be $1,100/hr x 10 hours of work time + $2,000 travel/lodging expenses = $13,000. All for 1 day’s worth of work.


Conservative retard: If you work hard, someday you’ll be uh biLL-yuh-nair. 

3 Aug 2024 1:27 pm
Giant Slayer
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!

Have you watched the TV series "Billions?" It's on Amazon prime. It's a drama series about this kind of stuff. Not necessarily about corporations per say, but how the stocks are manipulated with all sorts of tricks. I think you would like it. I am on season 2, episode 5. 
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3 Aug 2024 1:36 pm
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!
Maybe if you owned a business, you'd understand how things work.
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3 Aug 2024 1:58 pm
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:22 pm » wrote: Corporate retard: We need a consultant.

McKinsey: Here we are.

Corporate retard: Tell us how to improve profitability.

McKinsey: Oh that’s simple. Raise prices for your goods (don’t worry about demand destruction, all your competitors are doing it), slash your labor force, automate some more, and make the remaining employees take on the responsibilities of those laid off.

Corporate retard: WOW, you’re such a genius!

McKinsey: I know. That’ll be $1,100/hr x 10 hours of work time + $2,000 travel/lodging expenses = $13,000. All for 1 day’s worth of work.


Conservative retard: If you work hard, someday you’ll be uh biLL-yuh-nair. 

So become McKinsey and STFU...problem solved...
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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3 Aug 2024 1:59 pm
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RebelGator » 03 Aug 2024, 1:36 pm » wrote: Maybe if you owned a business, you'd understand how things work.
Too much work....he'd rather be on here whining about rich folk...
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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3 Aug 2024 3:01 pm
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*Vegas » 03 Aug 2024, 1:27 pm » wrote: Have you watched the TV series "Billions?" It's on Amazon prime. It's a drama series about this kind of stuff. Not necessarily about corporations per se, but how the stocks are manipulated with all sorts of tricks. I think you would like it. I am on season 2, episode 5.
Nope, haven’t watched TV in months. I will check it out when I have time.
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3 Aug 2024 3:16 pm
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!
Sounds like everyday operations as it's been done for decades. These employees are free to give the boss a pink slip and fire his *** and find a better job that suits them.

You won't hear me complaining about stocks melting up, sounds like those running these corporations are doing their job for their investors. 

Some will take advantage of the opportunity, others won't. 

I can still have some sympathy for the wage slavers, been there done that, it's how you play the game along the way. I have fired every employer I've ever worked for. The American dream lives on if you aren't a victim.
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3 Aug 2024 9:18 pm
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!
CEOs. Get paid by how high their stock prices go. 

You dont hire more employees unless you sell more products. 

And that goes to the people having money. 

And these companies just keeo raising prices  and driving up profits and screwing the American people. 

And Trump says it's ok to do that. 

Trump really only cares if billionaires make more money. 

It's as simple as that. 

Buck Naked
4 Aug 2024 9:34 pm
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Aug 2024, 9:18 pm » wrote: CEOs. Get paid by how high their stock prices go. 

You dont hire more employees unless you sell more products. 

And that goes to the people having money. 

And these companies just keeo raising prices  and driving up profits and screwing the American people. 

And Trump says it's ok to do that. 

Trump really only cares if billionaires make more money. 

It's as simple as that.
Ok quit buying their goods!
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4 Aug 2024 10:17 pm
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Fuelman » 03 Aug 2024, 3:16 pm » wrote: Sounds like everyday operations as it's been done for decades. These employees are free to give the boss a pink slip and fire his *** and find a better job that suits them.

You won't hear me complaining about stocks melting up, sounds like those running these corporations are doing their job for their investors. 
Just to provide some historical context, there was a time not long ago when in order to get articles of incorporation, you had to show a public benefit. The very IDEA of an artificial entity existing as a golem only to enrich investors was anathema to conservative thought.

Just something to mull. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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5 Aug 2024 1:39 am
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Fuelman » 03 Aug 2024, 3:16 pm » wrote: Sounds like everyday operations as it's been done for decades. These employees are free to give the boss a pink slip and fire his *** and find a better job that suits them.

You won't hear me complaining about stocks melting up, sounds like those running these corporations are doing their job for their investors. 

Some will take advantage of the opportunity, others won't. 

