What every ancestry needs to teach Each of their Great great grandchildren after birth

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31st Arrival
10 Aug 2024 9:06 am
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26,670 posts
Eternal life's forever plane of balancing between any 5 generation gaps in sequence is the grandparent generation. From inception of ancestral lineages day before yesterday until day after tomorrow when great great grandchildren aren't conceived again metaphors of each generation gap living uniquely here each heartbeat of everyone alive today.

where humanity went wrong promising better tomorrows by ignoring how evolving works daily, is the missing link created by people dreaming of how living could exist never accepting life doesn't exceed adapting here now.

Yes! it has always been this simple. To forgive is Divine, to regret keeps every great great grandchild blaming everyone else alive but their own ideas life isn't self evident.

Compounding nurtured minds saving humanity is the New World Order every generation gap forward now, today, ssdd doing the same thing over and over expecting better tomorrows wishing now isn't eternity.
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