I can still have some sympathy for the wage slavers, been there done that, it's how you play the game along the way. I have fired every employer I've ever worked for. The American dream lives on if you aren't a victim.
But first this crash  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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5 Aug 2024 1:56 am
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Fuelman » 03 Aug 2024, 3:16 pm » wrote: Sounds like everyday operations as it's been done for decades. These employees are free to give the boss a pink slip and fire his *** and find a better job that suits them.

You won't hear me complaining about stocks melting up, sounds like those running these corporations are doing their job for their investors. 

Some will take advantage of the opportunity, others won't. 

I can still have some sympathy for the wage slavers, been there done that, it's how you play the game along the way. I have fired every employer I've ever worked for. The American dream lives on if you aren't a victim.

Buying 6-12 month puts at 5400 = PROFIT (AFTER ACCOUNTING FOR THE THETA / DECAY ON PUTS)  Image  


I said a couple days ago I did NOT think VIX would hit my theoretical 40 target. Yet today, it just might! (or get very close like 37)


Buying opportunity of this year! Miners should 2x in about 5 months.
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5 Aug 2024 4:20 am
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!

Let me fill you in on something, DICKBREATH!!

Corporations DO NOT do "stock buybacks" when the PRICES FOR THEIR STOCK is high. PERIOD!!  It makes ZERO sense to do that since you are basically "buying the dividends" that you planned to pay and that means that OUTSTANDING STOCK gets a MUCH HIGHER PAYOUT per share when the Corporation buys back it's stock. Same money OUT, less in their pocket if they had bought it back at a LOWER PRICE!

So this entire **** "subreddit" is nothing but a bunch of STUPID WHINERS that would be making MORE MONEY if they got their asses busy and WORKING on their jobs instead of WHINING LIKE LITTLE **** about "we ain't getting any raises". RAISES COME when PRODUCTIVITY IS UP and quite obviously, these LOSERS are all about putting in time with as little production as they can do!!

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5 Aug 2024 5:30 am
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LowIQTrash » 03 Aug 2024, 1:10 pm » wrote: From a subreddit dedicated to employees:

“Everything these companies are doing at the moment is to pump up their stock price, they don’t care about anything else.”

Image   Image  The American Dream! StoNks to the mOoN!!!
All opinions...
5 Aug 2024 5:37 am
4,512 posts
Bidencrimefamily » 03 Aug 2024, 9:18 pm » wrote: CEOs. Get paid by how high their stock prices go. 

You dont hire more employees unless you sell more products. 

And that goes to the people having money. 

And these companies just keeo raising prices  and driving up profits and screwing the American people. 

And Trump says it's ok to do that. 

Trump really only cares if billionaires make more money. 

It's as simple as that.
It's called capitalism.
And when companies raise prices people shop around.

It's called competition and it's the best thing for capitalism.

YOu simply don't realize this.

By the way.....
Wasn't you just bragging how well the market was doing under Biden?

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5 Aug 2024 7:40 am
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LowIQTrash » 05 Aug 2024, 1:56 am » wrote: BY THE WAY, SP FUTURES POINT TO ~5200 AREA NOW.

Buying 6-12 month puts at 5400 = PROFIT (AFTER ACCOUNTING FOR THE THETA / DECAY ON PUTS)  Image  


I said a couple days ago I did NOT think VIX would hit my theoretical 40 target. Yet today, it just might! (or get very close like 37)


Buying opportunity of this year! Miners should 2x in about 5 months.
:clap:  There will be much hand wringing this week! The Fed is going to get hammered and Kamala will blame Trump.

This cycle may be just what you were waiting for, put that money on the line.(With caution of course)

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5 Aug 2024 7:42 am
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Cannonpointer » 04 Aug 2024, 10:17 pm » wrote: Just to provide some historical context, there was a time not long ago when in order to get articles of incorporation, you had to show a public benefit. The very IDEA of an artificial entity existing as a golem only to enrich investors was anathema to conservative thought.

Just something to mull.
And then human nature took over!  :ninja:  
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5 Aug 2024 7:59 am
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LowIQTrash » 05 Aug 2024, 1:39 am » wrote: But first this crash  Image   Image   Image   Image   Image
could this be the Crash Trump wanted to happen on Biden's clock. @maineman  got so bent out of shape he started a thread

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5 Aug 2024 10:32 am
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*Nucleus » 05 Aug 2024, 7:59 am » wrote: could this be the Crash Trump wanted to happen on Biden's clock. @maineman  got so bent out of shape he started a thread

10% is a correction, hardly a crash
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